Mmr is going to hurt the playerbase.

Mmr is a huge change to most players games, except for the ones who are where they are on their skill level. For example, im going from yellows to reds because i dont care about rank as it shouldnt be a skill determiner. (Segway, i made a post about rank rewards.) The system seems to base skill off of hours . This could hurt players having a hard time learning the game, and your skill level doesnt seem to change. Reds and purples look like mostly not fun games of sweaty killers/ survivors, and players who could leave reds are now stuck playing in reds and they arent happy. Also, extended queue times and mmr backfires will probably happen
What i mean is, some players dont like playing in red ranks, so they would spend a few hoursdcing. Now thats not an option.
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SBM would FIX these issues. You're saying MMR would result in what we currently have.
Most people had a positive experience during the 24hr SBM test, as it put them against people of their skill level (instead of rank, because ranks mean nothing) AND it was determined by killer. So say you have 2000 hours of experience playing Spirit, and your Spirit matches are always against challenging red ranks, well you can just switch to Pyramid Head, who you only have 40 hours experience with, and have a more chilled out experience without facing the bully squad.
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Agreed, mmr is not going good for this game. I don't even know how they can determine what a "win" is in a game like this.
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I think they are calling sbm mmr. It seems like that at least.
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Yellow to red doesnt feel like i would be there because of my charecter level, i think i would be there because of hours.
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RBM = Rank Based Match-Making: The system by which players at matched up, according to their Rank.
SBM = Skill Based Match-making: The system by which players at matched up, according to their determined skill level.
MMR = Match Making Rating: A personal metric by which a players 'skill' is determined according to certain factors that are hidden from the player. You will have a separate 'MMR' for survivor, and for each individual killer.
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Im a switch player with 700 hours. 700-7000 is the average hours skilled red ranks have.
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If sbm is a determined skill and mmr is a determined skill of hidden factors, isnt it the same thing?
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... no
One is a value, a number, the other is an entire matchmaking system that USES that number.
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Thanks for the info. (Happy easter.)
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How is getting more fair matchmaking going to hurt the game...?
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MMR doesn't base your skill rating off of hours, it bases it off of in game performance--like any other game. It looks at your stats and determines where you belong.
& Really? People having to play against players of their own skill rating is a bad thing to you because the matches are harder? Think of how many players that have had their experiences ruined by red ranks that purposely derank to noobstomp and come back to the conversation.
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No it didn't...
It was beyond broke for me.
i played for atleast 9-10 ish hours that day,
Had plenty of survivors that had .2 hours in the game despite my skill...
SBM would kill the game...
I'd rather not face only Spirits / Nurses every game with Ruin / Undying...
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It worked amazing for me. I tried it out with survivor for about 7 games, and as Spirit who I have the most experience with for about 5 games, and then Bubba who I was just trying out for about 10 games. Each game was almost perfectly matched according to my experience with that mode/killer.
Therefore SBM would be brilliant for the game.
That's how individual anecdotes work, right?
If you check out the MMR feedback topic, you'll see a majority are in favour of it. It's only the top 1% who will face constant Nurses and Stridor Spirits.
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And then there's the people Like me that Tries To have fun in dbd
Or whatever's fun left in dbd...
Which is neigh impossible with SBM,
It bugged out Hillbilly and Oni again, got only rank 20s for like 2-3 hours straight, with no hours put in said game..
I only had like One good match out of the matches i played..
Trust me.. it'll hurt like hell to have SBM..
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Nah, it worked perfectly for me. Trust me, SBM will be amazing.
Come on, you have to give me more than personal anecdotes.
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As someone who got cucked by behavior multiple times...
And basically refuse to take feedback despite how bad trickster / twins was.
And how bad the first time it was release? Hell no,
I can't commend this. SBM should never be added. It would just be unfun to even play killer since all i would get are Sweats.
#########. That.
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But all I get is sweats now, and I'm a relatively new player who has managed to climb to the top of the purple ranks far too easily.
So anything is better than the current ######### show, especially if it's as good as what I experienced during the 24hr test.
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Not everyone sweats in dbd
maybe like 60% of the time but not everyone,
Some might be streamers with meme builds or challenges.
Or the above. tryhards.
but even then... SBM will Hurt and or kill this game 100%
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Nah. SBM will save this game 100%.
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Im talking from my standpoint. Yellow to reds. Ive mever played against reds before. I dont know what the killer will do, what the survivor will do, what they expect from me, etc. Its going to be a very very rough time, at least 15 games.
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Still, mmr will hurt the game. And thatd my main point.
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You're not going to suddenly be thrown in with red ranks if your MMR rating is that of a yellow rank player. That happens right now because ranking is broken.
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If I keep playing Trickster and Displeasing the Entity at Red Ranks I can face new players more often, MMR is a good thing.
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The thing is, i dont care about rank but im gonna be bitten in the ass for it. I know my skill level, which is reds and purples, but i dont want to play against reds because then it really is just the same few expectable things, and it doesnt feel like fun.
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So... is it fun for the 'yellow ranks' that you keep slaughtering? If you're 'red rank' in skill level, then surely you should be facing people of a similar skill level.
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Like i said. It won't...
