Fast track - flaw in design + current bug

Trickster is awesome when it comes to theme and design, but absolute crap when it comes to lethality, nothing changed since ptb.

My issue here is with new survivor perk - fast track. It is bugged at the moment and is slightly flawed in general in my opinion. Perk is supposed to get stacks every time other survivor is hooked - this feature seems to not work when survivor is getting hooked while you are faced with skill check (happened to me literally minutes ago).

Design of the perk - I like that it's effect is rather minor, but with potential to be crutch... but getting stacks whenever surivor is hooked and not whenever hook state is progressed is unhealthy design.

Right now this perk only punishes killer who plays 'fair' (Hook, go for another person, hook, go for another person). In my opinion it should get stacks whenever hook state is progressed (via mori, cage, trap, just time spent on the hook, hooking itself). The benefit is small enough to not be broken while the perk will not be useless against killer who camp, tunnel ect.

If anything, all perks in game should reward killer for playing for multiple hooks, not the opposite.