Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Change Dead Hard already

This perk is so infuriating it really takes the fun out of the game. It's just a free pallet/window every time, an actual third health state. There's no "baiting it out", there's no counterplay, it's just a free loop, pallet or window for the survivor. If it's going to be a third health state they should at least have to earn it.

This is all I get every game just 4 Dead Hards. You nerfed Ruin for being overused but this is the most common survivor perk in red ranks. You nerfed DS but this is far more aggravating than DS, at least DS was situational! the unhook and 60 second requirement actually meant you could play around it. Not this perk. I can not stress how much this free chance perk ruins the game when playing as any killer without anti-loop. It sucks for all killers but especially on killers that need survivors to make mistakes in order to get hits because it acts as an undo mistake button for them


  • JeonKookie97
    JeonKookie97 Member Posts: 42

    just run blood echo or dont lunge early

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Blood echo is pretty situational and you will get little use out of it most of the time. As the OP said, you can't counter it when it is used for distance.

  • Do I really have to record this? has nobody ever seen DH used for distance before?

  • Caleegi
    Caleegi Member Posts: 410

    Just wait to take the hit and bait.

  • When its used for distance there is no hit! there is no bait!

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    "juSt BaIt iT oUt"

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    Survivor mains be like: "Just bait it LUL"

  • REL1_C
    REL1_C Member Posts: 619
    edited April 2021

    If the developers nerf Dead Hard then expect the same to Hex: Undying, oh too late. Pop, to late for that as well 🤣.

  • pennythewise
    pennythewise Member Posts: 48

    To be honest i , i think dead hard its fine the way it is because this happens occasionally mostly just non existent for me but if that caught the devs attention then i guess they should work on it a little bit but other than that it just happens some time and there are perks preventing this stuff

  • LittenKitten
    LittenKitten Member Posts: 51
    • Do an attack from right behind the survivor at an unpredictable time instead of lunging.
    • Attack survivors that are stuck in animations
    • If you are playing wraith, you can start the animation for hitting your bell but then cancel it because it looks a lot like your hit animation.
    • If you are playing nurse, teleport in front of them when they dead hard.
    • Bring mindbreaker.
    • If you are playing huntress, plague, or trickster, you can act like you are going to use your ability to bait it out and then just use it after the dead hard is over.
  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,209
    edited April 2021

    This. I can't count the number of times someone's been injured or rescued during EGC, and I'm right behind them, but they DH to the exit gate and there's nothing I can do about it.

    Guess I should just camp more?

  • Breque
    Breque Member Posts: 427

    Nah DH is fine

  • lkalin91
    lkalin91 Member Posts: 150

    Yeah, everyone knows DH is bs and that's why they're running it, it allows to get away with dumbest mistakes and downright shutdown some killers and buy themselves extra 30-40 seconds with it.

  • Caleegi
    Caleegi Member Posts: 410

    At a distance there is no reason for the survivor to use dead hard you donut.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,209

    Please look 2 posts above yours.

    Survivors use DH when running to an open exit gate. They use it BEFORE you get close enough to land a hit, rather than baiting a hit, because the added distance is what gets them to the exit line.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,209
    edited April 2021

    I'd be happy if DH had additional i-frames, but then momentarily stunned or slowed them immediately after. So that the net distance gained is neutral.

    Say for example DH propels them forward 4 meters in a second, effectively doubling their speed for that second, the 2 seconds following the DH reduces their speed to 2 m/s, meaning over the course of 12 meters, whether they used DH or not they get just as far in the same amount of time, but with DH they make that first 8 meters quicker and the last 4 meters slower. Hell they wouldn't even notice the slow down if they DH'd into a pallet or window, because the slowdown duration would be eaten by the vaulting/dropping animation.

    Post edited by Seraphor on
  • Sunbreaker7
    Sunbreaker7 Member Posts: 651

    I play both killer and survivor in rank 1 and I can tell you, there is nothing wrong with DH. You either swing early with no regard for taking the existence of DH into consideration, or you are mad for not getting them downed as early as you personally see fit for yourself.