It will hurt it more than it will save it,
Trust me...
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Im not curbstomping them. I dont act like god, i just use myself as a meat sheild and stuff like that because i like chasing the killer, and im a claudette main which is unfortunately a tunnel magnet in the first place. i try not to be too op, and some times i give the killer a free kill and extra chase points because they were new, and i dont care about rank in the first place. I just want a casual experience , i dont want to be curbstomped because of mmr.
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Like I said, it will... trust me...
Jesus christ dude, you have to make an argument, not just a baseless statement with nothing to support it. There's a clear consensus that SBM is a positive for this game, and matching players up with others of a similar skill level can only be a good thing, as opposed to the clear inequity seen in our broken rank-based matchmaking we're currently putting up with, that causes so many issues.
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I'm scared the Dowsey scenario will be a thing.
If you don't know who that is I will tell you, Dowsey is a streamer that teaches others kinda like Otz but less popular.
Anyways, he is a beast with Twins, I believe he went over 100 wins in a row so his MMR went extremely high, took him about 2 hours to get into a match, when he got into a lobby it took him about 30 more minutes for the MMR to find 4 survivors.
I don't want to wait 1 hour for a game with Oni (I haven't lost as Oni in a very long time)
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"My skill level is reds and purples but I don't want to play at my skill level because playing with my peers isn't fun."
People with your mindset are one of the reasons why SBM is going to exist. Noobstompers hurt the game more than SBM/MMR ever will because it directly impacts player retention rate.
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If you are that good then thats what you deserve, especially spirit
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People really really like to put words in my mouth. Jesus christ dude, i said mmr not sbm. Sbm is much better than mmr, but mmr is a huge change for some, and it would make 1. Queue times longer because of skill division, and 2. Mmr may mess up and cause bad games. It is dbd were talking about after all.
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They're the same thing...
Skill Based Match-making (SBM) USES your Match-Making Rating (MMR) to match you up with other players of a similar skill.
There is no doubt that matching skill against skill is a good move. The ONLY question was "does BHVR's MMR accurately gauge skill level?" It's never going to be perfect, but the consensus from the recent test was "yes, the MMR is a 'good enough' measure of skill." which was the point of the test.
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The implementation of SBMM is very unlikely to hurt the playerbase. It shelters the majority of the playerbase, which is the weaker or casual players. Unfortunately though, it typically makes the game unfun to those who are good. SBMM makes the game more enjoyable for the majority, so it will not hurt the playerbase. If anything it will help retain players better.
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Stop putting words in my mouth. I havent even ever been able to leave yellows because killers always like to chase after me. At least im not running ds unbreakable. You all just die when you see that, dont you. And at least im making it fair for them.
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You probably dodnt even read the full thing.
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I get the feeling that you don't understand that SBM and MMR are kinda interchangeable.
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I thought You said they were different.
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If you've never been able to leave yellows, then you're not a red/purple level player and you don't need to worry about SBM/MMR. Problem solved!
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I've... explained what they are, I've spelled out what they're abbreviations for... I have used all the words... you just need to understand them.
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Someone told me they were different. Also youre leading away from my main argument. Mmr is going to damage the game.
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How can you make an argument you don't understand?
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I saw the video and I think there should be a set amount of time before it looks for the next best people, instead of what I assume it only looked for people similar to his skill. A large majority of dbd players are casual and will probably never reach that skill, so I don't think it's fair to just have casual low skill players queue up with competitive high skill players.
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You're leading yourself away from your argument by not having done any research.
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If it's a set amount max I'm good with it, but since covid started I have nothing to do other than videogames and I've been using Oni religiously so most of my matches with him tend to be 1 sided, some people argue that since we don't know what affects MMR that it should be fine but if it's true that a 4k increases the MMR it might be bad to those that main 1 killer and play some on the side.
And yeah it isn't fair for real casual players to play against high tier survivors and vise versa.
Hopefully the devs tell us what will affect the MMR and or if there will be a time limit
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Literally THIS.
Just go on Reddit, Twitter, Youtube, Tiktok, whatever and it's "I don't want to go against the sweaty tryhards with meta perks, it's unfun." Unless you're some God at the game who succeeds with every killer & can play either side with no perks, then they're right where they belong.
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There is NO argument to be made when it's dbd my guy
This game is 100% a goddamn survivor sided game, Even a goddamn spirit wouldn't win against a 4 man Deathsquad,
If this game LITERALLY had SBM. you will have queues beyond 2 hours or so if you were in the top .1%
or with over 50 to 100 wins with just ONE killer,
That is not a healthy ######### thing to have.
Not at all,
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The skill level change is haLf the problem. Queue times will be horrible. Youre right.
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If SBMM is good at its job, I probably won't be playing much killer tbh. DBD really doesn't feel good when the other side is trying to sweat hard and play meta. Games potentially could quickly go from chill more often than not to frustrating.
I think the top end survivors will just only be seeing Nurse and Spirit while killers that tow the high MMR line will just be massacred by meta tournament voice chat SWF every few games.
The current system definitely needs to be looked at but I'd probably just add a SWF notifier for the killer, make SWF matchmaking based on the highest rank in the group, and make getting to and black pipping in red rank a little harder for survivors.