Trickster Issues and Potential Fixes


So I've spent the past couple of days writing up a list of Trickster Issues and potential fixes both simple and experimental in hopes that they could be passed onto the devs. I for one enjoy the new killer but I feel as though the game loop can be a bit bothersome at times.

With that in mind:

This document is what I've managed to write down in the days of me playing him. I might add an addendum if there is enough traction and I do hope to write up a in-depth Trickster guide to hopefully alleviate some pressure off of new players picking him up for the first time.

Let me know what you think either in the comments down below or at my Twitter (@Sodsboy) or by adding me on Discord (Sodsboy#0655) I'd be more than willing to discuss possible changes to the Trickster or just the general balance of DBD as a whole.

See you in the fog!



  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    I have been playing Trickster from release till now in red ranks and I just gave up. He is fun with ricotchet, but without that it is just pain to play against good survivors. I still can 4k almost everygame, but I have to tryhard a lot and can't really relax, when I know how much I handicap myself with him. I will just keep playing Deathslinger till he gets some love.

    What I would like to see him to get:

    • Base Movement Speed to 115%
    • Knife Holding Speed to 100%
    • Final Knife Throwing Speed to 80%
    • Main Event can be stored and activated later.
    • Ricotchet as base kit
    • fix knives for chaser emblem

    I don't mind Laceration Decay that much anymore, I just got used to play around it and I wouldn't reduce recoil, so there is actual skill needed to play him. It is supposed to be trade, if you want to be accurate then shoot one by one, or just hold it if you are good enough to hit them.

  • Sodsboy
    Sodsboy Member Posts: 14

    Personally I'm not of the opinion he needs to be 115%. The same argument was made for Hag before she received her rework to her add-ons and how her power worked. I believe that in most cases simple number tweaks to the power can justify killer staying as a 110%. The recoil doesn't make sense to me from lore and in terms of gameplay. He's meant to be this expert knife thrower but he throws as if he's got tremors in his hands. Maybe it is a case of "We need some form of balance" But 10 degrees of recoil and spread is far too harsh to give. I think at least 7 or 8 degrees would be more than justified if we also took into consideration of increasing his movement speed whilst holding knives or throwing them.

    I can agree there needs to be some form of Brutality points given for a full Laceration Injure/down and some way of earning Chaser but I do think they'll be addressed first and foremost other over changes.

  • STUVash
    STUVash Member Posts: 25

    Hi, I feel like commenting on the issues you stated.

    1) The slow down is related to his Range power, it's not an issue if the power is worth the slow.

    2) Main Event can be worth using at many times, even though the activation time is a bit long if the killer could keep it, it would be good.

    3) As it is by default, it's true that the recoil is annoying, but upon using purple add-ons that synergize well with one another, you realise how powerful he can be. Especially the ones which would help you land your shots better, such as Edge Of Revival Album.

    4) Agreed. Even though the add-ons imply it should be possible, it's actually not. Do not forget to add in your documentation that Laceration Meters decrease on OTHER survivors upon landing a basic attack and hooking, now that's the real kick in your ballz if you were to run anti decay add-ons. Hah.

    5) Depends on maps and add-ons. Some addons really make it easy on you for most of the match. Some build can even prevent altruistic squad moves while also punishing them for it. Rewarding you for keeping a high pressure on a group of survivors. I had many great matches when using such build, some even turned 0 hooks to 3 kills when we got to Endgame Collapse and that was with no endgame perks just the add-ons doing the work for me.

    6) Definitely bad unless there's a decent justification for such design, currently the only one would be you get to shoot "Free Knives". It's a good one but for most of the match it's not good enough, especially if you're not using it for one reason or another.

    7) This is a part I like, having to aim slightly to the right when firing with the left and aiming slightly to the left when aiming with the right. But it does make it harder to play. Still liking it, it adds some depth to the power, if it wasn't for the Laceration Decay, I'd definitely use it lot more on Long Range. It does work rather fine when the survivor is already injured in an open area.

    8) Damage wise, you're right, however you can also use your long range shots as a way to gather information. You could shoot through gaps, toward gens or on an exit door lever to check if a survivor if there or not. I saved lot of time by just shooting at a specific spot. A knife travel at 1375% Move Speed, if you can aim properly it's worth it. You can also use Long Range to show a survivor you know where he's hidden and make him panic by shooting directly at him with Barbecue, maybe entice him to move away from a gen while you do something else.

    9) True on default, wrong with some add-ons. I saw a clear difference depending on my build. Some of them really wrecks survivors.

    10) False even on default as stated before but even more false when you equip add-ons. The purple ones add utility and damage. Trick Blades adds tons of fun that will joyfully surprise both the killer and the survivors when landing hits.

    11) I disagree, being chased by Trickster is extremely fun, knowing he needs to hit me 8 times with his knives as a survivor is fairly reassuring. It's kinda like having 16 Health state instead of two but that may go down quicker, something like that. He's fun as a character too.

    12) As it is right now, it's not a big deal. The stun duration isn't long to be really punishing at close range. And if a survivor enters a locker at long range then you'll just be getting closer which will end up in a grab or a hit later on. No problem with that at all. This will probably be more relevant if the power gets stronger, but for now most survivors simply run away and behind walls.

    13) There's some logic to it, you get to fire with your power supposedly unrestricted by the usual slow you'd get. But with the other problems this does feel not needed. Something must be changed either remove the stun, upgrade speed on main event or remove the limited activation time but all the handicaps packed together do make it weaker.

    14) Same as before, it does feel weird when put with the rest but assuming you use it when you're out of knives then it's fine to have a cooldown, you didn't have any more knife anyway. Maybe it's a way to entice the killer to use it at this specific time. On its own, it's not a big deal, adding on top of the rest is wrong.

    15) He has LOT more identity than alot of other killers. Only Trickster and Plague actually speak a language, and Trickster speaks one we understand. His visuals are unique, his power is unique, his voicelines are unique, his music is unique. And he's the only other killer aside from Doctor who specifically expresses how excited he is when chasing from his voicelines and his giggles. All the other killers are lot less expressive, whether they actually enjoy killing or not.

    I agree that Trick Blades could be part of his base kit considering how fun it is while still not being too easy to use. More of my thoughts on the whole kit here => Trickster kit - A straightforward analysis — Dead By Daylight