What’s with all the ALL-KILL hate?



  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891

    Trickster needs buffs badly.

    I will say that I've found that the most effective way to play him is to literally just hold down the knife button and spam like he has an SMG.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    The fact the announcement of this chapter got a lot of attraction with loads of lunatics excited like kids at Christmas...only for the killer to be a huge, ineffective disappointment:

    I find that highly satisfying.

  • kate_best_girl
    kate_best_girl Member Posts: 2,184

    I mean I never said this is the only reason to like the chapter but okay ignore everything else

  • kate_best_girl
    kate_best_girl Member Posts: 2,184

    Well for starters you don’t just try and knife everytime someone’s going to a vault or pallet you sometimes try to fake it which you can’t do with huntress btw. He plays more like a Pyramid Head huntress duo than he does a flat out death slinger or flat out huntress. You keep mentioning “8 hits!” But ignore his quick fire rate and how he can get those hits in about 3-4 seconds if he lands his blades properly.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    You give this killer way too much credit..release legion was stronger..the twins were even better while bugged

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    Go to rank 1.

    Play Trickster to get the adept trophy.

    You'll understand.

  • FaceCampinBuba
    FaceCampinBuba Member Posts: 50

    It's to early to say how good the trickster really is.. Learn how to play him and he'll be great just like every other killer. Im thankful for the refreshment

    ILUXIPHER Member Posts: 3

    We can all agree the devs did a good job on the whole aesthetic of this chapter. BUT to say he's B-TIER or a GOOD killer is simply untrue. He does not down faster at long range then an average huntress or deathslinger. No. He doesn't. Not even close. 16 knives to down from full health mam. His POWER "The main event" is very underwhelming. It's a charge up activation ability that appears and disappears if not used within the short amount of time that it gives you to do so which is one of the many important things this 110% base movement speed killer needs to snowball and actually have some incentive to want to use his power. ALL 110% base movement speed killers have MASSIVE incentive to use there power. Because it's not the always the movement speed that's gonna make the difference between a 0k and a 4k for 110% killers it's how well they utilize there powers. Huntress two hatchet throws short cooldown down. deathslinger shoot hit cooldown reload shoot down. Hag strategically placed traps placed across or in a specific area of the map that she can INSTANTLY teleport to when within range. Spirit phase walk makes ALOT of loops extremely tricky and can turn even god pallets into a 50/50 if you're camping the pallet which is sometimes the best decision to make against a good spirit as well as traverse the map and make good ambush attacks on unsuspecting survivors. Like compare all those killers powers to the Tricksters power. He can't out mind game a survivor a couple times and get a quick down like any of these killers mentioned prior UNLESS he uses his basic attack AT 110% MOVEMENT SPEED. I've been playing dead by daylight on PS4 since the game came out on console and I assure you there is not a single 110 killer that's gonna win the match chasing me without there power. JUST me. Trickster needs MORE. First of all, He needs an on demand activation ability similar to Michael so he has potential to snowball if he catches multiple survivors outpositioned. His meter should build as he lands throwing knife attacks across the board for all survivors. His base movement should be 115 and his movement speed when he's throwing the knives should be increased as well in main event. He should do DOUBLE damage in main event. And if you want some spice in the mix allow him to vault in main event he IS the trickster after all he SHOULD have some decent tricks up his sleeve. It's literally like every. Single. Killer. He's similar to or the devs have taken ideas from to make the trickster he's just the bad version of every version of every killer he's related to. That's not being harsh or a hater. That's just the simple truth. The only thing he's really got going for him is the small terror radius. And the unsafe loops for projectile killers. Even some are more so unsafe with the trickster in particular. But that's not enough. I've played all day since the trickster was released and I steamrolled every last one of them no exaggeration. But back to my point prior.

    Michael - on demand instadown activation ability plus interaction buff plus lunge buff.

    Ghostface - on demand no terror radius after cooldown. Instadown ability. Can crouch for extra spice in mind games.

    Huntress - 2 hatchets to down. Short cooldown after hatchet throws. Can throw as FAR as she wants WITH precision skillcap.

    Deathslinger - rapid fake with ads. A gun that has to be juked PREDICTIVELY

    Plague - potential for a "Broken" team/ instadown if survivor(s) don't cleanse and if they DO she has an extremely powerful projectile ability. Game slowdown with cleansing if it does occur.

    All the trickster related killers listed above also have good if not great snowball potential.

