Survivors aren't allowed to have good perks any longer. We're just here for 4k power fantasies.



  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,155

    It would take to long to make new player stick to the game until they are at the elo they belong when most killer are too hard to play properly which would result in permanent getting curb stomped by the already cocky TBagging survivor community. They don't need to feel much superior. I already had over a year break and was back in yellow and while I still played fair and without scummy tactics everytime I let them all leave I would get tbags at the gate and belittling "gg ez" "noob" and so from YELLOW survivor that where lucky that I sometimes stretched the trials for 10+ so i didn't kill them.

  • Kraken_NYY_24
    Kraken_NYY_24 Member Posts: 13

    Ok I'm sorry. Your saying that dead hard is the only second chance when old DS, borrowed time, unbreakable were all issues for Killers? Almost all survivors would use all 4 of those perks (DS, dead hard, unbreakable, borrowed time) and could get away from game changing mistakes. Oh I downed you 58 seconds from your unhook welp I tunneled you even tho I hooked 1 and chased another. Also we're just talking about perks. You can't forget about med-kits easily being the best thing a survivor can bring. Now I am a killer main with about 500 hours in game and I am also red ranks. I don't get 4k's everytime. I get 2 3 maybe even just 1 kill per game. This is a game of hours. If you are a 1000 hour survivor main then yeah your going to get destroyed if your solo and face a good nurse or spirit or any other killer that has 6000+ hours. Besides don't forget that survivors still have keys to use. Also statistics don't matter in the game. Like someone said nurse has the lowest lol rate in red ranks we should bug nurse right? No she's easily still the strongest killer next to spirit and hag. I honestly hope this helps you think correctly. Right now I see your just an entitled survivor main who thinks the game should be balanced by there side.

  • JimbusCrimbus
    JimbusCrimbus Member Posts: 1,060

    I mean, they run Dead Hard. Nothing screams "I'm terrible at survivor" than needing the ultimate "Oh #########, I ######### up, better press E" crutch.

  • Sandwich_Jesus
    Sandwich_Jesus Member Posts: 266

    so you want to nerf the counterable incentive killers get from hooking someone?

    if you know they have bbq , go in a locker. No locker near by? hide behind a gen. or you know get in 40 meter radius that makes it so your aura isnt revealed

  • Voriis
    Voriis Member Posts: 131

    Lol i started to type this exact thing..but saw you beat me to it

  • LegitLegendary0
    LegitLegendary0 Member Posts: 18

    All I read was survivor gameplay is boring so don't quote me on something dont care about.

    Don't play survivor solo and it's not boring, that's all. Killer is equally boring too to be honest, rank 1 just drains the fun. Much rather be rank 20 all the time both sides but oh well.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    It is very bad now playing survivor because there is nothing to work with, nothing good in years and what little bit that is there continues to be taken away. As seen in how decisive strike was ruined, changed so is unable to do anything with it. It was a well designed perk. Now it's a horrible situational perk that killers can play with and feel good. Look at Power Struggle how bad it is. Self-preservation will never help against a rank 1 killer. Meanwhile killers have everything to guarantee wins. BBQ takes all the guesswork away, hook someone and then chase the auras. And new perks to make Ruin way harder to remove along with another 1-shot perk. It's easy to see how killers 4K so much because they get it all.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    You mean besides DH, SB, adrenaline, PT, etc all the other good perks left? What about the survivor sided maps such as the farm maps, or Haddonfield and the game?

  • pepperoninipples
    pepperoninipples Member Posts: 90

    That is funny. Only perk that is fun is dead hard he says. You must only live in the meta perk syndrome. Qq with head on is fun. Red herring is fun. Pebble is fun. Sabbo with breakout is fun. For the people is fun to use when killer slugs and walks away for a moment. And the list goes on. Just sounds to me you cant live without clutch perks in hand.

  • Mileena_Kahn
    Mileena_Kahn Member Posts: 600

    This is true. This forum is so killer sided it’s disgusting and ridiculous.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    *looks at the information he gets from non-meta perks like Bond, then back at the original post*

    WTF you on about man?

    Hell, I personally run a rule where every survivor I play must have one perk from their personal set and challenge myself. I'm finding it a blast. Sometimes I get away, sometimes I don't, sometimes I get teammates that ragequit at the slightest challenge and remind me why I'm a killer main.

