Could someone kindly explain why people are still complaining about Decisive Strike?

Seriously, I don't understand why people still go on about it.

For me, regardless of what Killer I play, Decisive only usually wastes about 15 seconds of my time before the person who hit me with it is already back on my shoulder. And I don't even consider myself a particularly good player.

Am I missing something here?


  • JoannaVO
    JoannaVO Member Posts: 750

    Sometimes the game can completely turn the other way because one person has used Decisive Strike. It's okay for players who aren't too good in chases to use it, but there are also many people who have enough hours and experience in the game to know better and to play completely fine without Decisive Strike.. yet do they use it. As a killer, if you are chasing somebody who belongs to the second category I just mentioned you can lose the game just because of this perk and the chase you had. And to be fair ; I still can't figure out why a player would even deserve a second chance when getting downed.

    I think many killers don't mind about normal players using Decisive Strike, but there are players out there who are really hard to catch, and besides using Decisive Strike they also use good items/add-ons, so it's not fun at all, to say the least, when going against these survivors.

  • TiredFluffball
    TiredFluffball Member Posts: 32

    Maybe I just don't take the game as seriously as others.

  • Marvel
    Marvel Member Posts: 149
    edited October 2018

    D-Strike can be meaningless if you have "Enduring" and the survivor has no pallet or loop in sight that he can use to keep you away. The problem with d-strike is that if you start chasing the survivor you already know it will take A LOT of time to finally get him on the hook. You have to catch him once, then you carry him, you get stunned for 4 seconds and then you have to catch him again. It's very time consuming and you can imagine how much progress the other 3 players can make during that time. Worse case scenario would be the survivor finds another loop and the chase starts all over again...
    Also in late game when the exit gates are powered and he still has d-strike, say goodbye to "well, at least I got one kill"- NOPE

    Oftentimes killers try to juggle d-strikers to a hook or they just leave him on the ground because it takes too much time to deal with them.

  • Marvel
    Marvel Member Posts: 149

    @JoannaVO said:
    Sometimes the game can completely turn the other way because one person has used Decisive Strike. It's okay for players who aren't too good in chases to use it, but there are also many people who have enough hours and experience in the game to know better and to play completely fine without Decisive Strike.. yet do they use it. As a killer, if you are chasing somebody who belongs to the second category I just mentioned you can lose the game just because of this perk and the chase you had. And to be fair ; I still can't figure out why a player would even deserve a second chance when getting downed.

    I think many killers don't mind about normal players using Decisive Strike, but there are players out there who are really hard to catch, and besides using Decisive Strike they also use good items/add-ons, so it's not fun at all, to say the least, when going against these survivors.

    I completley agree. The perk can make you lose the entire game if you commit to chase the obsession and not manage to take it down really quick (which is unlikely because usually loopers take d-strike over stealth perks)

  • Robb_Stark
    Robb_Stark Member Posts: 87

    @TiredFluffball said:
    Seriously, I don't understand why people still go on about it.

    For me, regardless of what Killer I play, Decisive only usually wastes about 15 seconds of my time before the person who hit me with it is already back on my shoulder. And I don't even consider myself a particularly good player.

    Am I missing something here?

    I kind of agree with you. Decisive Strike is not that good.It helps when the killer downs you close to the Hatch or at the Exit Gates when they are open.

    I have recently gotten it from the Shrine.If I am not the Obsession I rarely have the change to use it, because I need to wiggle to 35% and Hooks are everywhere.If I run to a corner and get downed there I get the chance to use it, but I have nowhere to go.There are no pallets/windows in these areas.

    And then there's Rancor.
    And then the Skill Check, which for me is difficult, because it doesn't feel smooth at all( even at 62+ fps, but given that my graphics card is not the best let it be).I believe on consoles it's even harder to hit it.

    It feels good to see how you free yourself from the killer's shoulder, but that's about it.

  • Mercury
    Mercury Member Posts: 326

    @Robb_Stark said:

    @TiredFluffball said:
    Seriously, I don't understand why people still go on about it.

    For me, regardless of what Killer I play, Decisive only usually wastes about 15 seconds of my time before the person who hit me with it is already back on my shoulder. And I don't even consider myself a particularly good player.

    Am I missing something here?

    I kind of agree with you. Decisive Strike is not that good.It helps when the killer downs you close to the Hatch or at the Exit Gates when they are open.

    I have recently gotten it from the Shrine.If I am not the Obsession I rarely have the change to use it, because I need to wiggle to 35% and Hooks are everywhere.If I run to a corner and get downed there I get the chance to use it, but I have nowhere to go.There are no pallets/windows in these areas.

    And then there's Rancor.
    And then the Skill Check, which for me is difficult, because it doesn't feel smooth at all( even at 62+ fps, but given that my graphics card is not the best let it be).I believe on consoles it's even harder to hit it.

    It feels good to see how you free yourself from the killer's shoulder, but that's about it.

    That is the thing. Just because someone isn't good at hitting a skill check doesn't mean every one else is. For most dstrike users it's not a problem to hit it. This game is all about time and the survivor can take the Killer's time without doing anything to deserve it. You can use dstrike just cause... If it had a condition like Deliverance, most people would see it in a better light. The way it is right now, it's just too rewarding for something that's supposed to be high risk, high reward. (High risk my a-) Besides the non obsession dstrike just feel even worse. They come when you don't expect it and hit harder than the actual obsession. With the new update where hooks are 24 meters apart it's going to get even worse.

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    in a game where killers are already so pressed for time that 20-30 seconds is 3 gens

  • Robb_Stark
    Robb_Stark Member Posts: 87

    @Mercury said:

    If it had a condition like Deliverance, most people would see it in a better light.

    I totally agree with this one. But whatever the devs are going to do with Decisive Strike, I hope they won't change its effect.This perk is supposed to let you escape from the killer's shoulder once.It's the most satisfactorily part.

    Maybe an additional condition in order to make the perk active could be staying in the killer's terror radius while not in a chase for 60 seconds.This is quite a risk to take as some killers can hide their terror radius.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    You think this because you play at low ranks. At rank 1 that DS is getting them back into another pallet/window loop.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @TiredFluffball said:
    Seriously, I don't understand why people still go on about it.

    For me, regardless of what Killer I play, Decisive only usually wastes about 15 seconds of my time before the person who hit me with it is already back on my shoulder. And I don't even consider myself a particularly good player.

    Am I missing something here?

    My guess, you only play low ranks, right?

    The problem with DS is that weak player hardly ever benefit from this perk (either they miss the check in the first place or get redowned extremely fast), but stronger player benefit tremendously from this.

  • Blood_Coil_Viper
    Blood_Coil_Viper Member Posts: 199
    People still complain about Decisive because it's a problem at high ranks. Especially in a 4 man SWF group who all run that.