Main Event buff suggestion

SacrilegeGG Member Posts: 85
edited April 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Killers who have short duration power-ups, like Myers, Plague, or Oni, need to feel threatening. A bad play within those windows will lead to getting downed and hooked. They add intensity and make matches more exciting for both sides.

Trickster, however, doesn't do this. While the other killers become significantly more dangerous during their windows with high speeds or easy one-shot potential, Trickster just... throws knives a little quicker, while survivors run around a corner and giggle.

This is compounded by the limitations placed on it. The more limits a power has, the more potential you'd expect to gain from it.

Oni can power-up whenever he likes, after collecting enough blood. Myers can choose when to push into Tier 3, after stalking enough. Both are pretty easy to fulfill, and are reasonably strong. Oni is more dangerous, but has a higher skill floor to compensate.

Plague has a more tricky scenario where she needs to find a corrupted fountain, limited both by opportunity (no cleansing means no fountains) and by location (cleansing around map edges makes it harder to use effectively). This is justified by letting her damage over range, and can injure multiple survivors at once.

Trickster has the worst scenario, where not only does he need to charge his power but then has a very small window to use it, otherwise it completely fades out.

If we're keeping that limitation, which is a lot less useful than the devs intend it to be, then it should actually be dangerous. Survivors should actually worry about it.

My suggestion: Let Trickster run at 120% (4.8m/s) during Main Event.

Think of him going into a hysterical madness, driven by the screams of the victims he's chasing down. He's in an ecstatic state of delirious sadism.

Making him significantly faster, while throwing a barrage of knives, actually makes him a threat. With the most limitations on his power, it's only fair that it'd be dangerous and scary.


  • vladspellbinder
    vladspellbinder Member Posts: 320

    The one buff I really wanted was for Main Event to not be "use-it-or-lose-it" like it is right now. I had not considered making him move super fast while using it. Becoming a 120% speed knife machinegun would actually make it worth being so limited.

    My main problem is that unless I 99 the power and stop throwing knives all together I am very rarely in a position where Main Event is useful because the Survivor I am chasing is at a wall or other cover when it procs. But by moving super fast you can get around obstacles to get line-of-sight and it stops a simple L-wall from making his super power a super dud. It'd actually force Survivors to keep moving and find new cover instead of just playing around one or two walls because they know slow a.f. Trickster can't catch up to them.

    So, yeah, I do like this idea if no other change was made to Main Event as it is right now.