This game is the single most frustrating unejoyable experience out of any playable games currently.



  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,134

    If you look at my other posts,you'd know I think of myself as an average Survivor.

    I just know my role. Until I am getting chased, I'm on a gen.

  • VispeR
    VispeR Member Posts: 39
    edited March 2021

    devs can add more communication between teammates, not like chat or voice chat brrrr. just more information, symbols on u r icon when u r doing gen or something like that. Or prepared commands like "go save" "do gen" something like that. idc just random thoughts.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    I feel randoms should just get better and the devs can focus on other issues. Like the various bugs.

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662
    edited March 2021

    I feel the same way. Solo queue is awful.

    I've had maybe 1 good survivor today when playing solo queue. I watched one of my fellow survivor stream back (bear in mind I am rank 1) and they:

    Didn't realize the map they were on didn't have a main building. They don't look behind them in a chase. The first pallet they pulled down was the shack pallet in which they camped for 5 seconds before pulling down. They camped every pallet in this way. They wasted 5 mins looking for hatch to escape via a key... when there was still 4 survivors left and 2 gens.

    Other teammate crouched behind trees around the corners of the map.

    The main reason I win games in solo queue is because either A the killer chases me for long periods or B the killer is also terrible.

    This shouldn't be the case at red ranks! Now I know this is a bit of a rant but this is the case every single game. I go into lobbies and stare at default skinned players in dread. Knowing that if the killer isn't equally Pepega we've lost for sure. Or I cheap out with a hatch escape.

    In a week or 2 I'll have had enough of this cycle and take another break, probably. But at least I'm lucky I usually have my brother to play dbd with.

  • CustomerService
    CustomerService Member Posts: 479

    Which is why solos need different kind of conditions compared to SWF. And the ranking system needs to be completely overhauled, so those Claudettes who touch 1 generator, farm 1 person, break 2 bones and then hide for hatch keep deranking into oblivion and stay at rank 20 where they belong. Rank needs to actually mean something.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    I sort of made a post like this. I find this game is the only one that makes me yell at my system and tv with anger. Solo Survivor is very frustrating. It is rare to get more than 1 capable player. Most games I get 1 okay and 2 who I guess never seen or heard of the game and never took 2 minutes to read anything. I also get entire games where I am the only survivor with perks because I guess the others do not know even at level 1 they can pick 1 perk.

    Then you have the survivors who forget the hatch exist. I had a survivor who not only lead the killer to me as I was doing the last gen but then let me die after blocking the window and the killer grabbed me. He ran back looked at my key and left it then no joke ran PAST the WIDE OPEN hatch. I could hear it soooooo LOUDLY but I guess just like most survivors they think hiding in the corner is how they win.

    Then you got the survivors who insist on running EVERY PLACE! Oh is that a teammate over there hiding because the killer is coming let me not only run to them BUT run in circles and quickly jump something and hide with them. Oh no how did the killer find us!

    I agree though Solo survivor is HORRIBLE and sucks donkey balls but not impossible but damn near close to it. I have seen a game and this is my most favorite memory of solo survivor where a team member could have helped but did nothing. I was already dead but manage to finish the last gen. Well I was watching because I like to see who gets out and well the Dwight runs to the gate and no joke stops and looks and starts dry humping the SUPER WELL LIT NOED TOTEM. Well as he debates what to do while looking at it a survivor goes down and I mean so far away Dwight could have done two totems and got out before the killer got to him. What does he do instead.....he leaves the totem lit and leaves. I had to take another long break after seeing this because I just did not grasp that decision. He could have cleansed the totem even just for the points and then let the team member die or given the third member a chance to save them but nope just left.

    I also see this in solo survivor. When someone is hooked either the entire team tries to rescue them or no one does. Then you have the teammates who think running up while the killer is right there and unhooking you will work out well and ends up with loss points for everyone because it is a unsafe rescue.

