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Trickster is WAY too weak!

It hurts me to say it, but the new killer, while he looks fabulous, is gameplay-wise, awful.

It takes too many blades to take down a Survivor, you're better off going for a regular hit in most cases which is not okay.

The Huntress has a similar power that works better in about 90% of situations.

Trickster isn't even faster than the Huntress, he has a weaker power and not even base speed to go with it.

It's not fun to play as Trickster.

Because the animation before you can throw a knife takes a long time and it even slows you down, you can't even throw cheap knives in without losing considerable time. The survivor can get ahead and then just hide behind walls and run along corners to be virtually unreachable at all times. The most you can get is 1 or 2 knives at once before they run away, and becauses it slows you down so much you lose valuable time before you can catch up again, especially with 110% speed.

The way Trickster's power works unfairly against him reminds me much of the Clown's initial huge slowdown on his bottles, which was clearly NOT necessary.

I know I speak harshly of the new killer, but that's because flavor wise, I absolutely love him. But his power is so so bad. Even Main Event is highly unpractical and can be avoided easily due to the intense slowdown, the survivor can just hide behind a wall and you can't catch up in time.

The Trickster should be reworked in one or many of the following ways :

  • Having 115% speed (this one should be obvious)
  • Remove slowdown on preparing blades before throwing
  • OR, Remove the need to prepare blades before throwing entirely
  • Decrease slowdown on throwing blades
  • Decrease the amount of blades needed to hurt a survivor
  • Laceration does not go down after you hit a survivor with a basic attack, making blades far more flexible

I think the most important and simple change to implement is to decrease the slowdowns, which are as unnecessary on Trickster, a weak killer, as they were on Clown.

But something has to be done, he needs buffs.