Freddy is Garbage Now, Thank You
As a Freddy main I can assure you this update does jack ######### to Freddy. Snares are placed fast enough that the "slowdown" wont do anything, Wait to see what the new addons do before saying anything because honestly.. Playing Forever Freddy all the time got boring quick.
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The point is... a Freddy with only slowdown is a thing, and a Freddy with slowdown add-ons, Thanatophobia, Dying Light and Sloppy Butcher is a different thing.
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He was terrible. And nobody played him besides the love for the character himself.
Lets be real honest here. Survivors call him braindead because he was really good. He was really good vs premades of 4 streaming their screens on discord. I also picked him when i was sick and tired of being tea bagged by survivors. i just picked freddy with the best perks/addons and old mori and have fun... and guess what... they stopped tea bagging when they saw a sweaty freddy. And i was ok with that.
Majority of them ignored the clock. They didn't even tried to learn how to play against freddy.
Screw if they call it OP, braindead, whatever. They don't even play killers in the first place. The don't have a clue how hard it is to chase a good survivor, top that with strategy, discord and screen sharing. Most of them complain about killers who are actually good against sweaty survivors. And we need those killers to have a chance. And he was one of those killers. Even otzdarva picked him vs sweaty premades with strategy. We need those killers. Not only nurse and spirit for love of god!!! He was competitive viable. That's why so much crying. Premade survivors are the op role here. They call freddy sweaty but all of them use try hard addons + items and perks. Go figure...
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I don't think he's going to be garbage. I think what we're going to find is that a lot of the changes were not particularly well thought out by BHVR. What makes Freddy strong is his teleport. That's unchanged. His other powers are just ok. Freddy's snares only deliver hits on survivors that don't understand that predropping pallets is its counter. Otherwise, it only serves as a threat to never loop a Freddy. In this sense, the nerfs don't change the "braindead" (because apparently killers are required to have 3X as much skill to anti-loop apparently) way to counter loops. You go to the pallet if they don't predrop it, you place the snares on either side to get the guaranteed hit. It'll play the exact same way. Survivors will predrop, or abandon the tile. The thing that will hurt is the dream pallet nerf. Like..........why? Why'd you have to nerf the fun Freddy BHVR? I only played a couple of matches with Freddy, and that's clearly my prefered way to play him.
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I dont think people realize that its not mainly his power/addons that makes him strong its mainly the perks like ruin, pop, sloppy, thana, tinkerer, and etc that makes him surpass his limits. I promise you I played freddy running ruin, tinker, pop, and save ( random perk choice) and I have been getting 4ks like crazy and I even faced the most sweatiest survivors and still roughly 4k'd. Some of them not able to get a single gen done, some got 1 or two, and usually the strongest team/swf gets about almost all gens done. If you dont believe me that perks is what makes him strong play a game without perks and then play another with the perk I just given ( ruin, tinker, pop, random perk choice). This nerf I dislike because its going to do quite some damage. Makes me wonder what if they combined the old freddy and new freddy together.