    DH is a vital perk for survivors to be able to maneuver and make counter plays against the killer in situations where every other perk fails. Changing DH would kill much of the strategy currently available in the game. I know the perk is annoying to deal with as a killer but I ain't going to be upset about it and try to take it away from others, rather, I adapt and learn to counterplay DH. and yes, there is a counterplay even if you are not willing to admit it.

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,276

    sounds pretty similar to all the other exhaustion perks haha git gud

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Yeah, I guess since survivors pressed a button on their keyboard I should be playing better smh.

    And dead hard is the least situational perk btw, you can use it at any time without any other condition other than being injured.

  • GoobyNugget
    GoobyNugget Member Posts: 698

    Dead Hard is perfectly fine, maybe you should just get good at the game killer main? Maybe next time try not to be biased :)

    Plz bhvr change dead hard i cant ######### stand it when i get cucked by an E press

  • So you’ve been playing since 2016 and in almost 5 years have apparently never seen Dead Hard used for distance to reach safety, even when the killer did not swing.

    Sure. Your post history says a lot.

  • Its like people here have never played killer, or never played against survivors with brains.

    Take Shack pallet for instance. The killer is chasing a survivor around the shack. The survivor has distance but as the killer is faster than the survivor, that distance is shortening every second.

    The survivor goes through the door into the shack. They see the pallet at the opposite door. If you understand the game you know that based on the current positioning and speed the killer will be within a successful lunge range as you approach the pallet. The survivor knows this. The killer knows this. The survivor presses E to give them an extra few meters ensuring they can reach the pallet safely.

    That’s how smart survivors use it. The killer isn’t within lunge range at that second in time but based on trajectory they definitely will be within the next 5 seconds. Using DH to add that distances ensures this wont be the case.

    That is DH for distance. There is no baiting it out. There is no “just dont lunge”. There is no counterplay to it at all.

    Of course to understand this you would have to understand the game. You would have to understand movement speeds, distance and loops so I can see why many of you have no clue. I envy all you green rank players where DH is rarely seen and when it is survivors just DH face first into a wall. Here in the big boy ranks you see the true power of this perk

  • Laurie268
    Laurie268 Member Posts: 573

    Sure, lets nerf all survivor perks while all killer perks stay the same. We want easy wins, pls nerf everything.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,209

    This is hilarious, because every patch in the last 2 years has nerfed a killer perk or two and left survivors untouched.

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,276

    the same logic can be applied to all of the other exhaustion perks except head on and smash hit, they literally press a button to gain distance

    at least try and seem consistent with your argument

  • Survivor perks are more problematic.

    Now that undying is nerfed what killer perks are an issue? there's pretty much only NOED. 1 perk.

  • BastardKing
    BastardKing Member Posts: 784

    This is clearly untrue. The nerf to Decisive Strike is one of the first major nerfs to a survivor perk in well over a year, almost two. Pop, Ruin, Undying, Coup De Grace, Enduring, Hoarder, Knock Out, and Thanatophobia (Kinda lateral?) have all been nerfed in the past two years.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374
    edited April 2021

    Sure lets gives survivors another reason not to play the game. If you think dead hard is a problem then the problem is probably with you and not the perk. I run dead hard now every game because it gives me an extra chance to escape the killer or it allows me to divert a killer's attention from a tunnel when I run at them and dead hard through them. Using it causes exhaustion. We really don't get to use it that many times in a match and we have to be injured to even use it. Its a risky play and if a survivor is able to avoid a hit or help someone with it then good for them.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited April 2021

    "Sure lets gives survivors another reason not to play the game"

    Survivor is thriving, hence the queue times. I wouldn't worry about it.

    "I run dead hard now every game because it gives me an extra chance to escape the killer'"

    Therein lies the problem. A free extra chance which can be used multiple times per game.

    " we have to be injured to even use it"

    Wow what a harsh requirement. It's so rare to find yourself injured in a trial.