    Frankly, the only meta-perk I run is consistently Dead-Hard. Only time you'll see me run DS is when I'm on Laurie or I'm leveling a new survivor and I haven't run into any other perks I'd rather run.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    There is a secret technique to combat camping. Here we go.


    I'm going to lay down some cold-hard facts

    • It takes 80 seconds solo a generator
    • It takes 120 seconds to fully die on a hook
    • there are 4 survivors.

    If a killer is camping, killer should lose at least 2 gens, preferably 3 before that first person is dead. If people just gen rushed in response and stopped rewarding the behavior, you'd see a lot less camping killers.

    Besides, the killer is already encouraged to leave the hook by various perks added to the game. But the devs said repeatedly it and tunneling is an allowed tactic.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    At one point the farm map was drastically reduced in size, those are really killer sided now. There is nothing in the middle of rotten fields. Haddonfield is really a little more fair after they baracaded the windows in the buildings. Killers still most of the time on Haddonfield so they are really killer sided more than anything.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236

    Play killer.

    Survivor queue times are awful because nobody plays killer... because the killer experience is awful... because the game is survivor sided.

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824

    If you quit the game survivor queues will get better for other survivors. 😂

  • Cable2486
    Cable2486 Member Posts: 249

    I think what we have here is a frustrated Solo player likely suffering from disillusionment caused by not realizing their playing a game in which the survivors only real advantage should come from the fact that there are more of them than the killer.

    It's always so surreal to see people actually think that the survivor should be the power role in a situation where their characters are canonically supernaturally kidnapped victims being hunted for sport by inhuman forces with superhuman abilities. At literally no point should a survivor actually feel powerful. In part, it's what gives a sense of satisfaction when you outwit the Killer.

    Of course your play has to change with each killer; they have entirely different abilities and play styles. 🙄

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    They were reduced in size, not strength of the tiles that usually spawn. It is definitely still survivor-sided.

    Haddonfield is still garbage because of all windows being borderline infinites.

    And if you somehow think haddonfield is killer sided:

  • NVerde
    NVerde Member Posts: 264

    The issue I have with this is simple - 'doing the generators' just isn't fun. If the only valid way to counter a behaviour in a game is to do something that isn't fun - what's the point in playing at all?

    Gen rushing might work but who wants to spend the majority of every game holding a button down and pressing another button periodically, rinse and repeat then leave? Come on now, you must realise that this might make sense logically but in the context of a game that's only existence is to provide fun it just doesn't make sense.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236
    edited April 2021

    I think it would be pretty neat if you could earn bloodpoints in custom games, with the following caveats:

    1. Bloodpoint Offerings can't be used or do nothing.
    2. Progress isn't counted towards Rift challenges or Daily tasks.
    3. BP rewards are halved and each category is capped at 4000 instead of 8000.

    The maximum you could earn from a game would be 16,000, and that would be a full length game maxing out everything.

    You'd still earn no EXP or rift progress as well obviously.

  • NVerde
    NVerde Member Posts: 264

    Exactly, this guy gets it. Either you get camped/tunnelled yourself, or your teammate does and you spend all game on a gen. Remind me what's fun about either scenario?

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,311

    All you have to do is play killer on Friday, Saturday and Sunday night and you will find all the good survivors. Play after 9PM as killer on weekdays and you will find sweaty swf as well.

    Most of the 3k hours I have in the game is playing survivor. I had a small stint as killer, maybe 100-150 hours, and it has shown me how bad at survivor I really am. There are lots of good survivors out there, the problem is, they usually play in swf and are vastly out numbered by solo players. When you get a good survivor on your team, if you're paying attention, you can tell that they're good.

    Most of the complaints about killers comes from solo survivors. It makes sense, you don't normally see what your teammates are doing, you mostly interact with the killer and think the killer is too strong to even have a chance, when the truth is, the team you're with is just incompetent. There is always that one survivor who is crawling without Urban Evasion, the other who stops what ever they're doing to run and try for a flashlight save, fail at it, lost time doing gens, and easily get downed as soon as the killer hooks someone else. Then you have the teammate who only searches chests and hides for most of the match, hoping to use their key while everyone dies. Then you have the teammate who thinks they're pro at looping and goes down in 8 seconds and suicides on hook or dc's.

