I just want to make a point about everyone saying "solo survivor's need a buff"
Fair enough. It is good to think I am going to be able to play Huntress without deranking into oblivion (I love her, but I am terrible with her at the same time).
I think it is going to be a very good feature. If it works properly, that is.
Thanks for the help!
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Its something, idc if its good. you lose your ruin, early, go throw on pop. Whatever
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SWF groups would be in lobbies for hours
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1 and 2 I don't really have that big of a problem with. you are losing me at 3 and 4. How about give me a killer instinct so I can see where survivors are hiding after I spot them with bbq. No?
I would rework your number 2 and just add more emotes to survivor that have a meaning people understand. Maybe you can press a button that forces you to scream, so suvivors can know where you are (but also killer). also it would be really funny to spam.
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Tis the price you pay for effectively 3 additonal free perks per survivor for you whole team
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But thats the problem with you guys. You think that, but that is how the game plays in your imagination, and specifically only the games you are involved in. Because 4 people surviving is not an ideal outcome. and in SWF that is effectively always the outcome. So you want 80% of the games at high rank played in dbd to be 4 escapes with the other 20% being when the killer said fk it im tunneling the first dude i see. you ppl aren't thinking about what effect you suggestions would have on this kind of data. Its always what is more fun for me in this particular scenario, but how unfun that would be for every killer who plays at high rank. I mean damn solo survivors already are generally better at looping that 4 mans because they need to be to distract the killer long enough. Now giving them buffs to make them stronger than SWF? You outa your god damn mind.
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I do not know what the buffs to Killers would be, since I do not know what the buffs for Survivor would be.
Stop being so rude and argumentative, then we can talk.
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I don't understand why people come to these conversations expecting everyone else to do the creative work for them while they say some generic ideal that could have explosive impact on the game. If you want to talk in specifics then we have somewhere to go, otherwise it can only devolve into senseless banter
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That's ridiculous. You shouldn't have to wait a really long time (after an already long queue time) just because you want to play with your friends.
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You say that "just to play with your friends" line, but your friends make the game 2x harder for a killer to pip.
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My spirit animal has joined the chat
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Because every killer has a different power? Not only that but just because people can't come up with a way to buff killers on the spot doesn't mean that they don't want killers buffed, it just means that they want both the survivor and killer experience to be more consistent than it is at the minute.
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Ranks don't really matter btw and yes, I did use that line. Why? Because this game has a huge part of the playerbase that play survivor exclusively with their friends. So many people love playing with their friends in this game because obviously it is very fun. Making them wait about 20 minutes for a game that will last around half of that is just bad, and would drive people away from the game. The game is already in a very stale state right now due to bad content patches and lack of content. Like we all have been saying, we need to buff solo queue up to SWF or close to it, and then we can start with buffing killers and everything else.
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Look, survivor is strong. They are strong because they are all the same. Survivors are not designed around killers, killers are definitely designed around survivors. This is why survivors don't need a buff. A survivor buff could make nurse bad. I have ideas for convenience for survivors, but not buffs. Like more emotes. but not buffs.
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Then quite frankly, that's too bad.
You cannot nerf SWF unless you want the game to die. That'd make it really hard to pip, wouldn't it?
Give Solo Q an audio theme when the Killer is within 12m of the hooked Survivor. Give everyone except the Obsession white Entity claws, give the Obsession a black version. Put up a totem counter. Add a call-out wheel.
Killers would need to be buffed on an individual basis, but this allows for Killers that dominate Solo Q, like Clown or Legion, to receive buffs now that Solo's are near SWF. Generally, I think an Early Game Collapse and more dull totems would be good buffs. Everything else would need to be on a cass-by-case basis, since a Killer like Spirit is probably going to need fewer changes than someone like Wraith or Twins.
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Right, but that doesn't happen. What happens is a survivor buff goes through without a ptb, a killer gets buffed in a ptb. 4v1 survivors complain while killer tries to explain why it fair, but its 4v1. Survivors stop the killer buff and trickster becomes a trash killer dead on arrival. Now you guys want buffs to survivor to destroy the game before a killer buff could go through.
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NOOOOOO. Thats so stupid. Buffing survivors, then killer. How about buff killers THEN you can buff survivors. Never gonna happen, cuz every good killer buff gets cancelled in PTB.
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God, most solos I play against are better loopers than most swfs I play against. Using OoO and telling everyone where the killer is is goofy strong yes. But the game is close to balanced in those solo only games.
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This whole statement is mostly contradictory. If a buff doesn't change killer pressure or chase then its not a buff is it? But if a gen pops because someone said over a com "I'm not healing you so do the gen" and the gen gets repaired before I can reach it then it is a buff.
