Hex totems placement (PS4)

Ram0r1an Member Posts: 38

1.Every second match, the survivors cleanse the hex totems at the very beginning in the first minute, I haven't managed to find any of them yet. Recently, 3 matches in a row cleansed the hex totem at the very beginning.

The meaning of such perks tends to zero.

Here are examples of the placement of the hex totems:

It seems that the refrigerator is a secluded place, but the survivors constantly climb there.

 Here hex totems is surrounded on three sides, but it is located in a place where there is a generator and therefore there will be survivors running around.

2.Is it possible to prescribe the placement of hex totems in secluded places? Bushes, nooks, between 3 elements, and so on.

And it can make the glow of hex totems not so bright.

Or make it so that you can cleanse it only 5 minutes after the start of the match, for example.

Or so that you can cleanse hex totems only after one generator is started, can cleanse the second hex totems after the second generator is started.

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Not a bug · Last Updated

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