    I'm not saying survivors don't have some issues that need fixing, I just don't think it needs to be in the form of nerfing killers. If devs listened to all the rants about killers being OP, there would be no killers left. What needs to change is to implement teleporting hooks to prevent camping from the start of the match. This should only be in effect when there are more than 2 gens since hooking someone in a 3 gen area is a valid and fair strategy. I also think self care should be base kit since it wouldn't do anything for swf, yet it would open a perk slot for solo players who are scared to rely on their teammates. There should also be small symbols on everyone's avatar to show what their doing. A little running icon for when they're being chased, a tiny generator icon for when they're working on a gen, a hex icon if they're working on a totem, and a locker icon if they're doing nothing but hiding.

    Finally, I also think some killers are OP, I just don't complain about them since everyone else is doing a fine job without me. I can't wait for Freddy's nerf, I would like a Spirit nerf due to how they always love to tunnel (I don't say anything about her though because killer players do need a strong killer for swf and I have no solution for nerfs without gutting her), and I hate good Hillbillies with all of my heart because they always one shot me and can end games really fast, but I'm sure thats because I am bad. Nurse shouldn't even be in today's game, but it wouldn't be fair to remover her for all the people who have dedicated the time and energy to learn her, and she's really the only killer that super sweaty swfs can't bully.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    .. but the number of killers isn't zero. So, if there are too many survivors and not enough killers, then survivor queue times will get faster as the number of survivors decreases. Queue times will also get faster for survivors if the number of killers increases.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Those killers looked like they just wanted an ez game. The Freddy could have used puddles to slow them down but he wanted pity. Killers aren't supposed to down everyone instantly. A long chase doesn't mean the map is broken, it means the killer was bad.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    Then you're in the wrong game mate. Because if you aren't spending half your game on a generator, you're half the reason you keep losing as a survivor. There's nothing wrong with that and I'm not telling you this to be mean - it's just a fact. This game's gameplay loop doing it properly is to spend most of your time as a generator holding M1 while looking around nervously. If that's not you idea of fun, this game's gameplay loop is just not for you.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,311

    I am not a hypocrite and I don't appreciate you accusing me of being one. I have 2,950 hours in this game and the majority of that time is in Survivor. At most, I probably have 200 hours played as killer. Never have I said survivors have no right to complain about anything, they can complain about what ever they want, but as you said they shouldn't just expect everyone to agree with them.

    It is obvious OP doesn't play killer. All one has to do is load up killer on a weekend night or late weekend evening and they will quickly learn how strong survivors truly are and how common coming across a swf team really is. Things might be different today since crossplay has diluted the player pool, but when I only played against steam players, the difference between good survivors and bad was night and day.

    Solo queue isn't hard because of game design, it is hard because it lumps up players of different skill. The main thing that solo needs is proper ranking and matchmaking. If you put equally skilled survivors against an equally skilled killer (barring Nurse), the survivors will always come out on top.

    If the survivors can't have 1 gen done before the killer downs someone, then that is the fault of the survivors poor skill, not the killer. It's because the survivor doesn't know the basics of looping or even just running before the killer gets near. Ever since I read people complaining about survivors just "pushing W" and how strong it is, I started doing it and I can now waste enough time for my team to get at least one gen done. All I have to do is be aware of my surroundings and the second I see the killer coming for me from the distance, I just bolt it to a jungle gym or L-T wall. Half the time they end up breaking chase with me, thinking I'm a good looper, when I am really not. Throw in lithe and I can waste even more of their time.

    You are correct in that there was never a better time to be a killer. I've seen videos of the horrible crap that killers had to put up with, and it's good that the devs have made strides in making easier for killer. But just because it is easier doesn't mean the killer role is easy (Unless they're playing Freddy (who is getting nerfed soon-yay!) or Spirit.

    I just wish players like the OP would go play killer during prime gaming hours and experience it before they come and rant about the devs being killer sided. They'll quickly learn that it isn't except for a few killers.

    As for stuns, I've experienced it too, others on here mentioned it and it's most likely a bug that they'll hopefully fix soon.

