Survivor switch lock (RANDOM IDEA PLS NO BULLY)

With 7 seconds remaining, both the default meg and dwight suddenly switch to a P3 felix and laurie with purple flashlights. Ass move, right?
It's a part of the game that I don't think we should remove; however, we should at least give killers a second to react to a sudden change.
The new wait time for a game should go from 1:00 to 1:15. At 20 seconds, survivors can't switch who they play as or the item they're carrying (they can only upgrade/downgrade the same item or change add-ons; e.g. if I had a brown medkit I could swap it for a yellow and put a gel dressing on it but I can't switch to purple beamer). During this 20 seconds, the killer will no longer be able to lobby dodge, BUT can switch which killer they're playing.
I'm not sure if it's a good idea but it's definitely... something.
Multiple topics (I've made a few myself) exist about this switch - Devs refuse to even comment or explain why they aren't willing to change/even acknowledge the issue.
It's not going to be changed (or even acknowledged) in the near future and, most likely, never will.
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I agree there should be some kind of lock at the 30 second mark so they have time to change something if they like but also give the killer chance to adjust their build if they need to.
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They locked the killer into a lobby due to the upcoming new MMR, which requires it to form individual killer ratings. So that ain't going anywhere.
I am very surprised players can switch survs still though, prolly should have locked them at the same time. I actively discourage teammates from last second swapping anything when I'm in a group, as I've been in the recieving end of it when playing killer, plus the fact that it annoys tf outta killers as well. Poking the bear never helps I feel.
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I know people who switch at the last second to a survivor with a key, etc etc. it’s very dirty. Especially when Killers are locked in from the start.
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I think they should just make it like the killer; lock them as their chosen survivor when they join a lobby.
Maybe that wouldn't fix last minute keys, but at least you wouldn't be expecting a new player and suddenly have to deal with a P3 Felix
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"omG youR IdEA is So POOpy PLz uniNSTall THe GamE iF yoU WanT THiS to Be In gAme!!!"
In all seriousness, the better option would be to disable survivors from switching characters or items in a lobby or changing at 30 seconds in from a match starting.