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General Discussions

So why is this update just survivor buffs and killers nerfs? lol



  • Member Posts: 320

    ds wasn't nerfed....

    one sentence later

    they just nerfed...

    They didn't nerf it, they just nerfed one aspect of it. So it's not a nerf :/

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    They barely buffed a survivor perk, let's not get carried away. Please look at Trickster. He was massively buffed and going to wipe the floor. Huntress was hardly nerfed at all, can still carry 5 hatchets!! Freddy can still teleport. Zanshin Tactics buffed so it has no cooldown. That is huge.

  • Member Posts: 806

    Nerfing DS and buffing Zanshin 😪

    Will the abuse ever stop?

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    I wish I could see the game through some of the bias in this thread, must be a real struggle.

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    Yeah, it must be challenging to wake up every day and think "How is Bhvr going to personally attack me today?"

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    "ugh this update isn't exactly what I wanted, BHVR must hate my (insert whichever side you play)".

  • Member Posts: 328
    edited April 2021

    I'm sorry but if you couldn't counter DS by lunging instead of grabbing off a gen and leaving slugged then you don't have a brain.

    Tunneling is far far worse since the DS change.

    DS punishes the survivor team more now as you are forced to wait and see if you're getting tunnelled before risking doing anything in game. That's 1 player doing nothing for upto 1 min.

    Again, I don't like 1 use perks personally and haven't run the old DS in months but there's no fear of DS anymore so there's Def an increase in tunneling.

    Lucky break buff is probably going to help with anti-tunnneling way more than DS ever did thank god.

  • Member Posts: 2,405

    I'm really not into these changes. It just feels like they are full on embracing favoring survivors and not really caring about the killer side. I've really wanted to play killer again but just haven't had fun with it in the last month despite that being my preferred role typically. This new update gives me even less hope that will change and for the future of killer role. Below are some of my thoughts on the notes

    -Freddy did need a nerf but I think they went overkill on him. Very likely to be one of the weakest killers now that almost everything on him was nerfed. He was good, but not THAT good.

    -twins and demo both needed more buffs than nerfs but feels like overall they got more nerfs. Twins needed buffs to encourage other gameplay beyond slugging but now they kinda just made the one thing he was good at (although annoying) worse. Demo just needed a general buff

    - Huntress was fine as is imo. Her iri hatchets weren't that bad. Overly nerfed her hatches imo. I think limiting to 2 and giving 2 would be much more reasonable. I like her new ultra rare though.

    -BT I can't believe they buffed it. It was already a very powerful perk. I can understand the freddy shenanigans needing to change but this is a terrible change. I hope they don't follow through with this unless they further reduce the time BT gives protection (you can travel very far on 12 seconds).

    - OoO is interesting and it does feel kind of neutral overall.

    - lucky break sounds actually useful and fun to try out

    -small games I like the change but would maybe slightly bump up the starting range to 50 instead

    -Zenshin no one cares about

    -soul guard and open handed changes are fine changes. Not game changing but okay

    -new struggle is better for sure.

    -hatch was a much needed change but I think more still needs done

    -farm looks really solid

  • Member Posts: 288

    As long as they don't mess with mettle of man I'm good😏

  • Member Posts: 2,109

    because zanshin tactics got a buff.

    therefore 4+ killers need to get nerfed and several survivor perks need to get buffed to compensate the balance difference

  • Member Posts: 288

    Yes finally someone with a brain in this community. Well said🙃

  • Member Posts: 2,405

    Ahhh yes.

    Slight buff to Zenshin=slight nerf to 3 killers and nerf freddy to the ground and majorly buff BT. Makes sense

  • Member Posts: 1,019

    i mean they did nerf ds and about half of the players got upset by it. not to mention the broken pallet stuns. they gotta make it up to survivors somehow. also there were also some killer buffs, some direct some indirect:

    ooo change- swf wont be able to have the location of the killer 24/7. a buff to solo survivors but lets be honest, who gets crushed by solo q these days?

    zanshin tactics buff- might help some mindgames, a weak perk but it might help you predict a survivors next move

    trickster buff- playing him doesnt make you want to rip your scalp off anymore.