    Finally, I have seen an increase in sweaty killers. As I mentioned in the post before this one, I don't think they need nerfs, I think the game just needs adjustments (new action icons, teleporting hooks). I also do wish solo survivors would punish tunneling killers by rushing gens or playing as immersive as possible to bore the crap out of the killer. Killers and Survivors are in a good place and I hope the balance stays similar to what it is now.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    I admit the killer wasn't the best in that video, but if you put a good survivor on that map I guarantee you that you will see just how powerful one part of the map is especially with the right RNG.

  • Sandt21
    Sandt21 Member Posts: 761

    It'll forever blow my mind that there are people who think red rank killer is easier then red rank survivor.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600
    edited April 2021

    There was never anything in the center of Rotten Fields to begin with. All they did was make it smaller, mostly by bringing in the corners. And it's still an abomination that should never exist as far as I'm concerned.

    But lookit who I'm responding too - a master of survivor-biased misinformation. You sure you don't work for one of the many crooked politicians out there?

  • NVerde
    NVerde Member Posts: 264

    I think you're right - I thought the game was about doing generators, running from the killer, unhooking teammates, evasion, mind games, finding cool items to use, teamwork, stealth, stunning the killer, blinding the killer with flashlights - if it's just about doing generators then it's not a game I'm interested in and I'll be giving it up soon. Shame on me for expecting a well-rounded game with some variety, I should have known better!

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    Dude, there are 4 of you. Killer can't be expected to chase all of you at once. You're going to be spending a lot of time on generators.

    And frankly, if you don't have the right mindset to train these killers to play properly by punishing then I really do want you to leave so I don't get you as a teammate. Nothing pisses me off more than somebody running to my hook with the killer standing right there. Nothing gets my goat like some brainless idiot running around my hook with the killer in tow. Nothing makes me roll my eyes as a killer more than turning around after hooking somebody to find 2 people standing there behind a pallet 16 meters away then getting mad that I didn't leave because 3/4ths of the team is right there in front of me NOT giving me generator pressure while their teammate's life is tick ticking away. If this is how you play then yes, do us all a favor and quit.

    And yes, the game is well-rounded. But look at what you are doing.....

    • You hold M1 to heal
    • You hold M1 to cleanse totems
    • You hold M1 to do generators

    Most of this game is about holding M1 at it's very core.... holding M1 till the next chase.

    If you get a camping killer, you'll be doing it for less than 5 minutes... then you'll be out of there and in a new match that is hopefully more engaging.

    If you can't look past these instances and do the right thing, definitely find something else to do.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    Yes, it is. So if there's a shortage of killers when the game only needs one killer for every four survivors, that shows just how large a percentage of the playerbase prefers to play survivor.

  • BillyAndStu
    BillyAndStu Member Posts: 120

    You have to be bait bro theres no way you think survs dont have any good perks. Unbreakable, sprint burst, deliverance, iron will, inner strength, adrenaline, borrowed time, etc. Survs have like a dozen or so S tier perks while killers have half of that. Also youre complaning that killers are the only thing that change gameplay? I can think of like 4 different surv builds that let you play in completely different ways. I hate to break it to you man but the reason you think survivability is down is cuz u might just not be very good at surv. Theres perks that let ubplay offensively, locker builds, perks that make healing instant, altruistic builds, then theres the classic small pp builds which arent as strong post ds nerf but still plenty strong.

  • BillyAndStu
    BillyAndStu Member Posts: 120

    On god. Every good killer perk either has to be earned, goes away after a timer, or can be straight up deleted. Meanwhile surv perks reward you for getting downed or injured.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    I only queue as solo survivor. Wait times suck. I usually give up and play killer or something else entirely.

    Anyway, I was just responding to your comment "I thought there was a drought of killers tho??? Make up your minds" because the person you were responding to said that fewer survivors playing meant survivor queue times would get faster, which is accurate if there aren't enough killers to go around. So, his statement was in agreement with there being a drought of killers, yet you responded as if he were disagreeing with there being a drought of killers. That's all I was trying to say.

    In a recent Q&A the devs did, they responded to a common question of "When are you guys going to fix survivor queue times?" and they said that there's nothing they can do about it if there just aren't enough killers. It was implied that, at least during peak play hours, there are not enough killers.