    Anyway yeah solo survivor stinks but not impossible just tough and makes you want to scream at times. lol Good luck and hope you have better luck than I do. =)

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    Just letting you know I could be wrong but there is a way to tell who is being chased without a perk. I have noticed their picture lights up when the killer is after them or in the way of the obsession the things around the picture start moving and the picture lights up. Just wanted to try and help. =)

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    Way to add to a conversation. You must be a ball at parties. As much as they could "Leave" as you say you could also SCROLL PAST a topic that you do not like. =) Good Day mam.

  • CustomerService
    CustomerService Member Posts: 479

    Best you can do with posts that add nothing to the conversation is ignoring them. Flag and reports the insults, ignore messages like this one. They get bored when nobody pays attention to them and go annoy somebody else.

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035
    edited March 2021

    Scroll past a game you don't like, and dodge the whole forum while your at it. If we're talking about who we are at parties, your the guy who $#!t's in the punchbowl

    Post edited by Exerath1992 on
  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    solo queue sucks but i wouldnt say its unplayable. most of your games are going to be tunnelers & useless teammates but occasionally youll run into some godlike survivors and a killer who isnt a total sweatbag. the biggest issue i have with solo queue red ranks is the fact that pipping is really stressful. you dont know when you have done enough and approximating it is difficult. suicides on the hook? no pip. Tunneled all game and dont have the time to do any other actions? depip. i really wish maxing out in one of these actions would guarantee a safe pip at least.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    Trust me Ruin has been buffed, not nerfed. I'd much rather have the old Ruin back, than have to deal with the new Ruin.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Yes, the ranking system needs to be thrown out and redone. There are too many "red" survivors that shouldn't have left green ranks.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,878

    Then leave. Nobody's forcing you to play.

    The unfortunate thing about DBD is that fun is directly correlated with skill. I suck at survivor, which is why I get to red ranks and then go play killer, which I am much, much better at. There are many good survivor mains, much better than you and I, who can escape with red ranks. It's just the issue of too broad skill sets; there is a very large range of skill at rank 1. The sweaty tryhards who can win against 4 man SWF's no matter what, and the baby pigs who ambush into walls.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    Valid point and I was just as bad as they were. I think I was to tired and let the troll get to me. Thank you for the kind suggestion. =)

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    I am very confused about your response. You start off kind of rude and mean but then with a nice point afterwards. Aside from the normal DUH JUST LEAVE THEN response the rest of your post is good. I agree with most of it. I also think people are missing the posters point. He does not I think overall hate the game but probably hates what the rest of us solo players do. When we get fellow teammates who either do nothing or just seem to refuse to play and in the end THEY should be the ones to leave. I would rather have someone wanting to learn and try on my solo survivor team then the forever NOOB player who forgets perks exist and thinks dry humping the corner is the way to win. lol

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    Dang right! I also laugh while you fill your mouth with that punch because then you have more crap to spew out. At least with you there at the party we have no need for a clown because they are already there. =)

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035
  • OddProvidence
    OddProvidence Member Posts: 45

    Solo que is definitely the toughest way to play this game. Play with some decent friends if you feel like continuing the game. I used to share your sentiment until I got to a point where regardless of what my other team mates do, even if they do nothing I still have good long chases every game and that’s honestly why I play. I don’t really care about escaping these days.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,878

    Well I don’t see what’s so confusing about me stating simple fact after simple fact. If he doesn’t like the game, leave. I can get where he’s coming from but the game is a subjective experience and he can pick up the controller for any other game he wants.

    And yes, solo queue is the tenth ring of hell but apparently I have enough good karma to occasionally get good teammates.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,645

    This game cannot be the single most frustrating and unenjoyable experience. League of Legends and Overwatch exist.

    Jokes aside, solo queue is a nightmare and emblems need a bit of reworking. Some killer emblems are too unforgiving, while survivors rank up too quickly and easily, creating this general bog around rank 4/5 where half the survivors think it's a good idea to unhook someone 2 seconds away from the killer, without BT or DS.

  • CustomerService
    CustomerService Member Posts: 479
    edited March 2021

    Precisely. I think a substantial part of the problem is emblems and raking system. To play killer you kinda have to tryhard and sweat whereas for survivor you can breeze through the ranks as long as you're not AFK. This creates huge tryhards vs incompetent actual rank 15 disguised as rank 4s.