Starstruck OP?

KrosseKrabbePizza Member Posts: 161
edited April 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I take this controversial title to create a discussion.

So we had a blight, we all were in the terror radius of the killer, when he picked up his first victim. So we all were exposed. Now there are 2 options for us: Run away, or hide nearby. 2 ran away one stayed there. Blighty found the one nearby and oneshot her. Then he ran directly to one of us and oneshotted her too. He picked her up and hooked her. The fourth person was nearby, but starstuck ran out. But with one downed and 2 hooked after like 1 minute into the game, it was obvious, that we would lost this game.

I know, there are many IF´s in this situation. But in my opinion, Starstruck should be deactivated

  1. either after you hooked the person
  2. or at least after the killer oneshotted one person.
  3. make it a hex perk

This is the greatest snowballing perk in this game and you can´t do anything against it, when the killer has a great map coverage.

please try to be subjective, maybe you can change my mind, but imo its one of the strongest perks in the whole game.

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • CheesyGuy
    CheesyGuy Member Posts: 399
    edited April 2021

    Ghostface can expose you for 45 secs without add-ons

    Myers can expose you during his tier 3 phase and with his crazy add-ons it can be infinite for all match.

    Hex:Devour Hope can expose people if you cant find the totem

    NOED can expose people

    Make your choice can make people exposed

    I play both sides and my point is being exposed is not a huge problem if you knew what you are doing. It is a dangerous situation for survivors and you should be careful for that but it is not something that you will call "OP"

    Post edited by CheesyGuy on
  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,407
    edited April 2021

    If this would have been a nurse, it would be different. But a survivor knows that he is exposed and he goes down against a killer who cant use his power? He had enough time to get to a strong loop.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600
    edited April 2021

    I don't want to take away it's affect after hooking - this gives killers an excellent tool to use against hook farmers and I'd rather not remove that. Hook-farmers are scourge that MUST BE ERASED FROM EXISTENCE.

    My problem with the perk is that it makes all other anti-body block perks obsolete. While it works well with Mad Grit for those inclined to build around it, it completely renders "Forced Penance" pointless to take (to be fair, Forced Penance is so utterly mediocre that I'd forgotten it existed till I took up Pyramid Head)

    Personally, I'd make it NOT activate until the person is hooked so that body blocking is still possible, but still give the killer the means to punish aggressive hook farmers.

    As for making it a hex perk - I don't think it's strong enough to warrant that. It's cooldown is just high enough to be noticed when you are completely steamrolling a team, but it could probably be made higher to curb it's power.

    Survivors already get a notification when they are exposed - it's on them to realize Starstruck is in play and act accordingly.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    It is like NOED that can trigger by doing the killer's simple objective. I would say it is overpowered.

  • zombitehdeath
    zombitehdeath Member Posts: 587

    Starstruck is a good perk but not a OP

    You have to be in the terror radius to suffer from the exposed status affect which in most situation most survivors would be too far away and it last for 30 second. It also goes into cool down even if there weren't any survivor in the terror radius at the time.

    There are times where I didn't get anything out of it and time where it did a good amount.

    I don't think deactivating to perk in the two you mention as it will become useless which no one would use it and isn't powerful enough to be a hex perk.

    The a good perk while being situational and it has good synergy with perks (agitation and distressing) killers (doctor with calm add-ons)

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    It is not strongest perk. When you see killer has this perk, you have to hide. And this perk already has restart time. And you can still loop killer with this effect. It not gives killer fast bonus. Perk is good

  • discocat
    discocat Member Posts: 14

    i believe the point of the park is to prevent people from body blocking, sabotaging etc... so if killers can still get other people down after the person has been hooked means it is OP. Instead of a 30 second timer, it should be 20.

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604

    Its a useless perk cuz it activates when killer picks up someone by the time u put someone on the hook u already lost like 15 sec. So u only had 15 sec left, by then they just need 1 pellet or 1 window to stop the perk completely. Its rubbish

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    It should deactivate after hooking or have a short period after hooking but I'd also want to give it the surprise exposed effect of noed

  • Profezia
    Profezia Member Posts: 673

    It's fine.

  • KrosseKrabbePizza
    KrosseKrabbePizza Member Posts: 161

    In my opinion, no perk stand alone should affect the playstyle of a whole team. An ability of a killer should, but not a perk. When you have to run to the other side of the map, everytime you get exposed by the killer (which happens A LOT), you will get slow downed too easy and often.

    But i see, many of you don´t struggle to much against it, so it should be fine and it is only my problem (sounds sarcastic but isn´t meant like that :D )

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,267

    No it's an okay perk. It's not OP, it only last for 30 seconds, all you have to do is simply hide.

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699

    I have mixed opinions about the length of Starstruck and its cooldown. Starstruck begins cooldown the moment a survivor is hooked. So technically, it only has a 30 second cooldown.

    The perk promotes proxy-camping, because the killer knows if they find someone and hit them within 30s, theres a high chance they get a free down. So they’re not inclined to leave the area if they didnt see everyone on BBQ.

    This essentially guarantees that the survivor will be on the hook for at least 30 seconds, and that anyone trying to unhook before 30s is hook-trading.

    If a killer downs someone near hook with Starstruck, their best play is to proxy-camp both survivors. Once Starstruck is about to be off cooldown, they should pick up the downed survivor and walk towards the hooked survivor.