    A two-killer game mode would be amusing. Unfortunately, the devs are still trying to balance their one game mode, plus they seem afraid of splitting up the playerbase between multiple modes. It's too bad, I think a lot of people are bored with the game as it is now and would like a new mode or something else to change things up.

    Anyway, yeah, killer is a lonely job. It's not surprising at all that more people would rather play a game where they can chat with friends than one where they're alone against four people. A two-killer mode is about the only thing the devs could do to make killer more social and so bring over more players who want to play with friends. Otherwise, anyone with even one friend to play with is going to choose survivor.

  • ChomboIie
    ChomboIie Member Posts: 11

    As a solo survivor, I am just here to say you are wrong

  • bad_clown_main
    bad_clown_main Member Posts: 31

    Well i have played several games within the past few days and surv is fine its the teammates that really screw you not as much the killer.

  • UMCorian
    UMCorian Member Posts: 531

    Solo queue is always going to be hit or miss... but if Survivors play well, the game is so survivor-sided, it isn't even funny.

    Of course, all it takes is one survivor to really drop the ball at the wrong place at the wrong time... and that can snowball fast.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,122

    Things are not quite as dire for survivor as you make it sound.

  • TheDappaScrappa
    TheDappaScrappa Member Posts: 103

    Sounds like ur just bad. Stop crying for nerfs when its obvious ur just not that good.

  • xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx
    xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx Member Posts: 441

    I mean DS and BT lasted for 4 years while Hex: Undying only lasted for 4 months. Sooo...

  • NVerde
    NVerde Member Posts: 264

    I think you've missed my point and I don't do any of the things you're accusing me of here. If you can't understand that camping/tunnelling creates a boring game with little variety for EVERYONE then I really have nothing else to say. Good luck in your games.

  • feral_felidae
    feral_felidae Member Posts: 5

    As a red rank survivor main who is brand new to killer, this is utter bs. The game is inherently survivor sided (although admittedly not as severely as salty killer mains claim), and there are plenty of fun perks that work fine. Just because you're bored of meta perks doesn't mean you can't branch out. I made it to red rank without ever using ds consistently, and I don't even have other metas like unbreakable and dead hard on my main survivors. I did just fine using non meta perks, because I developed raw skill. If you're having this much of a hard time playing this game, maybe it's time to refresh your skills. Survivor is very simple, and although definitely not easy, there's not much to learn once you master the basics and experiment with every perk. Killer is heavily skill based, compared to survivor mostly being experience based. Sure, there are ways some lazy killers can shortcut through the game and exploit mechanics, use meta builds like survivors do, play scummy for no reason, but as long as they're not doing something banable, nobody can tell them they can't play how they want. Same for survivors. The learning curve for killer is massive, and experimenting with each different killer adds to that. Some killers are incredibly weak unless the player is very experienced and skilled with said killer (Blight, Billy, Nurse, etc. are good examples). It takes maybe a few days to master a new survivor perk, and months to master a killer. Huge difference.

    As for boredom, maybe you're bored with survivor because you aren't experimenting enough with perks other than the meta. Try playing killer, specifically one that has a complicated ability. Try Blight perhaps. See how easy you have it. The whole 4k fantasy thing is the entire point of playing killer. Your job is to kill survivors, and you can choose to play sweaty, or not play sweaty, there's no issue here as long as the killer is a good sport. Nothing wrong with playing to win, or playing for fun. If a killer plays scummy, play scummy right back, or if u get tunneled into the ground let them have it in the chat and move on to the next match. It's that simple. Ppl need to stop shitting on killer mains just because they refuse to develop skill playing survivor.

  • herrik666
    herrik666 Member Posts: 191


  • gammatsunami
    gammatsunami Member Posts: 545

    Actually play killer. It's very stressful once you hit green and up.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited April 2021


    Can't really shake up the meta if built-in actions/mechanics aren't addressed, like Camping Slugging and Tunneling.

    Because all those 3 are available to a killer at their own leisure. So if they keep being used, they stay common and survivors bring perks around that.

    I'm with you on shaking up the meta, but they would have to start introducing built-in mechanics for survivors first. To give survivors more options outside of perks.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    The mere existence of trickster proves that you are wrong