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First Hook On Each Survivor Affects Generator Progress

I've been sitting on this idea for a bit, going back and forth about whether or not to make a disc. about it. I think regressing either all generators by a small percentage or the most completed generator by a high percentage would be a change that is balanced both at high and low end play.

At low end this change wouldn't have impact as killers tend to snowball anyways, and if the generator regression is a percentage, taking off say 15%-33% of all generators which have been worked on, or 45%-75% off of the most completed gen won't have a huge impact if the generators have a low repair completion.

At high end this would slow the game down, taking off large amounts of completion from the infamous three gen rush at the beginning of the game. Tying this to the first hook on each survivor discourages camping and tunneling as well. This would put high emphasis on the first chase, which could build on competitive strategies that already exist. A reminder that this change would still allow survivors to gen rush.

This is more of an idea that hooks should affect generator progress in some way, I think it should be tied to the first hook on each survivor so that it discourages tunneling and camping. As for any details beyond that, I don't have any concrete image as too what those details should be. I don't really care if the idea is discussed, I just want it to be in the air. Having hooks affect generator progress in some way, should be implemented as a way to slow down generator progress, that, from what I can see, everyone from both sides says is to fast.

Here's a video of Marth88 talking about some aspects of balancing gen rushing that I touched on in this post.
