Pig Buff Idea

I believe that pig needs a buff. She has constantly been nerfed with nothing good in return, making her a not very great killer. As a pig main, I hope she gets some changes made to her soon. Here are my ideas.

  • Remove the sound that the pig's blade makes when she crouches or uncrouches for the survivor. In a lot of situations, the sound makes her stealth basically useless because she announces her presence to the survivors.
  • Make Rule Set No.2 base kit and rework it to something like this: Survivors are never shown the auras of jigsaw boxes, even when their trap is active, but the trap timer is extended to 3 minutes.
  • The first jigsaw box searched should never be the correct one. This allows the pig to generate more map pressure and removes the sense of frustration that comes from a survivor getting their trap off within 10 seconds of them being unhooked.
  • Give her another add-on that gives her more trap. There could be a purple add-on that gives her +1 trap and maybe reduces her crouching time or something.
  • Rework her add-ons that apply effects to survivors that have traps on them. These add-ons are useless because your best bet is to ignore trapped survivors. Maybe instead they could do things like apply a penalty to gen repair when they have a trap on them, and maybe have another that gives them a slight movement speed penalty with a trap.


  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546
    1. I agree with this
    2. The problem with this is it still has the same issue as current Rules Set No.2, but it's definitely the best change other than totally reworking it
    3. I love the idea of making her less RNG dependent, this is also a great change.
    4. I'd like to introduce you to Combat Straps and Last Will.
    5. This is something I suggested when I made a similar post, and I definitely think that these addons need to be changed as well.
  • LittenKitten
    LittenKitten Member Posts: 51

    I know about combat straps and last will, the thing is, i want more add-ons that do the same thing, but of a higher reality so they can do it better. Combat straps is only a 0.3 second change, and last will only gives you 1 more trap, but thats the only trap-giving add-on. Combining last-will and this new add-on that does a combination of combat straps and last will's job, you can get even more traps, which would be useful for players who want to go for a build that really delays the game.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877

    The point of her traps really isn't ever to kill. It's to stall. If survivors can't see the boxes, they won't search for them. I don't ever run rule set 2 because of that. I want to stall them, not to increase the already small chances I kill them. As for a guaranteed failed first box, that has to do more with RNG in general. I like what they did with trapper's flat distribution, maybe we could consider that instead?

    Plus, we're still neglecting her crouch ability. Combat straps should probably become base kit, her stealth should kick in much more immediately, crouching speed should probably be increased (if Ghostface can stealth around quickly then so should Amanda), her ambush is currently kind of not-so-great, so its charge, speed, and range should be examined, among others.

  • LittenKitten
    LittenKitten Member Posts: 51

    The point of her traps really isn't ever to kill. It's to stall.

    Exactly though. Not seeing the boxes stalls them, because then it takes longer to search for them, and occasionally, it will get you an easy kill.

    Combat straps should probably become base kit.

    I think that her crouch time should be reduced, but Combat straps should still be an add-on.