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Are reports actually effective?

WormMilk Member Posts: 118

I know on most games I play that reports don't do anything so I just want to know if it's worth my time to even report someone.

Best Answer

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,476
    Answer ✓

    Well it depends on the report type, most reports just don't really matter in the grand scheme or that action that led to them being reported wasn't their intension. But if its a report for something like cheating, that report is more closely monitored, of course most individual reports don't amount to much for smaller offences but if someone gets repeatedly reported for the some minor offence they do get soft banned for periods of time on a case by case basis. But usually if they aren't cheating or exploiting heavily a single report doesn't amount to bans to prevent system abuse.