    In theory, they will be catching a survivor in the act of saving their teammate before he reaches Stage 2. They’ll hook the survivor where the previous had just been and then immediately chase the full health survivor who is no doubt now exposed by Starstruck.

    On paper, 30 seconds is not a long time. But in my experience, the average survivor can’t loop a killer for more than 15 seconds. So the game snowballs here into a vicious cycle of proxy-camping and insta-downs.

    As OP stated, it becomes quite evident the game is lost.

    I don’t think Starstruck is OP, but I do think a killer playing the numbers game can cheese a lot of value out of it.

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    I have no issues with Starstruck.

    It has two major requirements - someone has to be carried AND you have to be within the terror radius. I find the people who have the biggest problem with it are 2-4 man SWFs due to them trying to be overly altruistic. I actually find being exposed adds a fear component to the game. While exposed you can't run around all willy nilly and have to play smarter for the duration of exposure.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    It only works when the killer is carrying a survivor, and it is only for a short duration of 30 seconds. It has to be used with iron grasp and agitation to be somewhat decent.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    I will say starstruck nurse is probably the most frustrating thing to play against that I've encountered recently.

  • Another_LegionMain
    Another_LegionMain Member Posts: 399

    "Oh noe dis killa perc iz two stonk!"

    It has counterplay, its called running away and stop trying to get the killer to miss a swing on you.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I know, there are many IF´s in this situation.

    Indeed there are. Too many for me to say that your scenario is a good case for the perk being OP.

  • Lord_Tony
    Lord_Tony Member Posts: 2,109

    It's only OP if you're an SWF bully squad that likes to unhook in front of the killer.

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    To everyone saying "just hide", Infectious Fright and BBQ do exist.

    I think as more killers play with this perk in certain combos we'll see some nasty stuff come out. As already stated, high mobility killers can easily take advantage of this. May need some reworking in the future, I think it's a really cool perk and want it to be powerful but it just renders so many other killer perks utterly useless in comparison.

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    If you get exposed from being in their TR then go to hide/get outside their TR you remain exposed no?

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    And by then, you are miles away and can just hide in a locker if you are scared of BBQ.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,395

    The minute you leave the terror radius even if they are carrying a survivor, the expose timer ticks down. Even if you are exposed and show up on BBQ unless the killer is someone like Blight who can get across the map in a few seconds, it's very unlikely they'll reach you before expose wears off.

  • Somna
    Somna Member Posts: 130

    Starstruck is fine. It sounds scary on paper, but it doesn't notify the killer that it triggered on you. The way it is designed, if you don't want to respect the terror radius, that is the price for it.

  • Shadow_Da_Bagel
    Shadow_Da_Bagel Member Posts: 64

    1 makes the perk almost completely useless. You would have to dedicate your entire build to it if you wanted to get it to work or waste time picking up, dropping, and finding a new target which then makes it extremely risky to use. 2 is unnecessary because it doesn't get activated enough times in a match to justify making it a one time use. 3 is absolutely terrible since it already has a cooldown on it. It would be almost as bad as blood favor and it doesn't make sense for the survivors to be able to take out a perk that already has an extensive cooldown. Also I feel like I might have been this blight, any chance that it was on mother's dwelling? I feel like it could have been me since I had hooked a bill, downed a yui and someone else, and then the other person hid but eventually ran into me.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    I think the perks fine, the only time it becomes OP is on a decent nurse.

  • Bambizzle
    Bambizzle Member Posts: 15

    1. either after you hooked the person

    No. I use it to stop body blocking SWFs

    2. or at least after the killer oneshotted one person.

    No. Just run away or hide. learn to play around it.

    3. make it a hex perk

    No. Unless you disable SWFs mode or at least have a solo queue separate mode (ranked).

  • ILikeBonez
    ILikeBonez Member Posts: 82

    It discourages body blocking, sabotaging, and dancing around the killer to just unhook your friend with a BT in the killer's face - Survivors should just get away from the area if someone goes down immediately with it instead of still insisting on being altruistic or going for the save immediately.

    The 30 second timer is just fine and in the majority of cases, against Survivors that understand not to dance around the killer everytime someone is downed, isn't enough time to hook someone and get more than maybe 1 extra down - again, unless Survivors misplayed by staying too close to them.

  • KillerKirby
    KillerKirby Member Posts: 79

    So I have been using a build to max out how this perk works. Starstruck, Agitation, Iron Grasp and Mad Grit so I actually get stronger when carrying people. On its own its ok with these it can get brutal. However you just counter it by working on Gens and not prerunning in to save people. I think in the long run it can be healthier for the game because if your not going for a save you really don't need to be following the killer to the hook. The only thing I find a bit strong with it is the two story maps like midwitch because you just get free kills randomly.

  • KrosseKrabbePizza
    KrosseKrabbePizza Member Posts: 161

    Sorry for the late response. No it wasn't you, it was on Midwich, where this perks adds up because of the two levels.

  • Spill
    Spill Member Posts: 235

    I think its fine as long as they untie it from terror radius and make it x amount meters.

    I had nurse who exposed us all around the map using a large terror radius at the pale rose

    We would run to get far away from the carry but then BBQ revealed us.

    She would be there within seconds. Having to run an insta down nurse with still a lot left on the timer. Rough...

    Just make it meters so its the same for every killer.

  • KrosseKrabbePizza
    KrosseKrabbePizza Member Posts: 161

    But that´s basically what i just wrote. Its the same for blight and every other killer with high map pressure...