If you were affected by the Grade Reset Bloodpoints not being awarded properly, you will receive any missing Bloodpoints shortly. You may need to restart your game for the rewards to appear. Thank you for your patience!

Bloodpoint-refund when having gone overboard before prestiging.


I always preferred levelling all Characters equally instead of putting all my Bloodpoints into the same one, which resulted in me generally being reluctant to prestige a Character back in the day. Now I have several Characters that I would like to prestige, but don't really want to simply because I've levelled them way past Level 50, anywhere from 20 to 60 Levels above, regarding the Perk count, so prestiging would be a huge waste of Bloodpoints.

Thus it would be nice if a system could be implemented, that would refund 50K-60K Bloodpoints (average Level 50 Bloodweb) per Perk tier count above 50, if all Perk tiers obtained would be added together.