my suggestions for Trickster

Hey all!
so ive been playing a lot of Trickster lately and, sadly, my experience with him wasnt the greatest. Overall, anytime the survivors actually tried to win, they did - quite easily on top. Lets be honest, right now he is but a 4.4 m/s M1 Killer.
the main problems i found him to have are:
1) no map pressure
2) very insignificant power
3) takes way too long to injure and down players
i am also aware that the changes i am going to suggest cant just be added within like a week or so, however i think there are some things he needs ASAP, therefore i'll be splitting it up a bit into changes i think he needs immediately and the others.
so without further ado, here are my suggestions:
- increase his base movementspeed to 4.6 m/s (115% mms) - however i'd like him to stay with a 24m Terror Radius. It would give him some stealth to work with and allow him to basically be a base Tier 2 Shape (its not a must though) - the Reason for this is quite simple: his power is absolutely nowhere strong enough to justify such low base movementspeed and i can honestly not at all understand the thought process that went into him being 4.4 m/s.
- Ricochet Blades are now basekit - his power right now is extremely hard to use anywhere that is not in the middle of an open field, allowing his blades to bounce off of objects once would give it some more usability in looping tiles.
- the Laceration meter no longer passively decreases. instead, it now fully resets uppon a Health State update of the affected Survivor. - currently his power feels incredibly insignificant, as you can barely hit blades while being looped and the base regression of the Laceration meter just makes it so all the progress you did make on them with your knifes just resets itself incredibly fast. My goal with this is to make the Laceration meter more similar to a Ghostfaces stalk, where the killer can actively 99% someone and then use it against them later. of course, Trickster wont be able to just oneshot (unless he runs the Iridescent Photocart Add On). changing this makes his power actually feel relevant and encourages not to tunnelvision one person down
- increase his long range accuracy - right now its just "spam in their general direction and pray something is gonna hit", which i dont like. giving him increased accuracy would also make his power more usefull to attack Survivors far away in a deadzone.
Main Event:
- remove the activation time condition. instead, once it is fully charged the Trickster can now access it at any point in time - right now one of the main reasons as to why Main Event is so underwhelming is the fact that the killer cant decide when they want to use it, due to the very strict timer on it before it just resets.
- during Main Event, his base movementspeed while throwing knifes goes up to 4.4 m/s (110% mms) - i mean, you are locked into this, yet are slower than a Survivor? cmon, they can literally hardcounter it by running around a rock, currently.
- the Trickster can interact with Objects while in his Main Event - currently, as far as i know at least, Survivors can force you out of your Main Event just by jumping into a locker.
- reduce the cooldown on Showstopper - its just not strong enough to justify such a lengthy cooldown imo.
Add Ons:
- Trick Blade: Blades that hit surfaces now have a "smart" rickochet to them, where they bounce towards the nearest Survivor
- Death Throes Compilation: the lower your Blade count is, the more damage a Blade does starting at 50% and going up to 200% Laceration.
- Starstruck: Starstruck now starts the trial deactivated and only activates once at least one Person is exposed by it. Afterwards it goes on a cooldown - this is just a visual change to show you when the Perk is active and when it isnt. right now its just active 24/7 until it randomly goes on a cooldown. So most of the time i got usage from it was a complete surprise to me.
this is all i can think of right now.
imo this wouldnt make him a top tier killer or anything, but it would make him infinitely better than right now.
disagree on anything / have other ideas? feel free to share them down below!
have a good day / night everyone!
Increasing his base movespeed: I can agree with that.
Ricochet Baseline: I'd rather have something else. I think Ricochet is RNG, and RNG in any PvP game should be minimised where possible.
Permanent Laceration: Only acceptable if there's some active way to strip the laceration. Even then, I feel like it should still decay on its own so you don't get capped by a single stray blade somewhere. This should especially not be combo'd with baseline Ricochet. Imagine getting downed by a killer missing his shot...
Long range accuracy: I feel like doing that would just invalidate Huntress, making Trickster an easier, more consistent version.
Main Event changes: Something to consider is that if the baseline goes up, you can't do too much about Main Event. It shouldn't be a killer that has a strong baseline and then a temporary OP mode. This kind of cooldown structure would demand that the Trickster's baseline is below average, while Main Event would be above average. One thing that would probably be a good change though is that interacting with items stops Main Event, but then also refunds unused charges.
Starstruck: That seems fine.
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regarding the rickochet mechanic, its not RNG. its dependend on the angle your blade hit the surface from. in short: the angle you hit it from is the same angle its gonna rickochet from it again.
the laceration change also has a way of decreasing it, namely any health state updates. this means if you are injured, once you are downed or healed, all the laceration goes away. and if you are healthy, you need to be injured by something for it to reset.
and dont forget, people dont just randomly get hit due to the killer missing their shot, even if that hit was unintended, he still needs to hit 7 more shots for this to even be relevant.
same for the long range accuracy, he needs to riddle the survivors with blades, Huntress needs but one shot. a good Huntress would still easily be superior to him.
also, Main Event in its current state is just a straight up downgrade to him outside of it. it definitely needs changes to it - and its not like i made it significantly more powerfull - i just made it so you can actually choose when to activate it and that survivors cant hardcounter it by running circles around a rock / jumping into a locker.