    But also, one has to ask themselves why would I want to play trickster over these killers. The only reason I can think of is the breath of fresh air from the killer being new. He looks aesthetically great imo. Projectile killer mains looking to try new projectile killers. Just an underwhelming hybrid of a killer. He's not better than any of the killers I listed up above overall. Every body with a reputable sense of game knowledge and experience in dbd is very outspoken about how underpowered this killer is (streamers and influencers in particular) throughout the entire ptb and before he was officially released all the videos for the most part on YouTube were from 3 weeks ago! When the trickster was first released on PTB and that says something. The smartest thing the devs can do with this killer is to get an odd number of fog whisperers/HIGH devotion players 15+ and get there opinions on how they can balance this killer better as well as implement some ideas that the majority vote on. Maybe take polls or something from the ENTIRE community like this could still be a great chapter. But if they just leave him as is you'll barely see him in my ranks. I admire all the bug fixes before this chapter was released but I think it's pretty apparent they were to busy focused on all that then actually taking the communities feedback because everyone said this killer performed bad from day 1 and the changes from original PTB to now with the trickster are very miniscule. Smh. Sorry for the rant.

    ILUXIPHER Member Posts: 3

    I just reread what I typed and yeah I was all over the place but you get the point. When I said he needs an increase to 115 base movement speed I meant only in main event btw. I just wanna see another STRONG projectile killer and I see massive potential for some really fun balanced games if they buff this guy. (I never mentioned this before but I'm a survivor main like 95% of the time) and I'm actually interested in playing this killer. When/if he gets buffed.

  • alex9er
    alex9er Member Posts: 96

    What good perks does the new survivor have other than smash-hit which is semidecent?

  • JR000
    JR000 Member Posts: 25

    Gotta disagree, me and my friend love his design and we both picked him up, the teasers were amazing too playing audio clips with hidden messages in them, the marketing team nailed it. Absolute garbage can balance wise and needs buffs in almost every part of his kit if they wanna keep him 110% (And I hope they do because the last 110% killer was Deathslinger).

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Kpop was always going to be divisive. After 2 disappointing chapters, they had to try something a bit different and they fluffed it up.

  • Lochnload_exe
    Lochnload_exe Member Posts: 1,360

    Actually weirdly most the people on this forum love his look and aesthetic, the only real complaints are about his power because no matter how good you do with him, his problems are still blatantly there. You shouldn't have 3 different layers of slowdowns while using your power, and your ultimate shouldnt be worse to use than never using it at all.

  • Moxie
    Moxie Member Posts: 806

    The Chapters are ultimately a new Killer. Survivors are just reskins of each other with different perks. Additional maps also contribute to a chapter.

    No map this chapter and the Killer has severe problems. You can like him, his aesthetic and playstyle (I like him too), but you can only lose and get bullied so many games before you just give up and play a Killer that actually has a thought out kit.

    No one (reasonable) has a problem with the chapter itself, just its lack-luster new Killer (which is the Chapter itself).

  • Clubs
    Clubs Member Posts: 20

    I think the chapter as a whole is great. I think the Trickster himself is fun, but EXTREMELY bad. Once he gets buffed the release will be *chefs kiss*.

  • Blindninja
    Blindninja Member Posts: 462

    Trickster is the worst killer in the game. By far. Everyone knows it but you. You supposedly have found what not a single other player/streamer has, right? Lol ok.

  • I honestly think as this point BHVR is the worst development studio I've come across. If only because I haven't seen a developer that purposefully treats their playerbase like disposable garbage and with pure contempt.

  • Blindninja
    Blindninja Member Posts: 462

    Show us proof of you owning with him them. You know you can't. Also what rank are you? Cmon let's see you beat red rank teams with him. I promise you have nothing. No proof.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    Explain to me why, outside of cosmetics, you would use The Trickster over The Plague?

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    I thought the sound work with him was good. Hate his play style. Too many maps that make it too hard to injure someone with the knives and that’s the joy of his ability. Laceration probably shouldn’t decrease with time until healed. The bouncing blades should be standard.

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    2 great surv perks? We didn’t have great perks in years

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    Soul Guard is pretty great tbh.

    Also Inner Strength. And For the People.


  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,587

    Im sorry but...

    Even i can't defend this killer and i main Deathslinger,

    His recoil is terrible. and i usually have no issue with it despite playing comp siege,

    His 110 can't make up the actual good set ups a loop can have.

    Long walls kill him severely.

    Losing chase with him kills him severely.

    There is LITERALLY more cons than Pros with him my guy

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877
    edited March 2021

    Honestly sounds like a troll post.

