I just want to make a point about everyone saying "solo survivor's need a buff"

No they don't. IF ANYTHING swf needs to be nerfed. An okay group of solo's who stick to gens instead of running stupid hook bomb plays and flashlight save failed attempts will almost always get the gen's done.
Idk where this philosophy of Buffing solo survivors as a go to solution and then saying we gonna buff killer now that survivor is working so much better. Seriously ppl, every buff to survivor is in effect a nerf to killer. Please get that through your heads.
Like we said, SWF cannot be nerfed, so solo queue HAS to be nerfed. THEN we can start buffing killers, and by "we" I mean BHVR.
Post edited by Yords on18 -
Problem is SWF can’t be nerfed so the best way forward is to buff solo and then buff killers
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I wouldn't nerf a thing right now. If anything at all, I would just add an icon to survivors who queued together in the lobby. for the sake of other survivors and killers. Just so people know what is going on.
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Most people I’ve seen don’t want buffs on Killer but instead just want buffs on solo q. Essentially making it to where every experience for Killer is SWF, even in solo q. If that happens and no buffs for killer went with it, the game will become just survivors waiting for que.
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This is the thing about you people tho. You always say buff survivors and then have specific suggestions. But don't worry, killer buffs would come, I just don't care what they are or would be because really I just want to buff survivors. If you gonna make these suggestions for how to buff survivors by giving them kindred at base or a garunteed obsession without anyone running obsession perks or add-ons, tell me the corresponding buff for killer that would "come afterwards"
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This Guy, THANK YOU. someone gets it
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When people say "buff solos to SWF level", it doesn't mean Killers can't be buffed. If you buff solo survivors to SWF level, you can then buff Killers accordingly, no longer will you have to divide the survivor community into two groups. Before, Solos were at an enormous disadvantage in contrast to SWF.
How would you "nerf" SWF? Make them work on gens slower? Reduce their movement speed? These are not good balance decisions for people wanting to play the game with their friends, it's a good way of killing the game's population. So really the best solution is to buff solos to SWF level then increase the power levels of Killers so that they're both on even ground.
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Adjustments to early game and overall pallet strength?
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I mean, the devs made this brain dead decision to make it so you couldn't switch the killer you selected after you jumped into a lobby. To avoid that situation, they should reverse that decesion. Because if you know a challenge is coming, you will want to switch to a sweatier build, or not take meme perks that survive with friends easily counter.
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SWF is OP and I can't think of a way to balance it. Why would you make solo just as strong? That would be like bringing every single killer to Nurse lvl. Would you want to face that every game?
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I already told someone else I wouldn't nerf anything. If anything I would just put an icon that shows what survivors queued together in lobby. I know it would result in more dodges, but then maybe people would stop playing swf less often as a result and it would be better except for sweaty survivor mains who only play in 4 man depip squads.
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You answered your own question, make every Killer strong and viable.
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That's what I'm talking about with you guys tho. Its never specific. Some generic low thought idea that someone else has to come up with, which would mean behavior. And that means we get some shittie endgame collapse equivalent idea. If I said something like, make it so keys can't spawn in chests, survivors would go fking crazy.
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Almost everyone who says "Buff solo Q" also agrees killers need buffs to compensate.
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I already dislike playing against swf, if they understand that i cant be everywhere at once I cant make progress. If solos are put on the level of swf then it'll just make me dislike playing in general. People already claim the killers are op as it is so that'll probably become even more prevalent if they buff killers. Any buffs to solos are indirect buffs to swf since they can use the info too.
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The point is entering those games knowing that you will likely get shiit stomped if you try to take some meme build. It encourages killers to go lighter on the solo's and try new things out and test their skills against good an organized team.
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There's no perfect solutions but unlike nerfing SWF buffing solos and killers actually has a chance of ever happening.
And no, I don't know the perfect way to do it either, or what exact buffs to survivors and killers it would involve. Because there is no perfect way.
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I just want to add that the principle is that SWF is annoying because it takes away the disoriented random effect I love from playing survivor. I will never play SWF and I dislike playing versus SWF.
SWF are capable of cheesing out 4 man escape when the point of game is for someone to die so others can escape and that is mainly why I dislike SWF, it is unfun.
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right, but they never have ideas on how to do it. Because they don't care if killers get buffed or not.
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You missed my point. Though it would be nice if every killer was viable.
When killer ques up they usually dread going against a swf because it's so powerful. However there's a chance it won't be a swf. If you buff solo to swf lvl then there will be no chance of a chill match. It will be frustration every single match. Killers would stop playing.
The survivor equivilant would be you que up and run into spirit. Most survivors hate spirit but you won't face a spirit every game. What if every time you qued up your match was going to be as frustrating as fighting the killer you hate the most? Would you want to play that every single time?
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Buffing Solo Q to SWF level is the ONLY way we are going to see buffs for certain Killers.
Besides, Solo Q isa miserable experience
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You are right, how dare they to play with their friends.
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Behavior can add numerous ways of evening both sides. They could add new game mechanics such as searching for generator parts to start working on gens, early game collapse concept where gens are repaired slower or blocked for a small duration, etc. Then you can also buff average and weak killers to A tier level. There are many ways of altering the game so that not every game is going to be a sweat fest, it's just Behavior is not adamant about adding anything NEW to the game's base mechanics.
