How to legitimately stop tunneling and camping.
Unironically tho, there is a SWF group that DDoS's me everytime I match with them
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Every time someone says something about tunneling or camping on this forum, you all blast them. And there's many post on here you all told me get better it stops I did. It didn't I just want it gone. The problem is when I was yellow ranks these killers were coming up with me. But you all encourage them to keep up good work and nice job do tunneling went from taboo to a strategy.
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This is the only game I play has been for years and same thing survivors are wrong killers are right if I tunnel you it's cause I deserve it if I camp you you must deserve it cause the fact that you guys sit alone n your basement and get mad because two gens pop and you got 0 hooks has nothing to do with it.
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I blast them, as you so eloquently put it, because I believe in tough love. You will NEVER get better at this game until you own your failures. That's right, I said failures. We all jump to take credit when we kick butt, but never show the same enthusiasm when we fail. You get better at this game (all games) by knowing your weaknesses even better than your strengths. You don't shy away from them. You don't scapegoat the game or others. You acknowledge that you have a problem, and you start to work on mitigating or beating it.
When I see posts like yours, I see a kid floundering in the deep end of the pool that doesn't know how to swim. I step in and sternly tell them to RELAX and give suggestions on how to improve. People either ignore me and drown, or they listen to me (and many others like me) and start to dog paddle and eventually swim like champs. That is your choice too. Do you want to get good, or do you just enjoy ranting over here? Lots of people enjoy ranting; is that your thing? Me? I enjoy playing the game. Contrary to the evidence, I don't enjoy these posts. I do it out a sick sense of obligation. If you get better, the overall number of players get better, and I get better games.
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It really isn't about whether you deserve it or not.
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It’s funny watching folks ignore or try and twist moonshrouds words. He quite logical and puts his arguments together quite well. I think similar to him but lack his ability to put it to word.
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I just call things how I see them.
I suppose people think I have decent takes.
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one of my favorite movies and a perfect quote for this topic.
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bring decisive strike and tunneling wont be a big issue. its almost a necessity if you are playing solo queue
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If this is the only game you have played for years, and still sound and act like a Potato... I have nothing to offer you that can help you.
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Why lie to people then tell them the truth look people dbd you will be tunneled and camped every day for the majority of the game . It is not because we as a community could just stop doing it it is cause we are a bunch of killers who enjoy bullying cause tunneling you to death is easy and we will consider this that use to be punished and frowned upon into a stragey not cause we as killers are good maybe we are I don't know.It is outta utter laziness.Killing takes no skill at all it could but that's pointless when there's an easier route just tunnel your first hook to death. And kill them quick slug use deer stalker let one survivor up so he can get the other survivors up tunnel second to death and why waste your time kicking those things with lights. There useless kill everyone as fast as possible survivors have no fun.
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Until they follow you right after they hit you cause there mad about ds or slug you until ds runs out
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Did I ask for your help no I ask you to stay away from hooks unless your carrying survivor.
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i usually have ds paired up with sprint burst which makes me vanish as soon as i get off. i also pair it with tenacity so im guaranteed to escape
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Killers don't want tunneling gone, Cause it takes actual skill to not tunnel.
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Thought this might help, spent some time looking for it. Tunneling is not cheating.
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I beg to differ. Your posts here are a cry for help. You may not think so, but everyone who has answered you does. All the kind people who have tried to help you, can hear the distress in your voice. If you don't want us to rush to your rescue, don't play the damsel in distress. You may think you are are being righteous and calling out some injustice, but you aren't in fact doing that. You are telegraphing to all of us who know how to play the game that you DO NOT... that you need help... that you want to do better. You just don't know how to get there.
I'm going to be brutally honest with you now. I don't believe your claim that you have been playing this game regularly for years. It is clear from what you say that isn't true. You need a reality check. The DEV have already stated, many times, that Tunneling and Camping are legitimate tactics in this game. They aren't going to change anything for you. Other Players (both Survivor and Killer) are going to play the way they are going to play. You have no power over them. The only thing you can affect directly is your OWN play style. That is where you can get a return on your time.
