Pig being able to choose her RBT pattern

Before the game starts, the player can set their own RBT pattern, choosing how many boxes survs have to check before finding the right key for each individual RBT. This makes it so the player can either choose to have the first trap take 4 boxes or the last trap to take 4 boxes, or in any order depending on what they like.
This completely removes her RNG problem and make her traps less luck reliant
Probably too strong when you consider how it can be used to its max potential, for example you could garentee a trap kill by simply standing in front of a single box if you set the first trap to 4 searches. Survivor cant search the last box and dies in 2.5 minutes (2 with Tampered Timer) no matter what, I can taste the survivor salt already.
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Lets call each box named Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Zeta
This way, it will be less RNG. But still able to stall the game.
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but the pig wouldn't be able to know which boxes were already cleared
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damn this is a good idea, why haven't they hired u already?