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Honestly, starting to think that there should be some survivor intel perks that should become baseline, and in compensation, gen time should go from 80 to 100.
Not keen on buffing killers, since I like matches with a somewhat slower pace, where you aren't constantly either in chase or getting someone off the hook or sweating out a gen.
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name some buffs for said killers and we can have a conversation. Otherwise i dont care what you have to say.
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when is this happening?
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Every person I've seen who've said they want solos buffed have also said "then buff killers accordingly"
That's also the only way to actually balance this game.
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I appreciate you trying to see it from my point of view
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The devs won’t do it simply for the fact a potential backlash from survivors. Anytime they do buff killers they also take something away. Like they did for Wraith. I can imagine them buffing solo q sure. But with how the devs act I don’t believe they will buff all killers accordingly.
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You are aware that both McLean and @MandyTalk have confirmed that Wraith's slowdown is bugged and his lunge shouldn't have been altered in any way, right?
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This is a positive I have to admit, but it does make the possibility of us getting some kind of lobby indicator for swf a thing. Also, that indicator is a buff to so solo survivors as well. Because if the solo's know who are queued together, they can make certain assumptions of how they should play around them.
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Oh yes. I’m aware of everything in every single topic of discussion.
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Well since you think they did that on purpose I wanted to correct you :)
If you're so sure they did it on purpose I'd have thought you would've at least fact checked it, though.
Glad we've cleared up this confusion, though 🥰
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What does that mean that "swf will only play on their level" Like they will be paired with only good killers?
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- make the gen regress faster (like ruin)
- kicking a gen destroys 5% of progress (PGTW is still 25% not 30%)
- 3 second animation to start a gen to remove gen tapping
- map reworks:
Less rng so there are no broken tile combination possible
Less safe pallets, more unsafe pallets
Replace bad hook positions (a hook is not near when you need to go around a hill to reach it)
Make Red forest and other maps smaller
- Survivor are 50% slower on gens for the first 30 sec or the start of the first chase.
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My problem with this, is that MMR is no indication about how you intend to play, just how you must play if you don't want to depip. If you want to run a more relaxed build but you are going to go against sweaty 4man squads, you gonna have a really annoying game, and essentially will have to play sweaty every game no matter what.
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Are you talking about his uncloak slowdown? because they nerfed it on purpose. The lunge is bugged I agree but not the slowdown.
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Reset back to 20? Does that mean every killer has its own individual rank?
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The slowdown during the uncloak carries on slightly into the lunge, causing his increase in speed for the lunge to be bugged, that is what I'm on about yes.
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Ranks will not be used in matchmaking. Each individual killer has their own MMR value, which is decided behind the scenes and cannot be seen in any way, which is used for matchmaking. Survivors will share one MMR value. Ranks will instead be used as a signal for playtime that month.
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It's extremely rare when survivors just do gens and nothing else. It's only effective if they all know what each other are doing--what the killer is doing.
The Archives skew the games, too, since survivors are likely going out of their way to get challenges.
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A signal for playtime that month with an incentive to play both sides because you get more rewards. So rank means something. Sounds like a good change, but one hell of a grind every month. Sigh
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Wait a minute, now I have a question:
"people you can handle."
Does this means that you will be paired with people that you should be able to 4k? Or 2k and 2 escapes, as intended by the devs?
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Killers have challenges too? many of which are kick a gen
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If anybody wants to know my suggestion for nerfing SWF that invovles gameplay. Hint: its not nerfing SWF, its rather buffing killers who are agasint swf. The max paired for every two survivors that are paired the killer gets up to a maximum of two additional perk slots. To get these perks there is an entitiy bench in the basement they have to go to, and there they can swap what these two perk slots do. So they can only change those perks. Hex perks cannot be added in game.
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This content has been removed.
hmm, lose games, be able to do what you want... seems like a fked up reward system
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People keep talking about buffs and nerfs in terms of numerical adjustments to in-game mechanics.
These are never going to work, because the strength of a SWF doesn't come from any of these things, it comes from greater coordination.
Solo play needs to be "buffed" with tools that enable greater coordination.
Thinks like:
- Survivors can view each others perks and item loads outs in the lobby, so they know the capabilities of their team mates.
- Survivors can press a button to trigger a pre-set map-wide message, something like "Killer is here", "Coast is clear, "Help me", "Leave me". In addition, have this 'ping' in their direction so you know where the message is coming from.
- Make the 'Glass Bead' add-on a default mechanic of all maps.
- Make something 'like' Kindred/Empathy/Bond a basekit feature. Perhaps you can hold down a button to trigger 'Survivor Instinct' which gives you a general direction that each survivor is in.
Post edited by Seraphor on4 -
Sounds not so good, actually
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Jesus, I have said multiple times I wouldn't even nerf SWF nor did I say in OP I wanted a nerf to SWF, just people need to stop complaining about solo que being too hard and they need buffs. Here:
If I was gonna to give SWF a disadvantage it would look more something like this