  • Member Posts: 328

    BT isn't really a buff- except it'll actually work against every killer finally.

    If you were coming back to the hook it'd probably have been active anyway and if you were across the map it's irrelevant as it'll run out in 12s.

    It's only buffed against huntress snipe shots and freddys lullaby. In which case both times would help against tunneling.

    I honestly wouldn't worry as killer the change will be negligible.

  • Member Posts: 1,019

    ive seen the new ooo in game, it is a nice and convenient perk to have in solo q but it doesnt make the killer bust a nut over it anymore.

    also i am probably the only survivor main that thinks freddy was fine. i mean cmon, they ruined the only thing that actually helped him in chases

  • Member Posts: 508

    Absolutely not, that makes no sense. The DS nerf followed the ruin undying nerf (which wasn't an issue as long as DS BTW). There's no compensation to give. Killers don't get to slow survivors to a crawl forever, survivors don't get to slow killer progress to a crawl. Survivors aren't owed for having their meta nerfed after the killer meta is nerfed. That's absolutely insane entitlement.

    That being said, the changes to the killers aren't overall bad. Demo does absolutely have better add-ons now and better base performance. The nerfs to most of his commons is dumb, but yeah.

    Huntress only really got a nerf to a specific add-on combination, and has most of the utility she had with her old add-ons, but more options in other areas.

    I think Dowsey covered Twins and said it's missed attack cooldown. That's whatever. The alarm bell came in when the notes simply said cooldown.

    Freddy is nerfed in some ways that's counterintuitive. They said they added slowing to snare placement to incentivize tactical use of them, but then they nerf the amount he has, which discourages placing them in spots ahead of time. Seemingly, the slowdown isn't enough to stop Freddy from controlling a pallet and placing down 1 snare at each side of a loop, so good job, Freddy's playstyle hasn't changed at all and might not even have a negative impact on his performance. Also, dream pallets nerf #########.

    Overall, the changes to the killers aren't terrible even though there's some notably ######### moments. The fact that only Zanshin has been looked at, is annoying however. I'm guessing their reasoning is that the object change is for killers? If that's the case, then why weren't there more perk buffs for killer when Undying was reworked?

  • Member Posts: 2,109

    tunneling is exactly the ######### same before DS change.

    stop pretending it's more common.

  • Member Posts: 2,405

    On top of nerfing his rarely used pallets lol.

    I dont see very many people using Zenshin still. OoO may see a slight decrease in use but the buff to repair speeds is pretty significant. BT it does hurt both stealth killers and killers who can cover a lot of distance (such as demo or spirit etc across the map). 12 seconds BT is still a very long time. Tier 3 shouldn't be more than 10 imo

  • Member Posts: 508

    It might be more common since non-obsession lobbies are more common, but that's a survivor problem. If the instant a supposed anti-tunnel perk isn't attractive to you, and you end up tunneled, you have no one but yourself to blame. It's indirectly admitting that all DS ever was to most survivors was an extra hook state.

  • Member Posts: 2,405

    Also, the tool box change is overall a buff. Yes you get more skill checks but that also means you'll get a gen done faster as long as you somewhat pay attention

  • Member Posts: 13
    edited April 2021

    Ithink the time to repair the generator should b increased, provided that the tier 1killers are also nerfed

  • Member Posts: 2,109

    Yes coming from a killer main.

    before DS nerf I tunneled.

    After DS nerf I tunneled

    it hasn't changed a thing

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    no you dolt, the fact that what was being abused was removed is what people are talking is the nerf so sure if you think of it that way sure they nerfed something but the key is what was being abused, this is not what was intended by the perk so by the definition it is not a nerf as the definition by many is a change of the item from it's original intended use to something less than it's intended use. and the abuse was not part of it's intended use thus this was truly not a nerf. but people like you and others will change the definition used to something that fits your narrative.

