Survivors aren't allowed to have good perks any longer. We're just here for 4k power fantasies.

I personally think survivor game play is the trashiest and most boring that it ever has been since the start of the game. We have no good perks for the game that change the way we play. The only thing that changes the pace of the game is the killer that we face. If you look at the current perks, they are just a bunch of trash tier aura perks that only last a few seconds and truly do nothing to boost survival. Dead hard is the only true perk that has some fun left in to use, and it doesn't even work 80 percent of the time due to hit boxes and lag.

This last perk is one of the final perks that is constantly being cried about over and over again by the killer-mains which only goal in the game is to 4k for their power fantasy - so they can feel like they actually accomplished something. It's unfortunate that the devs have just completely destroyed survival gameplay over the last 2 years. Playing killer is no longer skill based, you'd have to be brain dead to not reliably 3k every single game. Not based on any type of skill, but just because most of the means of survival for survivors has been gutted and made trash. Also, the amount of aura reading perks that give your exact location to killer, have even been over buffed and are too plentiful. Tracking is no longer a thing in this game. You just hook someone and then look for Auras with BBQ and chili. I know, I know "I only use BBQ and Chili for the double points". Great! Then you should have no problem getting rid of the wall hacks.

The most egregious of everything that has happened to survivor gameplay over the last few years has been the edition of tank like movements. If you give me tank movement, you better give me a freaking gun. The devs nerfed the flow of movement tremendously a few patches ago and then just made it a little bit less terrible, but movement is still absolutely terrible in game.

I just wonder how much more the devs are willing to trash their game for 4k power fantasies. As of now, survivor gameplay is in the trash and any type of change of gameplay is completely reliant on the killer you are playing against.



  • Ascended4Head
    Ascended4Head Member Posts: 62

    I'm consitently rank 1 survivor. PM me and add me on steam. We'll just do 1v1 killer survivor game.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    There's still many maps good for survivor however that can often tip the balance.

  • FattiePoobum
    FattiePoobum Member Posts: 293
    edited April 2021

    Yeah teabagging and flashlights are some of the best perks in the game ...............................

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    What those statistics never showed was how many survivors were just giving up on first hook and killing themselves, getting 2nd hooked and killing themselves each one off them counted as a kill even though the killer never actually killed them the survivor killed themselves. Unless you have statistics that show how the kills were counted we would all love to see that otherwise you can't go off the statistics for this game as stuff like that is counted as kills.

  • Halbix
    Halbix Member Posts: 42

    Remember when Undying came out and instead of people switching to totem perks, they still clinged onto the old meta? It just seems to me that the only way to make people want to use different perks is to nerf the popular ones. But that's not exactly fun either so it's kinda tough

  • Ascended4Head
    Ascended4Head Member Posts: 62

    "Second chance perks" are pure pseudo-intellectualism. There are perks that increase the chance for survival or extend the chase. Are you saying that survivors aren't allowed to have any perks that benefit them in any way? Are killers the only role that are allowed to have any perks that impact the chase? It's interesting since there truly are no second chance perks in survivor kit. Dead hard is easily baitable except when you use it as an opportunity to get a pallet during chase.

  • Zaytex
    Zaytex Member Posts: 841

    Slowly but surely, this game has taken away all aspects of any mechanic that has been OP or incredibly survivor sided.

    Now that it's more fair for both sides and survivors have been nerfed from OP/easy mode to balanced/need skill people are crying.

  • Dinaru
    Dinaru Member Posts: 4

    That is possible on killer since perks are constantly nerfed on their side - there's room for new perks to do something good, and there's also crazy synergies people can come up with.

    The mentioned survivor perks are so strong that you can't really make new perks which are even stronger (power creep on the power role is too much) so you can't shift the meta. At the same time, its hard to need survivor perks because that's like 4/5 of the player base and they get pretty angry if nerfed. So you can't easily nerf the op perks, but you also can't make perks which are even more op... So survivor meta is essentially the same today as it was two years ago.

  • Alex_Splicer
    Alex_Splicer Member Posts: 122

    No, never. I never intend a 4k, most of the time I don't even let it happen.

    You actually don't have to full kill ANYONE in order to rank up too; as long as survivors don't do gens at the speed of light - you can get relentless.

    Either way in my opinion playing Trickster is the same as playing Clown; you're really just there to have a good time.

  • GamerGirlFeng
    GamerGirlFeng Member Posts: 277

    Uh oh. You've upset the hive mind.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    I would argue that the stats show that Nurse, Blight and Plague are the only killers that are properly balanced. Which is to say that they're the only killers that actually reward skill with kills. There's no doubt that Nurse, Blight and Plague are strong, but if a killer is dominating with those killers they deserve the win. It means nothing to dominate with Freddy, Doctor, or Leatherface. And that's 100 percent the problem with this game, the killers are too easy to use. We need more killers like Nurse, Blight, and Plague that actually reward skill. And a side effect would mean more survivor escapes at lower ranks and more survivor deaths at higher ranks vs SWFs.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    If that's true why do the majority of players mostly play survivor and the amount of killers has been declining.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    I've been playing this game for 4 years and only play solo so I don't need to think about it all thank you. I'll just go off the facts that the majority of players enjoy survivor more and more than half are solos.

  • nea_the_entity
    nea_the_entity Member Posts: 12

    Bruh this game is literally easy to play as a survivor but as killer, devs made a good move on the ds nerf bc it was so boring and dumb playing killer which was cause every swfs I went against all had ds, bt,dh,and adrenaline which made me want to give up on it completely, and literally it's always the killers fault when something happens, like I got called a camper when I was play pyramid head even tho I can't see cage auras and cages relocate when I'm near them for too long, if you think about it every killer main had to go through slot of nerfs on perks yet really didn't complain about it which when the devs finally nerf a strong and popular perk for survivor almost every survivor main blames and attack the devs, To be fair I'm just speaking my mind and I love playing both survivor and killer which if a killer gets a 4k, good for them, if all the survivors escape, good for them, but the one thing I hate is when players get too cockey in rub a win in other players is face.

  • Despactio
    Despactio Member Posts: 7

    Someone's angry that survivor is getting balanced.