QoL: Hex Perks

- Advanced apologies for the word vomit
This is an idea that would extend the life of all hex totems and make all hex perks more worth while. Increases the time to cleanse a Dull Totem to 15 seconds (was 14 seconds). Doubles the time to cleanse a Hex Totem (30 seconds). The second idea is to split all Hex Perks into 2 effects: permanent and temporary. The permanent effect would be just like every other perk, where the effect lasts the whole match and is not dependent on a hex totem to gain that benefit. The temporary (or hex) effect will only last until the associated hex totem is cleansed.
- The false hope of Survivors ignites your hunger, granting a 5/6/7% speed burst for 15 seconds after hooking a Survivor. Speed burst triggers 10 seconds after hooking a survivor.
- A Hex rooting its power on hope. When a Survivor is rescued from a hook at least 24 meters away, the Hex Totem gains a token. At 5 tokens, grants the ability to kill Survivors by your own hand.
- The Hex effect persists as long as the related Hex Totem is standing.
Notice for Devour Hope - when 5 tokens are acquired. The Exposed Status Effect was removed to give less notice to the survivors of the Hex's existence and to give the Hex a surprise effect when the Killer starts killing survivors by their own hand.
- No other changes needed for this perk.
- Your hunt is an irresistible song of dread which muddles your prey's attention. Survivors receive a 2/4/6% regression penalty when missing any Skill Check.
- A Hex rooting its power in despair. Each time a survivor is hooked, the Hex Totem gains a token. Each token shortens the time between the Skill Check warning sound and the Skill Check by 20%.
- The Hex effect persists as long as the related Hex Totem is standing.
Notice for Huntress' Lullaby - the first skill check after someone has been hooked.
- You are animated by power when the Survivors are on the verge of escaping. Once the Exit Gates are powered, your Movement Speed is increased by 2/3/4%.
- A Hex rooting its power on confidence. Once the Exit Gates are powered, if there is a Dull Totem remaining on the Map, this Hex is applied to it. While this Hex is active, Survivors suffer from the Exposed Status Effect.
- The Hex effect persists as long as the related Hex Totem is standing.
Notice for No One Escapes Death - once the Exit Gates are powered.
HEX: RUIN renamed RUIN
- You are determined to prevent the Survivors from repairing Generators. Survivors suffer from a 4/5/6% speed penalty while repairing Generators.
- A Hex rooting its power on skill. Causes Good Skill Checks to result in 5% regression on the Generator and Great Skill Checks grant 0% in progression.
- The Hex effect persists as long as the related Hex Totem is standing.
Notice for Ruin - the first skill check while repairing a Generator.
- You are determined to be the only person with true sight. Increases your Aura reading range by 6/8/10 meters.
- A Hex rooting its power on sight. Hitting a Survivor while the Hex Totem is active reduces the effectiveness of their Aura reading ability by 100%.
- The Hex effect persists as long as the related Hex Totem is standing.
Notice for The Third Seal - when hit by the Killer.
- Your meticulous care for your totems gives them strength. Gain an auditory notification when someone starts working on a Totem. Survivor's cleansing speed is reduced by 7/14/21%. For each Totem left standing at the end of the trial, gain a 20% stackable Bonus to Bloodpoints gained in the Hunting Category.
- The Bonus Bloodpoints are only awarded post-trial.
Totems: 14 seconds (default)
1 Token: + 0.84 seconds (Tier I), + 1.12 seconds (Tier II), +1.4 seconds (Tier III)
2 Tokens: + 1.68 seconds (Tier I), + 2.24 seconds (Tier II), + 2.8 seconds (Tier III)
3 Tokens: + 2.52 seconds (Tier I), + 3.36 seconds (Tier II), + 4.2 seconds (Tier III)
4 Tokens: +3.36 seconds (Tier I), + 4.48 seconds (Tier II), + 5.6 seconds (Tier III)
5 Tokens: + 4.2 seconds (Tier I), + 5.6 seconds (Tier II), + 7 seconds (Tier III)
Dull Totem: 15 seconds (new default), +1.05 seconds (Tier I), + 2.1 seconds (Tier II), +3.15 seconds (Tier III).
Hex Totem: 30 seconds (new default), +2.1 seconds (Tier I), +4.2 seconds (Tier II), +6.3 seconds (Tier III).
Lowrank survivors already struggle heavily with ruin, this would make ruin basically an i-win perk for killers that depip on purpose to have those already easy games.
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@MhhBurgers said:
Lowrank survivors already struggle heavily with ruin, this would make ruin basically an i-win perk for killers that depip on purpose to have those already easy games.Something that has been brought up several times in the forums is that games are going by too quickly, and several people (killer and survivor mains alike) have suggested ways to make the game last longer. If low rank survivors are struggling with Ruin, they can always try to find the Hex and destroy it, making the skill checks easier. The values I put for slowing generator progression only adds 3-5 seconds to the overall repair time, so it's hardly a game changer.
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tbh I'd rework ruin, it doesn't do jackshit against highrank survivors and ######### over lowrank survivors to the point where they cannot progress the gens.
I'd make ruin slow down the progress of several people on 1 gen by 50% flat for each additional survivor, so 4 survivors working on a gen would only do it in half the time it'd take them, great skillchecks wouldn't give bonus progression and halt genprogress for 1 sec, normal skillchecks would not decrease progression but halt genprogress for 2 secs. This way the perk counters survivors being able to rush a gen with a group and the difference between a great survivor and a small one wouldn't be as high.
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@MhhBurgers said:
tbh I'd rework ruin, it doesn't do jackshit against highrank survivors and ######### over lowrank survivors to the point where they cannot progress the gens.I'd make ruin slow down the progress of several people on 1 gen by 50% flat for each additional survivor, so 4 survivors working on a gen would only do it in half the time it'd take them, great skillchecks wouldn't give bonus progression and halt genprogress for 1 sec, normal skillchecks would not decrease progression but halt genprogress for 2 secs. This way the perk counters survivors being able to rush a gen with a group and the difference between a great survivor and a small one wouldn't be as high.
I have a few unrefined ideas, but I'll wait until more people start commenting with their ideas, so I can effectively refine them.
Other than that, what do you think of all the other ideas?
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I'd probably give the killer the passive of the perk once the hextotem is cleansed. Otherwise with your idea they'd just be better perks than most others. 10m aura reading? Combine that with NC and M&A on things like myers/spirit etc. Ruin's passive is straight up better than thanatophobia unless you run into SCless survivors.
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I don't think Ruin should get a buff like this, but I do think it should be changed so it actually can slow the game down in higher ranks while making it not so much of a low rank stomper. Turning Ruin into a generator progress slow (somewhere around 15%, with your passive it'd be 21%) would pretty much solve that. Low rank survivors wouldn't need to hit great skill checks like crazy and high rank survivors wouldn't be able to just hit greats and render the perk useless. Win-win.
Great idea on the passive effects though. I like them a lot. Some numbers probably need tweaking, but the general idea is nice.
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@MhhBurgers said:
Lowrank survivors already struggle heavily with ruin, this would make ruin basically an i-win perk for killers that depip on purpose to have those already easy games.It boils down to the question whether you want to balance the game around low ranks or high ranks. At the moment, the devs balance the game around casual players