The Twins Change idea

So, The Twins.

I gave a bit of time before making this post, and heres what i think they might need to make them better to play as and against. This change idea is to make them a better pair to kill instead of separately doing their own thing. First ill name the pros and cons.


They can be at 2 places at once

Victor is incredibly strong if utilized right.

They can preasure survivors better than many killers 

They have a unique strategic play style


2 halves of 1 killer. Victor is the power and Charolette is a powerless killer

Victor is killable and can waste lots of time. The penalty is huge for missing one attack.

They unintentionally can have a really campy play style.

So heres what I suggest for the twins:

Victor is aggressive and straightforward, but Charlotte is supposed to be protective of her brother. So whenever victor gets kicked, she should get some sort of enraged mode untill victor respawns. Maybe something as simple as number tweaks like faster movement speed, faster pallet breaks, less stuns, etc. Basically a built in Fired Up whenever victor dies.

Also I would make it 12 seconds for victor to come back instead of 6. That seems way too fast.

I would also make it a bit faster to switch back and forth between the twins to encourage using both killers instead of just victor for most of the work.

Victor can also jump back into charlotte if he pounces at her.

To make them less campy, I would have victor recall back to Charlotte whenever she hooks someone close to him. Like if he is within the 16 meters of a hook that prevents you from switching, he instantly comes back to her.

I would also make his shrieking a little more noticable when hes running around. Hes pretty loud, but the audio only starts playing when he gets close, its a bit weird. This would give survivors a bit more time to react to him, since hes so fast and can attack over pallets and windows.

Last thing I would change about victor is making his speed SLIGHTLY slower when running around. He would still be pretty fast, but just to make him more manageable. When charging the pounce it would be the same speed as it is now.

With Victor nerfed slightly and Charlotte getting a slight power boost after victor gets kicked, along with the ability to switch to back and fourth faster, this killer would work much better as a pair instead of two halves of a killer. It can encourage players to hunt a survivor with both characters, cutting them off in a loop and switching to get a hit.  This change would aim to make the twins more in line with their lore and what i believe the Devs were aiming for on a pair of killers.

Lastly I would like to suggest changes to their perks.

Hoarder: A 33% chance an item from a chest will be partially damaged.  

Coup De gras: Each completed generator increases the length of the lunch by a small amount.

The problem with coup de gras is that you either waste a token to hit a survivor with a normal lunge, or you have to get really close and do a normal hit, which is actually hurting you as a killer for trying to use this perk and conserve your stacks.  

Oppression: Kicking a generator regresses all generators. And the cool down is 60 seconds (down from 80)

Since survivors arent likely to work on more than 3 at a time, the 1st change wouldn't make a big difference at all. The shorter cool down is because I feel like 80 seconds is WAY too long for just kicking multiple generators. Its not like multiple PGTW kicks. Only if survivors miss the skill check does it regress. 

So what do you think if these changes?

Do you think the twins are in a good or bad place?

If not, do you agree with these changes or what would you change?