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Survivors Silent on Ground Been in Game for 1+ Year

The bug where survivors sometimes become completely silent on the ground has been in the game for over a year, and yes I know it's been reported multiple times, but the earliest report of it I could find was in January of 2020 and it has not been fixed. I encounter this bug quite often but here is a recent occurence of it from a streamer:
There is no known way to reliably reproduce it, it just seems that there is a small chance a survivor will be silent if you down them. I don't want to sound rude, but this bug has been in the game for more than 1 year and 3 months and there should at least be some kind of response as to why it hasn't been fixed. Sound is incredibly important to DBD and any sound bug should be a priority fix.
I mean this isn't even really a bug at this point, this is more so now a feature to the game.
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It's just baffling how so many minor bugs are fixed each patch but a major one which has been known for over a year has not been fixed. If a survivor crawls into some random bush on Dead Dawg Saloon to take game hostage you will never find them unless you check every bush.
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It hasn't been fixed because it is primarily to the detriment of killers. If survivors are in the situation, and want to NOT hold up the game, they can choose to just get crows. Killers can keep getting shafted.
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Are you sure they're not running iron will?
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What do want the survivor to do? Crawl into your hands?
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Iron Will does not cover your "downed on ground" sounds, you can test it yourself. And no, Iron Will was never supposed to cover that. And to your other frankly stupid comment, survivors are supposed to make noise on the ground so you can locate them.
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Yeah it is most popular bug. I don't know why dev don't fix it.
Sometimes, it can make game boring because last survivor hides without any sound with bug.
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Here we are in March 2022, still happening, still Pending.
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And many Times the survivor has many crows but the Killer dont get the notification.
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Wow, it's been A YEAR since this bug hasn't been fixed?
WOW. 👀
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To be fair this patch a lot of bugs have been fixed, but this is an important one and has been in the game god knows since when.