New player account progression

tolore Member Posts: 101
edited April 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hello I'm a relatively new player, I'm about 35 hours in, and i've been enjoying the game a lot, but there's a few pain points I've been running into. Some of them I understand are hard to fix, some of them seem like pretty low hanging fruits as far as onboarding new players.


  1. I have spent the entire last week rerolling my dailies to try and get killer dailies, and occasionally popping on to just complete several survivor dailies, and i have gotten NO killer dailies. I am mostly a killer main, the combination of queue times and second hook keyboard mash being grating means i mostly actively dislike queuing as survivor unless i'm on voice chat with friends. I think it would be great to either be given a choice, or to essentially have 2 pools of dailies, one for survivors, and one for killers, maybe have a cap of 2 of each type, instead of a cap of 3 shared. Or even giving out dailies based on % play time, so if i play all killer, give me mostly killer dailies, i don't mind occasionally getting survivor dailies to force me out of my shell, but right now i get 90% survivor dailies i feel like.
  2. specific character dailies feel kinda bad, especially if you can get characters you don't own(I swear i remember this happening to me but haven't seen it in the last few weeks, so i could be remembering wrong). they don'to bother me too much for my main role, because I like branching out, but it really sucks for survivor for me, because it forces me to either play level 1 perkless survivors, or spread my blood points out a lot. That might not be a problem much later in the game, but as a new player it's a really big impediment.


  1. The tome is very cumbersome to change, you can't do it while queuing, it requires a loading screen to a room, and then like a weird camera pan to actually get to the menu to change things. It would be nice if there was a streamlined UI just for picking new nodes/accepting rewards from finished nodes that could be opened without leaving the queue screen.
  2. It would be really nice to be able to have a killer and survivor node picked for the tome so i don't have to remember to swap them every time I play something different.
  3. The choice of specific killers is VERY VERY bad for new players. I think there's a decent chance that if I had done tomes from day one and tried to play nurse on my first day I would have quit the game. After talking to my friends, and looking at stuff in the community, nurse is well known to be one of if not the hardest to play killer, and more importantly if you don't use her power super well it's VERY frustrating to use badly. having forced nurse nodes in page one of the tomes is a very good way to ensure you scare off or frustrate new players.


  1. I know this one is going to be very hard/unworkable. I would really love a queue/way to play with my friends where one of us can randomly be killer. as it is, if any of us want to play killer we have to get 5 people for a full custom. So if we have less than 5 people we can ONLY all be survivor together, this is compounded witht he fact that survivor queues are long, so i feel like if we got to let people in our group be killers we'd be happier, and have faster queues. Obviously I understand the possibilities of griefing, so this is mostly a nice to have that I would love to see experimented with
  2. In the same area of "I understand why it is this way but I'd still like it to be different", as a new player when we get 5 friends friends together and play customs(again the only way for one of us to be killer with eachother), none of us get any blood points. Can't do dailies, can't do tomes. This is really sucky as a new player because it makes me kind of not want to play with my friends, even though that's why i got the game in the first place. I know this is an easy solution to stop people from botting up blood points, but this REALLY REALLY hits normal players just trying to play the game, in a way i feel like isn't worth it.
  3. Obviously i know you've been trying to fix this with mmr tests and stuff, but queue times on survivor suck, and matchmaking with killer sucks. My queues take forever on survivor, and then my queues are fast on killer, but I have been in several matches on my rank 12-14 killer where every single enemy was red ranked.

General stuff:

  1. Currency to by killers/survivors with seems oddly designed. I don't think i've ever played a game with a majority unlockable cast that didn't have some sort of system to frontload a few choices on new players. I've been playing for over 30 hours and i am still not even CLOSE to being able to afford my first character. I understand that the game is super cheap,a nd often on sale, so you probably get a lot of your revenue from dlc. But I still think ti would be nice to essentially be handed a killer of choice(non branded of course) in the first 10 or so hours of play, and then maybe a second one 30 or 40 hours later. Essentially a "hey pick someone you think is cool new player!" and then a "okay you've spent some time playing the game, pick another character now that you understand things", then let the same rate of progression as currently exists get you the rest(or dlc to speed that up)
  2. I think BBQ and chili should essentially be a free perk. On recommendation from my friends I bought the cannibal and unlocked that first. It's great for BP acquisition, it helps you find people as a new player after your first hook, it promotes spreading out and finding people instead of tunneling. it's SUPER healthy, and it think has made my experience way better. just by having it.


  • tolore
    tolore Member Posts: 101
    edited April 2021

    oh another one, I'm sure this has been beaten to death, and i kind of mentioned it, but it deserves it's own bullet point. mashing spacebar for second hook on survivor feels terrible. I honestly think if second hook mashing, and long queue times weren't a thing, I would be pretty on board with playing survivor more.

    edit: nother one I just thought of. I 've seen high end killer players recommend turning DOWN graphics settings to make it easier to see scratch marks and blood trails. Probably bad for new players to make tracking harder without somehow knowing they need to turn down graphics. And ideally we should be able to track people well and have the game look its best.

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