Hex totems placement (PS4)

1.Every second match, the survivors cleanse the hex totems at the very beginning in the first minute, I haven't managed to find any of them yet. Recently, 3 matches in a row cleansed the hex totem at the very beginning.

The meaning of such perks tends to zero.

Here are examples of the placement of the hex totems:

It seems that the refrigerator is a secluded place, but the survivors constantly climb there.


Here hex totems is surrounded on three sides, but it is located in a place where there is a generator and therefore there will be survivors running around.

2.Is it possible to prescribe the placement of hex totems in secluded places? Bushes, nooks, between 3 elements, and so on.

And it can make the glow of hex totems not so bright.

Or make it so that you can cleanse it only 5 minutes after the start of the match, for example.

Or so that you can cleanse hex totems only after one generator is started, can cleanse the second hex totems after the second generator is started.


  • Masterninja
    Masterninja Member Posts: 411

    You are completely right, of course this is a real thing. But the devs sucks in putting good changes for the totems placement, what is a shame.

    I will ask you to go and watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngBKaDQq7kU

    Where OhTofu comments a very cool and original hex rework mechanic, that goes in giving the killers and survivors equal rewards.

    I'm not kidding is perfect. The more important thing of the video is the first part, "the basic and general change", all the rest is subjective.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,790
    edited April 2021

    That second one is actually solid lol. Survivors usually don't go in that room organically, even during a chase.

    Agreed that totem spawns aren't perfect, though. That first one in particular is rough... they're pretty solid on the reworked maps in general, though.

  • Ram0r1an
    Ram0r1an Member Posts: 38

    Maybe of course this is a coincidence in the second screenshot, but specifically in this match, the survivors jumped a couple of times into this refrigerator during the chase.

    All of these screenshots are taken on the reworked maps.

  • Ram0r1an
    Ram0r1an Member Posts: 38

    Do something already with the arrangement of hex totems. How they are put now is complete nonsense. Here is an example. In an open space, next to the generator.

    Almost at the very beginning of the game, it is cut down. And this happens in 70% of matches.

    No use for such perks. Remove from the game just the perks associated with totems and these useless totems. And then it will be more useful.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,211
    edited May 2021

    It doesn't matter how they change the spawns. By the very nature of them needing to be found at all, survivors are going to be able to find them and cleanse them. If they couldn't, it would just be broken in favour of the killer instead.

    They need to rework Hex perks in general. Instead of them being all or nothing perks tied to the presence of a single totem, they need to have 5 stages of power that scale with how many totems are on the field.

    This way, you don't get screwed over by the one totem that's right in the open being the Hex, or conversely, by the one totem that's impossible to find being the Hex. You can still cleanse 3-4 totems, and have a significant effect, but without totally disabling the perk.

    For example with Ruin, by number of active totems:

    1. All gens automatically regress at 80%
    2. " 100%
    3. " 120%
    4. " 140/150/160%
    5. " 160/180/200%
  • Akito
    Akito Member Posts: 673

    it's okay that not every totem is right underneath the ground. Everyone wants the game casual. Those pictures just agree with that politics. You are aware of many many many players just playing once in a while/barely or being new-ish? they can't even survive games by default and you want very very strong hex perks to be that hidden that no one can finds it?

    Oh and please, spare me with "all" the totem tracking perks where people have to play tons of hours and pay money for a perk like that or waste a whole perkslot just for the case and even then they're running through the whole map wasting all the time the killer needs.

    There isn't just "yea but totems break right after the match started". Yea. And as often I have those kind of matches, I also have those matches where it lasts until I leave through the exits. Those spots are fine, if you don't like it run other, more consistent perks I guess? It's not like the games are impossible without totem perks.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,159

    Maps aren't that big and there's only so many places a totem can spawn. If they were to create more hiding spots for totems that's more spots a survivor can hide or loop a killer.

    Even if they only put the totems in bushes limiting where totems spawn like that would make them easier to find, survivors would only check those spots for totems and would be hidden from killer while cleansing so less chance to be interrupted.

    While you don't want Ruin or Devour Hope to be found, you do want Haunted Grounds to be found. Haunted Grounds is great when it's cleansed in a totem spot that's out in the open.

    I've had so many matches where I've found a Devour Hope totem next to a finished gen because my random red/purple teammates didn't cleanse it incase it was Haunted Grounds. I've had matches where the Ruin totem was just on other side of wall from a finished gen, not even blocked by anything to hide it. For every cleansed at start of match I have there's a match with those teammates that are allergic to cleansing totems.

    Many of my matches where I cleanse a lit totem at start of match is because the killer went to check on it. Either I see the killer go to an area that looks like it has nothing and makes me curious why they were there or killer finds myself and teammate fairly quick at start of match near a gen and if I look sure enough they had headed straight over because of a lit totem nearby.

    A perk similar to Corrupt Intervention would be good. One that blocks survivors from being able to cleanse lit totems for minute or two at start of match.

    Another thing they could do is make hex totems not appear lit until a survivor starts working on them. Right now survivors will ignore dull totems but only cleanse hex totems. If all totems look dull until a survivor starts working on them that would at the very least have survivors waste time cleansing.

  • BenihimeWrath
    BenihimeWrath Member Posts: 968

    Honestly, considering the fact that hex totems, by their nature, are largely preprogrammed location wise and the recent buff to small game making finding hex totems and learning their spawns never before so easy and available to all survivors, that it may be okay to finally allow them to have actual, decently difficult hiding spots to make them a more reasonable secondary objective. Thereby passively nerfing gen speeds in an organic way that can be reduced based on personal skill.(After the small game learning curve.)

  • Ram0r1an
    Ram0r1an Member Posts: 38

    Hex totems are cleansed at the beginning of the match in most cases. This is how fast experienced players can do it. This suggests that the game has a majority of experienced players, not beginners.

  • Ram0r1an
    Ram0r1an Member Posts: 38

    Thanks. You told me a lot of useful information for the game. And the idea of totems is also very good.