Just give Trickster 115% move speed

He's so bad and on top of all that he's slow as molasses.
Like he's clearly in shape and not a hulking behemoth, why does he move so slow?
You don't even have to buff his pathetic power, just make him move faster so when people realize his power is useless they can just M1 people like a normal killer
I mean then you just turn him into an M1 Killer that has no reason to ever use his knives. I think his power needs to be more powerful. Ricochet base kit would be a good start, followed by reducing the amount of knives it takes. Maybe make survivors perform an action to actually recover from knife wounds.
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they can be more creative
i say an idea where in his power trickster can dash a short distance the direction he's moving obviously with a cooldown i thought that was pretty good.
But even with that his power is just too weak.
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This doesn't solve the core issue that his power is weak.
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Every other ranged killer is 110 because their power counters basic tiles to a degree, they have their power some of the time (Plauge), or their range is very limited (PH). Trickster just hits them with a knife or two and they keep running as if nothing happened. There's absolutely zero reason for this killer to be 110.
Like at a jungle gym, Huntress can sneak a hatchet in. Slinger is a god at windows. Trickster just gets laceration ticks before the survivor breaks LOS again. 110 on Trickster is baffling.
What possible gameplay/mechanical issue does his power present that necessitates 110? If the power is this weak at 110, and it would be too OP at 115, maybe....it doesn't work and shouldn't have gone this far? Why on earth would you play this killer?
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The devs like being creative and have shown their distaste for what they call bandaid patches that only buff a killers stats to make them better rather then actual changes to improve their game play.
I doubt they will do anything to his movement speed or the amount of blades it takes to down someone.
The second issue is figuring out a good way to buff him that isn't underwhelming but also not OP with the addition of making sure there aren't bugs.
I personally think one of the main issues is main event as it's situational and doesn't actually do much for The Trickster especially with the recoil which I personally think is not needed at all.
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That's already the case. He's an M1 killer with 110% speed.
Some games that use heroes/characters throw one in that is intentionally underpowered so that players that want to torture themselves with a ridiculously hard challenge can do so. I guess Trickster is the killer for that.