    "Its a risky play"

    Using it to dodge a swing yes, using it for free distance to reach a window or pallet is in no way a risky play. What's the risk? accidentally pressing the wrong key on the keyboard?

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    The other perks are conditional though.

    Lithe needs a window or dropped pallet to activate.

    SB if being used correctly will leave you exhausted most of the game, and can sometimes be used for distance. It is not solely used just for gaining distance on the killer, and unless you 99% or you happen to have it ready it won't do anything in a chase.

    Even head on and smash hit are situational. Head on needs a locker, and smash-hit needs a pallet.

    Dead hard can work at any time as long as you are injured and requires no special condition to activate.

  • Mercês
    Mercês Member Posts: 376

    Boy, you sure DH is the biggest of your problems?

  • Zaytex
    Zaytex Member Posts: 841

    I love how the OP clearly defined dead hard as a problem when its used for distance, since there's no ''wait it out'' mindgames to it and one of the first posts is, as expected:

    ''jUsT bAiT iT oUt''

    That's the only argument people have against it, but it isn't even valid. I honestly would love for DH to be nerfed like DS, as its another crutch perk for survivors. Made a mistake? Press E. Want a free third health state? Press E.

    It's not even designed to be used for distance, but to dodge a hit. It's the exact same problem as how DS just got nerfed, survivors used it in a way which wasn't intended and it was finally changed.

  • These people act like they've never seen it used for distance. I question either their rank or how much they play killer. There's no way this many people think you can just "bAiT iT oUt"

  • yay another game

    Try to use coup de grace on Trickster since you know, he's weak and needs all the help at loops he can get. I have a token, use it wisely, survivor taps E and it's toast. Was doing well but immediately lost all pressure then and the survivor then made it to loops with all high walls so I couldn't even use his power. Lost the will to play properly at that point.

    Its such a bullshit ######### unfair perk. Its far worse than decisive ever was so I dont know why you nerfed that but left this toxic garbage in the game. Decisive had an activation window, it had a timer. IT COULD BE PLAYED AROUND! This perk....######### nothing. Just tap E to win the chase and deny the killer a hook.

    How is it with coup de grace you need a ######### token anyway? like what I need a token before I can use it? i have to lose a gen? the survivor merely has to press E when it's convenient? do you actually see why nobody wants to play killer? because it ######### sucks and you give all killer perks such bullshit restrictions but survivor perks are always on demand.

    Sort it out

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,291

    In that scenario, you wouldn't even have had a chance if they'd taken Sprint Burst, or if they triggered Balanced Landing or Lithe. Dead Hard isn't that strong.

  • No I know the exact scenario he's talking about.

    Sprint burst you're right. There are some scenarios such as if you're already in chase and they've used it, but yeah SB can do it.

    Lithe - depends if there's a window there or not. Also sometimes depending on positioning, you need to approach windows at awkward angles to use Lithe, I see survivors do it all the time which allows hits.

    Balanced - no there are far fewer drop spots around where you could use this.

    It's the pure versatility of dead hard that's the problem. It basically has no requirement.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,291
    edited April 2021

    And it has comparatively very little payoff. The distance covered by Dead Hard is, what, an eigth of what other exhaustion perks offer?

    Unless it resets a loop, in which case, it's not really unconditional, is it? Because at that point it only works if you're near a window, like Lithe, or near a pallet, like Smash Hit.

    EDIT: additionally, the extra distance allows BL, Lithe and especially SB to be used for map traversal as well.

  • Again it doesn't need to cover a mile if it covers enough distance to reach the exit lol or a pallet or a window. Could be 1m, 2m, 10m, 50m, if it stops you being hit and gives you a second chance it's just as powerful regardless.

    And yeah it works at pallets and windows thats the damn issue with the perk, it also has no requirement like balanced landing or even lithe.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,291

    Except if it only works at pallets or windows, it DOES have a requirement. Dead Harding at the side of a window is not going to do much for the survivor, so it needs to be a head-on charge as well. I think that goes for pallets too, since DH has a set distance, so you risk overshooting if you're not coming directly at it.