Using Self Care = Admitting you are bad



  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @douggie123 said:
    As a killer if survivors didnt have self care the match would be way to short and I enjoy long matches.

    Like that's the thing, I sometimes don't run SC, but most of the time I do if my friends want me to run different builds

    But If I don't run self care after I chase I just sit on a gen while I'm injured hoping someone comes and saves me, so it makes matches longer.

  • Raziel
    Raziel Member Posts: 100
    edited October 2018

    @fcc2014 said:

    @Raziel said:

    OoO + Sole Survivor + Urban Evasion + Lightweight.

    I'm not trying to prove anything so give me self-care, an exhaustion perk, we'll make it and were gonna live(farm) forever.

    You are proving that the game marketed as survival horror should actually be labeled as racing.
    (and many of us should be refunded)

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @Raziel so you want to turn this into a compensation thread because you don't like self care? Ok why did you buy the game? Did you see it streamed or heard about it? You knew what the game was before you got here. It is your statements in this thread that make people laugh at killer complaints not that they are sometimes valid and reasonable but it is statements like yours that automatically make people laugh and disregard everything. Maybe this game isn't for you. Many people play this game and wipe out lobbies on a regular. What is different from how they play and how you play? Figure out the problem with how you play as a killer instead of spending time worrying about a perk in the game.

    Find them, Down them, Hook them Repeat.

  • Killmaster
    Killmaster Member Posts: 429

    Either using Self-care makes you bad or the killer is bad and can't handle a chase past one hit and gives the survivor a chance to use self-care.

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141

    @Raziel said:

    @Dwight_Fairfield said:
    altruistic said:

    Imagine believing that you ican “never get hit” as a Survivor and not be trolling.  What a fantasy world to live in.  

    Still waiting on you to show us your pro, stealth, never get hit survivor.  

    Please show us all how great of a Survivor you are.  I think many of us would love to see it, or are you going to ignore my request again?  

    You might as well ask for next week's winning lottery numbers. He won't give you what he doesn't have.

    OoO + Sole Survivor + Urban Evasion + Lightweight.

    Let's see a video. Heck I would even take a screenshot of your Survivor rank tbh. Still waiting.

  • Raziel
    Raziel Member Posts: 100
    edited October 2018

    @altruistic said:

    @Raziel said:

    @Dwight_Fairfield said:
    altruistic said:

    Imagine believing that you ican “never get hit” as a Survivor and not be trolling.  What a fantasy world to live in.  

    Still waiting on you to show us your pro, stealth, never get hit survivor.  

    Please show us all how great of a Survivor you are.  I think many of us would love to see it, or are you going to ignore my request again?  

    You might as well ask for next week's winning lottery numbers. He won't give you what he doesn't have.

    OoO + Sole Survivor + Urban Evasion + Lightweight.

    Let's see a video. Heck I would even take a screenshot of your Survivor rank tbh. Still waiting.

    How about you test it yourself, instead of believing me? Play 20 games with Self Care and 20 games without. See where you end up.

    A bit older but you get the idea.

  • Raziel
    Raziel Member Posts: 100

    @fcc2014 said:
    @Raziel so you want to turn this into a compensation thread because you don't like self care? Ok why did you buy the game? Did you see it streamed or heard about it? You knew what the game was before you got here. It is your statements in this thread that make people laugh at killer complaints not that they are sometimes valid and reasonable but it is statements like yours that automatically make people laugh and disregard everything. Maybe this game isn't for you. Many people play this game and wipe out lobbies on a regular. What is different from how they play and how you play? Figure out the problem with how you play as a killer instead of spending time worrying about a perk in the game.

    Find them, Down them, Hook them Repeat.

    Again, I am not looking at this from a killer's perspective at all. Keep trying to start a flame war and I will flag you for off topic and baiting.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @Raziel said:

    @fcc2014 said:
    @Raziel so you want to turn this into a compensation thread because you don't like self care? Ok why did you buy the game? Did you see it streamed or heard about it? You knew what the game was before you got here. It is your statements in this thread that make people laugh at killer complaints not that they are sometimes valid and reasonable but it is statements like yours that automatically make people laugh and disregard everything. Maybe this game isn't for you. Many people play this game and wipe out lobbies on a regular. What is different from how they play and how you play? Figure out the problem with how you play as a killer instead of spending time worrying about a perk in the game.

    Find them, Down them, Hook them Repeat.

    Again, I am not looking at this from a killer's perspective at all. Keep trying to start a flame war and I will flag you for off topic and baiting.

    Be my guess flag me for alleged "baiting". The Irony would be how this whole thread is a bait thread. I'm not baiting you and i'm on topic while giving you advice so you don't get spammed with Git Guds!

  • Raziel
    Raziel Member Posts: 100
    edited October 2018

    @Peanits said:
    Primarily killer player. I don't see what the big deal is with self care. If I lost them and they spend the next 24 seconds (32 on the PTB) healing, oh well, I lost them, they deserve it. I failed, I lost them, I don't see why my hand should be held so they can't heal when it's my fault I lost them. They could just as easily go to another survivor and heal up twice as fast.

    If they're healing mid-chase, not only does it greatly reduce the distance they gain and cause them to use pallets faster, but you can easily counter that with caulrophobia.

    When I play survivor, I don't run it. It's a waste of a perk slot. Half the time someone comes sprinting over trying to heal you anyway. The only time it really matters is when you're the only survivor left.

    That is true. Having self care as the last survivor guarantees you a win. There is no skill involved either, it's completely dependant on whether the killer wants to play hatch standoff or not.

    Basically, you are reinforcing my argument that the perk compensates for lack of player skill.

    I'm ignoring the killer part because, again, it is not the focus of the discussion.

    One more thing: explain why Self Care is used 96% of the time.

  • Raziel
    Raziel Member Posts: 100

    @powerbats said:

    @Raziel said:
    90 Posts and I can only count strawman arguments. Sadly, this did not turn out to be a real debate. Might as well call it quits. Nobody has even tried to touch the most compelling argument against Self Care:

    If you really are good at juking the killer, you WILL NEVER GET HIT. And that means that Self Care is a complete waste. If you expect getting hit, then you admit you are not good at juking the killer. You use self care because it compensates for you lacking this skill.

    Speaking of Straw Mans, we'll use your logic here against you.

    If you're a really good killer that survivor won't get away to use Self Care in the 1st place. That means that if they get away YOU SUCK AT KILLER !!!!!

    There see how your logic just blew a very big hole in your whole argument.

    You are basically saying that killers who do not tunnel are bad.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526
    edited October 2018

    @Raziel said:

    @powerbats said:

    @Raziel said:
    90 Posts and I can only count strawman arguments. Sadly, this did not turn out to be a real debate. Might as well call it quits. Nobody has even tried to touch the most compelling argument against Self Care:

    If you really are good at juking the killer, you WILL NEVER GET HIT. And that means that Self Care is a complete waste. If you expect getting hit, then you admit you are not good at juking the killer. You use self care because it compensates for you lacking this skill.

    Speaking of Straw Mans, we'll use your logic here against you.

    If you're a really good killer that survivor won't get away to use Self Care in the 1st place. That means that if they get away YOU SUCK AT KILLER !!!!!

    There see how your logic just blew a very big hole in your whole argument.

    You are basically saying that killers who do not tunnel are bad.

    What are you even talking about? Injuring someone and then continuing the chase wouldn't be considered tunneling, chasing an injured person after they are pulled off the hook is what is considered tunneling, and even then, who cares? Play how you want lmfao.