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Increase the amount of killer perk slots to 6

some_shape Member Posts: 35
edited October 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions

This game is a 16 survivor perks versus 4 killer perks, and the survivor perks are impactful on their own (some make you waste a lot of time), so to balance this problem you could give 6 perk slots to the killers.


  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073
    No... just... no...

    Number 1, six perk slots are absolutely frigging ridiculous. There is no need.

    Number 2, while yes there are 16 total survivor perks in play, you're not always having to deal with all 16 at once. Some people make loop builds, others gen rush, some stealth, and others meme. Honestly there is no real perk setup where you'll have to deal with all 16 perks being active and used against you at once. The moment you take chase to a generator rush build, all their gen repair speed perks are worthless. Likewise, looper builds aren't active unless the killer is chasing them. While on a generator they're just sitting there.
  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088
    The game is 1 killer vs 4 survivors. We need 3 more killers, lul
  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @powerbats said:

    @some_shape said:
    This game is a 16 survivor perks versus 4 killer perks, and the survivor perks are impactful on their own (some make you waste a lot of time), so to balance this problem you could give 6 perk slots to the killers.

    I really wish killers would stop using that logical fallacy argument, it's simply not true since each survivor has 4 perks, not 16. Oh sure there's 16 total perks survivor side but how often do killers complain that it's 4 man swf DS/DH/SB/SC squads or insert AD in that lineup.

    If you got to bring 6 perk slots you'd be completely op above and beyond a Nurse on steroids and some killer perks are just as impactful. The extra perk slots aren't the problem but how the maps are designed as well as other things. Those extra perks aren't going to stop looping or gen rushing, they'll just make end game NOED op.

    There are several perks to slow down the game or to act against looping but you cant take them due to limited perk slots.

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @Khroalthemadbomber said:
    No... just... no...

    Number 1, six perk slots are absolutely frigging ridiculous. There is no need.

    Number 2, while yes there are 16 total survivor perks in play, you're not always having to deal with all 16 at once. Some people make loop builds, others gen rush, some stealth, and others meme. Honestly there is no real perk setup where you'll have to deal with all 16 perks being active and used against you at once. The moment you take chase to a generator rush build, all their gen repair speed perks are worthless. Likewise, looper builds aren't active unless the killer is chasing them. While on a generator they're just sitting there.

    Just like all your killer perks arent active all time, how does BBQ help you during a chase, what does sloppy butcher do if noone is injured etc etc

    Hell, survivors can even REMOVE perks from your loadout completely

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178


  • some_shape
    some_shape Member Posts: 35
    edited October 2018

    Just remember that hex perks can be destroyed in the match. And that lots of killer perks don’t help them mid chase, like tracking perks.
    Before instantly rejecting this idea, consider that the perks that can slow the game down are hexes, a hit effect or a gen kick perk. Each category has perks that in conjunction are great, but alone some are mediocre (thanatophobia), this idea would aim to increase perk build variety and effectiveness, this would happen by changing meta perks for some complementary ones that fit your play style, for example: substituting ruin for 3 perks with synergy, reducing ruin pick rate in high ranks.
    Plus calling the idea ######### because nurse would get a buff as a side effect is not a valid argument, as the perk meta on killers affects even the weak ones like freedy.

  • Blood_Coil_Viper
    Blood_Coil_Viper Member Posts: 199
    Maybe if the games ever balenced around SWF the killer could get more perks but for now it's a bit too unfair for solo players. 
  • grtf47
    grtf47 Member Posts: 371
    No way the killer is fine with 4 and adding another slot would be too much 
  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    Could you imagine this? 😶 enduring, spirit fury, ruin, haunted grounds, Noed and whispers... 
  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    I'd like to see this implemented.
    Would make the game less asymmetrical and finally give some power back to the Power role.

  • Lagoni
    Lagoni Member Posts: 180

    I honestly think it should be 16 killers, each with 16 perks against 1 survivor.
    The survivor perks are just so impactful.

  • Killigma
    Killigma Member Posts: 372

    I honestly see no issue with this, perfectly balanced and this will solve all major issues in this game, good job so far OP.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    Lagoni said:

    I honestly think it should be 16 killers, each with 16 perks against 1 survivor.
    The survivor perks are just so impactful.

    16 killers line up..... 1 survivor with SB.... survivor- "bring it on"