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    hmm one perk now not only stops blood pools but also scratch marks, sure it is a time frame that this will happen, they gave you a totem counter (one of how many had been destroyed), they also removed the uncertainty from this same perk as to if it's a killer trap or a totem so that is a huge buff, do i need to go on? now you talk about freddy that he can still teleport, well only to gens NOT finished and his snares been cut down to 5 snares OR 7 pallets, TRAPPER can place more traps than freddy can now, hag has 10 traps that are re-usable and she can teleport to those traps. with 5 snares that ability is only regulated to in chase only and now he's slowed when placing them. over all a huge debuff for him. huntress had a useless add on that now has to be avoided or used as a meme game add on. and the power of the iri head has been reduced to almost 0 effectiveness so why not ignore the fact she has an m2 power? yea it's a big nerf. because people like you don't look at the over all ups and downs and only what you WANT to see you'll notice that there are very few ups for killers in recent years now and very few DOWNS for survivors in the same time.

  • Member Posts: 173

    I just run ds and still able to hit many killers with it but most times they still come for me after the stun.

  • Member Posts: 320

    Where on the old description of Decisive Strike does it say that I cannot run to a generator after getting unhooked and just work on it right in front of the Killer's face? Where on the old description does it say that when the killer inevitably downs me when I do this that I can't just run Unbreakable, pick myself back up and continue working on the gen?

    You want to talk about intent, yet no intent was provided. Unless they added some new part of the tutorial that specifically goes over the Do's and Do Not's of using Decisive Strike, I guess I just missed it when I was going through survivor orientation :/.

    That being said, I guess my method of using Decisive Strike is correct, and therefore intentional as the game does not say I cannot do that. The perk said that after an unhook, if I am picked up by the killer within a minute of that unhook, I get a skill check to free myself. As long as what I'm doing falls within those parameters, then it is also intentional.

    So, an aspect that made Decisive Strike strong, which was the main reason why people were asking for it to get changed was removed. The perk itself was changed in a way so that this strong form a gameplay is not possible any more. As a result the perk is now "weaker".

    But it's not a nerf though. It's just weaker and not as abusable as before. But don't call it a nerf though, that's clearly not what a nerf is. -_-

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    oh where does it say that tunneling is against the rules and is toxic? where does it say a killer can not camp the person on the hook? where is it said that noed can't be used becuase it's TOXIC? no where what so ever. HOWERVER the devs have stated that the perk DECISIVE STRIKE is to be an anti-tunneling perk. and having you progress the game means the killer is not chasing you and thus you can forward the game. the devs have STATED this and brought the perk into line with how they envisioned the perk being used not how YOU envision it to be used. your opinion means nothing in the grand scheme of things where the intention of how a perk is to be used or what ever.

    your diatribe here shows your ignorance and self-righteous outlook that you know better than the people that make the game how it was designed. and by your own admission how they have it now means that your use of DS before WAS incorrect as the devs changed it to be more inline with their envisioning of the perk. You might notice that I said abuse not anything saying of incorrectly or using it against the rules of the game. you made that idea up just to make your argument sound right. To answer your questions there have been several DEV broadcasts where they discussed various perks and how their intent for the perks was. That is the addition to the tutorial in the do's and dont's of the use of a perk. The devs even came out and said they changed it this time as it was not being used as they intended it to be and thus changed it. you can take your clown suit to HR, turn it in and go find another line of work!

  • Member Posts: 340

    Yawn, more melodramatic killer threads

  • Member Posts: 320

    oh where does it say that tunneling is against the rules and is toxic? where does it say a killer can not camp the person on the hook? where is it said that noed can't be used becuase it's TOXIC? no where what so ever.

    I think we're both in agreement that this whole bit means absolutely nothing. I have no idea what point you're trying to prove and at this point I don't even think you know yourself.

    HOWERVER the devs have stated that the perk DECISIVE STRIKE is to be an anti-tunneling perk.

    What is the definition of being tunneled?

    According to the current decisive strike, if you perform an action, or as you say, progress the game, you are not being tunneled. I agree.

    According to the previous decisive strike, like I said, as long as the killer picked you up during the 60 seconds after you were hooked, you were being tunneled the the perk would activate. This is the perk's intention and it was being used as it was designed.