There is such a thing as a CUSTOM GAME where you and your friends (or people of like mind) can get together and set any rules you want for one another. All the Perks and Add-on(s) available to earn in the regular Que are unlocked entirely for you there. The only limit is what you and yours set. Go play. You can have the games exactly the way you and yours want them. Do you see where I'm going with this?
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Nice I use to use ds all the time but I replaced it for ironwill ds idoesn't last long enough and I love lithe but thanks I'll keep it mind.
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Ask my first post was about killing with huntress like three years ago lol wow killing is to easy and making it hard on my friends and me for wondering ######### or why are you coming back to the hook cause gens are to hard to patrol
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July 2019 is ghost face op is one of my book marked discussions
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So yes I have and you legitimately believe that tunneling is a legit stragey that it don't happen all the time you probably don't play on console
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My first games of DbD were in July of 2016. I didn't care for the game and moved on. That doesn't count for me either. :) Consistent, regular play is the only thing that matters, and in that I didn't start until last year. In that time, I've come to enjoy the game and racked in countless matches and a lot of hours. Time in the field, paying one's dues is the only way to get better at this game.
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I play on console cause I am not good with a mouse prefer controllers
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Then perhaps you'll be more inclined to listen to me, as I am a very outspoken Console player.
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Wow 2 consoles and s comp play on two systems regular comp not so much been rank three at some point but solid purple rank. I just don't see how any sensible person can defend tunneling
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I play every day though
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That's what I saying you think tunneling wrong you must be new I truthfully think your a skilless killer who needs tunneling or you would be n green ranks
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git gud
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Fair enough.
I've been stuck at Rank 1 for two years as both Killer and Survivor.
Sometimes, I'll tunnel for pressure. Other times, I'll tunnel to tilt the other player. Oft times, I'll do it to eat DS early.
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Can you say that again.
I couldn't quite understand that, apologies.
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It is not cheating it is in fact a really good strategy. When I manage to kill someone after 2 gens I have a big chance to win the game because of that. People who complain about tunneling are the ones who can't loop. Period. Tunneling is even good for survivors. When someone gets tunneled that means the killer has no gen pressure, 2 people work on gens and the unhooker can also find a gen. Tunneling needs to stay and people just need to be better at looping. People always look at the down sides and not why killers are doing this in the first place.
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Sorry work is very distracting sometimes. How many people actually run ds n red ranks I am sure there might be 4 so there's that. And you admit to tunneling how many times do you guys say oh red ranks it will end get there. And the only difference is the tunnelers are better. And the camping is more stealthy. There just better at a broken mechanic. And play survivor on a console. And you and anyone that doubts it is an issue will see just how much of one it is.
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That's why I am mad you all lied to me .
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I do play on Console. You can come watch me stream if you like.
A LOT of people run DS. It's in near 100% of my matches.
I'm always in Red Ranks. I haven't left it in two years as Survivor or Killer.
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All yeah the same name that's here is my xbox account check my hours you will see. I just am mad that you all lied to me this tunneling and camping never ends .and maybe you are good at the game and bif you are both rank 1 killer and sur congrats I'm sure you didn't tunnel once two get there.
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This is the same name on my xbox account check my hours
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It is and you know it
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It literally says right there that it isn't. That's a dev who posted that.
@Gcarrara Just for the sake of my sanity, do you think you can confirm for me and @Tillablerhino44 that tunneling isn't cheating?
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Most are doing it cause they can. And are encouraged to .Buy people like you
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He hates survivors as well.
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I highly doubt that.
You haven't even heard their opinion yet.
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Why is it so important to you that I believe you are a long time player? That would be worse you know, right? It would mean after all this time you still speak and act like a Potato. That would be pathetic. There is no shame in being new, and not knowing enough yet. We ALL start that way. There WOULD be shame in being around for years and years and still not being able to deal with tunneling.
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I cannot. Your profile is private.
I did look at your game clips tho. Waiting at pallets? Not looking behind you, at all?
Not good signs.
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No I don't how long did it take two get rid of one hook moris
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I keep everything private message me I'll friend you when I get home
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And that death slinger escape was amazing
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To be honest, at this point all I can say is: I think you are not as good as you think you are.
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I never said in the greatest or the worst I just think people that tunnel honestly believe there good and there trash.