    But to that point, the only reason people are crying about All-Kill is because Trickster is pitifully underwhelming and people get so dramatic and theatrical over it. I'm quitting the game forever, he's a photo of me deleting, etc. etc. The new changes to Wraith and Blight are pretty good, the survivor definitely has some interesting perks (Smash hit has the distinction of being a 4 second sprint; really changes how we think about unsafe pallets, for both sides), and Trickster isn't boring to play. He really needs a buff, but patience is a virtue and we don't all play to sweat. It's just this community getting to its histrionics again.

    There's probably a healthy dose of confirmation bias too. Everybody was so eager to just crap on this chapter because of thematic dissonance or whatever. Remember when the SAW chapter came out? We got the pig (Even a shameless pig main like me has to admit she's weak), Tapp (Who is neither hot nor has good perks), and the first iteration of The Game (no explanation needed).

  • HuetorLand
    HuetorLand Member Posts: 3

    The main problem with this killer (what every streamer, youtuber, and main killer comment) it's his MOVEMENT SPEED, he has the same speed as The Huntress and his power isn't too strong; but everyone use it almost EVERY TIME, his power can't be used ALWAYS, less in a strong loop. He's not The Huntress, but he need a buff in the Movement Speed if Behaviour wants to have a very challenging killer for the survivors.

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442
    edited March 2021

    What happened to you @kate_best_girl ? I don't remember this kind of post from you. Have you even played him? Properly i mean not a single match, and in red ranks? Hes a clown basically and not the one from dbd, a clown from a circus in decadense.

    Hes really weak, slow, forced to chase around loops with M1 with a 4,4 speed, which is ridiculous. And yes forced because you can't use your "power" in any decent structure. And its not like there are few decent loops, they are everywhere.

    Any wall any tall debris can force him to leave his power behind because he have to literally make 16 hits with his knives to down you, while being slowed even more while aiming... Like if he was a huntress, but hes not. Huntress only needs 2 hits to down you. He... 16.

    Hes really pitiful as a killer and even as a survivor you can notice that. Almost every match is a 4 escape or 1 kill againts him. Really sad and pathetic.

  • JimboMason
    JimboMason Member Posts: 759

    We don't like how the new killer is terrible, and thats the problem. If you enjoy playing trickster, then thats fine, but he is far from good. He lacks map pressure, his power is that of a weak old legion and a downgraded huntress, and he has a 4.4m/s movement speed when its unnecessary. Loops also destroy him against a good survivor, even the short ones. One more thing, the new chapter doesn't have a new map and the lobby graphical update is minor at best, so I'd say that its not a good chapter. The only good things that came from this chapter is the blight fix and wraith speed boost, and even with wraith they nerfed his decloak speed.

  • JimboMason
    JimboMason Member Posts: 759

    *two, pyramid head only needed a minor change, and we got it

  • Blindninja
    Blindninja Member Posts: 462

    She's been playing in green and purple ranks and thinks she's godly

  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 815

    He's slow and survivors heal automatically from his main power. Seems pretty obvious. Slow killers usually have a power that makes up for it, this one has a power that suffers because of your slowness. Compare him to all other slow killers.

    The perks do seem great, but I don't like buying killers just for the perks, I actually like playing the killers. As it stands, I have to buy him and sink 40 levels of bloodpoints into him to use those awesome perks. Back when good killers were a thing, you could buy the new killer and immediately enjoy the new perks on the new killer.

    Normally when I buy something, it's something I want that will be fun to have. "But you get lots of BP while losing" isn't the same.

    And then they nerfed him again after PTB, can't have trick shots doing extra damage, that would feel like fun.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    I can´t stand his laughter. I like Freddys and Mendslingers laughter. But i can´t stand the tricksters.

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 943


  • kate_best_girl
    kate_best_girl Member Posts: 2,184

    play almost any killer at rank 1 with an only their three teachables and you'll struggle lol.

  • kate_best_girl
    kate_best_girl Member Posts: 2,184

    Yeah yeah "you're bad because you're better than me!"

  • kate_best_girl
    kate_best_girl Member Posts: 2,184

    I mean Otz isn't as critical of him as you guys are lol. Stop playing him like Huntress its that easy.

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742
  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    Yeah I saw that after, my bad !

    I made it btw, but cant reveal how many ranks I've lost :'D

  • troy99
    troy99 Member Posts: 45

    terrible gameplay with terrible design

  • ThePolice
    ThePolice Member Posts: 801

    Deathslinger’s projectile can fit through and over the same stuff as trickster’s

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    The dude looks like fancy weak lame version of joker who moans when lifting up survivors, he's weak as hell I still haven't lost a game against him... I don't hate him because of kpop it's simply because I don't like whole design and power this killer isn't impossible to play but you gonna ger rekt 70% of matches with him all it takes is few decent survivors to beat him