    This is what you're not understanding. By making this change the devs have clearly defined what is and what isn't being tunneled. To say that people weren't using the perk as intended in the past is a dumb argument simply because there was no definition in the past to be breaking. You can't violate intent when even the devs didn't specify what their intent was. Intent has been specified and the perk was changed. I fail to see how this is difficult to understand.

    your diatribe here

    I'm glad you're using your word of the day calendar but I'm pretty sure you're using diatribe wrong. It's cool that you wanna use big words to make your point sound smarter, but at the end of the day you're still writing big walls of text about a nerfed perk in a video game.

    you know better than the people that make the game how it was designed

    This is just a dumb point to make as the people who make the games are often, if not always worse at it than the people who actually play it. This is why the players create the meta and why games where the devs try to create the meta often fail or receive backlash. Players know more about how something will be used at the highest levels simply because they're putting in the time to play at the highest level. They know what works and doesn't work practically better than a dev would.

    This isn't even about DbD anymore, this is any game with a "meta"

    You might notice that I said abuse not anything saying of incorrectly or using it against the rules of the game

    And this is where you show how little you're paying attention.

    You might notice that I haven't said the word "abuse" a single time until now throughout this entire thread. You might be surprised to heard that I did that on purpose, mostly because that wasn't what I was arguing. You said, and I quote:

    ds wasn't nerfed. it's functionality is the same as the pre change. they just nerfed the ABUSIBILITY of it

    If you were paying attention, my whole argument was based around the fact that you said DS wasn't nerfed. My whole argument was about how the devs changed a perk to function differently, by a different set of rules and definitions, than how it was used past. My whole argument was saying that when you take away what was "abused" and leave it in a weaker state, by definition of the word, it was...


    Look at how much you wrote, trying to argue a point that was never made. This entire comment that I'm responding to has absolutely nothing to do with what I was talking about, yet you wrote it anyway thinking you cornered me when in reality you didn't have the slightest clue what the argument was about.

    Congratulations, you've truly earned this ->🤡

  • Unknown
    edited June 2021
    This content has been removed.
  • This content has been removed.
  • Member Posts: 3,454

    I don't think a 6% action speed boost for 3 seconds every 30 seconds is that big of an issue tbh

  • Member Posts: 3,454

    Ffs didn't realise that this was a necrod thread, sorry everyone :(

  • Member Posts: 143
    edited September 2021

    Let count how many killer nerf and survs nerf

    Killer :

    1.Nerf Nurse and add-on

    2.Nerf spirit two time and add-on

    3.Kill Hillbilly

    4.Remake the doctor and add-on

    5.Nerf Huntress add-on

    6.Nerf Freddy and add-on

    7.Nerf pig

    8.Nerf the Legion

    9.Nerf the Plague

    10.Nerf the twins

    11.Nerf the Executioner

    12.change blight collision module

    13.Remake Hex:Ruin

    14.Nerf Pop

    15.Nerf Hex:Undying




    3.Balanced Landing

    4.Mettle of Man

    5.Soul Guard

    Post edited by fitch on
  • Member Posts: 941

    You are 100% right.

    BHVR is failing at everything they can.

    Maybe it's time to stop buying upcomming chapters, let's see how long it takes them before they listen to us is we do that???

  • Member Posts: 3,454
    edited September 2021

    That is literally only a fraction of the number of nerfs either side has had over the years. Implying that survivors have only had 5 nerfs in total is completely ludicrous, not only that but when was Quick and Quiet ever nerfed?

  • Member Posts: 56

    What's with the necro threads today? This one was resurrected from April.

  • Member Posts: 143
  • Member Posts: 3,454

    How on earth do you expect me to recall and list every survivor nerf that has happened over the past 5 years?

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    Honestly? Whenever I search the forums from the web page, it always puts me in pages of old threads. I assume that is happening to other people too.

  • Member Posts: 288

    i swear the amount of baby killers who are upset over the smallest things is too much. Spirit actually gets the must needed nerf after all this time, trapper finally gets a nice buff after all this time. cries about survivor perks getting some buffs because they arent being used much instead.

    also cries when survivors wont use other perks. u cant win with these babys.

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