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Release oni, release freddy, release Trickster, I can go on
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People who mostly play solo are better loopers, but they can only go so fast m1ing a gen. So yea the pressure is different, but when I take stock of who tends to be better at looping. Its the solos
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He had a much sharper turn radius but they scrapped it and gave him dead angles instead
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Its really not so much the buffs i guess, but definitely the nerfs. If there is a survivor nerf in the ptb it gets cancelled. I'm confident within a few months ds will be buffed, but pop will never last more than 45 seconds again, but every killer nerf goes through. Survivor buffs go through but buffs don't even make it to the drawing board.
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But they weren't tho. PTB freddy was still slow and an m1. very beatable. Oni was tough, but the counter to oni is not letting him get his power and stealthing when he is in it. He can only get stronger if survivors make mistakes.
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SWF strength comes from voice coms, its IMPOSIBLE to nerf voice coms for its something outside of the game, the only way to nerf SWF is by changing things in the game like removing loops or pallets and in turn it nerfs Solo too.
Solo weakness comes from lack of voice coms, if you manage to give Solo a similar amount of information as SWF both queues can achieve a similar status which in turn will allow BHVR to buff Killers or nerf Survivors accordingly.
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I mean, objects rework is really good. I would actually run it cuz the drawbacks of current OoO is really annoying. And frankly, the DS nerf isn't even that bad. I get ds off more now than I ever did before. You know you can still get healed with ds active, you just cant do it yourself.
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So then don't nerf coms, buff killer who goes agaisnt an SWF. Making the killer stronger agasint SWF doesn't touch the SWF itself. So give a killer who is going up agasint SWF some extra perks to equip. It just evens the playing field.
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You live in a parallel universe. Survs stop the killer to be powerful? How? 99% of people in this forum are killers main
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Well if you buff the killers first, solo survivors are going to have an even harder time. We all know how slow bhvr is when it comes to nice buffs to killers, so if all the killers were on high B to even A tier then survivors would have to really try every game and as a solo survivor with little communication you are going to struggle most games. Besides, killers are still viable at any rank against even decent survivors as a low tier killer. Solo survivors have pretty much nothing going for them. Also I don't remember a single good killer being completely destroyed in the PTB.
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Question, is there anyone who likes solo que? I myself do. I enjoy seeing other folks approaches to situations. And when we do we I think Damn, we really worked together well. Like of course not all matches are like that, but it's the nature of the game. I will add this is coming from a killer main. But as of late have playing much more survivor.
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no need to watch videos, I played both, and neither were op. OTZ an tofu, while I have some respect from them, they think that downing an out of position survivor is op. If you played agasint oni on the long walls, you could easily avoid his massive turn radius. Freddy was just gen speed problems, but come on. The only op think ever on killer side was when Legion had that wierd add on bug.
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I will point to your supreme lack of evidence and anecdotal comparisons
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Then SWFs wouldnt use the tool to enter as SWF and they would just lobby dodge like the did before it was implemented.
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The 'Survivor Instinct' suggestion is exactly what SWF can already do... by telling each other where they are.
Adding this wouldn't give SWF any additional advantage, but it would give solo survivors more information that would bring them up to SWF levels.
I would imagine it appearing just like Killer Instinct, in which case it can be as much of a hindrance as a bonus, because it will temporarily mask any other info like auras for the 2-4 seconds it's up.
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and they will wait for hours to get a game. Seems a fitting price to pay
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Right, and the solo survivor buffs will go through as a result. You guys get 1 month of the game maybe (not even garunteed) being killer sided and then you get your buffs. MEanwhile going on 4 years of a very survivor sided game at rank 1
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And what about the SWFs who aren't all expert survivors playing tryhard and teabagging at a minimum safe distance from the killer?
I play SWF with friends, and we're average at best. Most of us die most games, if not all of us. We don't need any nerfs, or stronger killers.
Buff, solo survivors via information tools.
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this not bad idea
I also think solo survivor should know if they teammate are paired up or not killer maybe shouldn't tho.
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So you are a survivor main, I imagine there are others arguing with me (i main neither side, play them close to the same, probably more survivor) out of about 20% people interacting with me, that makes you 5%. So already we are above 1% of the group being survivor mains. I'm neither so already less than 90% killer mains. Uh oh, your stats aren't looking too good
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or ppl will just que up together and not do lobby dodging. So you toxic ppl who lobby dodge in the first place make room for those of us who dont dc and lobby dodge. Makes the game less toxic. Its a win mutha fking win
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Get out.