DBD shouldn't be balanced only around solos from now on


The main problem in DBD is not about side balance but about on how much one side can unbalances the other by using differents ways of playing, one of the ways is using communications in a SWF.

The use of comms is overlooked by the game design and is one of the main things that motivates killers playing unfun ways(e.g slugging, face camping) since they can feel powerless most of the time. I believe there's NO need to nerf SWFS but actually improve solo experience to make it par with SWFS and then improving killer experience afterwards.

why i bELIEVE IT:

  1. People want to play with their friends and talk to them, so there will be SWFS with comms no matter what.
  2. Playing as a solo survivor is balanced, but it can be extremely unsatisfying since most of the time you will have no clue of what your teammates are doing and having no way to communicate with them(let's ignore pepega teammates because they come from the number 4).
  3. Playing as a killer against any tryhard SWFs feels powerless, since the amount of information being told makes huge difference.
  4. Playing to win in SWFs at the moment is effortless and it created an entitled playerbase that believes they are playing well while they actually aren't, that motivates them to have the mindset of "I'm playing the same, I shouldn't lose. Must be the teammates or killers getting OP", even though they can be actually destroying their own team through bad plays.


The biggest difference in solo between SWFs is by far communication, but how this situation could be taken care?

One of the solutions would be making:

chat weels.

Chat wheels is one of the solutions that have been discussed by months in the forum and no dev seems to have actually repplied to any post on this(They really should take a position on that though).

How would that work?

Well, I'm not a game designer, neither I have a team to help me think about it, but I'm gonna try to exemplify some of the things of what would be the ideal for a player.

  1. Being able to notify all survivors of a gen position and it's percentage(When on the generator).
  2. Being able to notify all other survivors or a specific survivors that you need healing(This could be through a specific hoykey e.g '3').
  3. Being able to notify all survivors or a specific survivors of a item and it's positions(When close to the item).
  4. Being able to notify all survivors of you being chased(Another specific hotkey e.g '4').
  5. Being able to notify survivors of killer going to their direction(Could be implemented together with 4).

Using chat wheels would not make your character unable to move, but the camera controls would be moved to the chat wheel temporarily.

Example I made of a player notifying items


killer experience after:

With solo survivors being enable to communicate with each other, killers would probably have a hard time against solo players, and be in need of a buff in their movement to be able to catch up and end chases faster.

e.g "Killer is going to your gen, get out of there" and the survivor get somthing around 12 meters of distance which is not something easy to compensate in a chase even with 115% ms killers. The mathematical formula for this occasion would be 4,0.t + 12 = 4,6.t. In which t represents time in seconds, result is 20 seconds, which would be the time need for the killer to catch up to the survivor just by both walking.

This is one of the situation that will make killer harder, since they will have to put a lot of time in a chase from not being able of getting close on a unprepared survivor.

But that would be something to see after data is gathered to conclude if it's needed.


  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    I only play solo and I don't think it needs any buffs, it just needs SBM put in place so you get decent teammates who are at the same skill level. The majority of times I lose as solo isn't because of the killer, it's because of my team.

  • IshinSolarc
    IshinSolarc Member Posts: 114

    Yeah, but SBM doens't solve the problem of the disparity of solo and SWFs, the game is fine for solos, but when compared to SWFs it's like a whole differente game and that's the issue being discussed in the topic, where I'm trying to discuss on how to improve solo to be similar to SWF, where would improve your team gameplay whem playing solo.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    SWF needs needs, solos don't need buffs. A decent team of solos who know how to split up on gens have no issue winning.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309

    But while the whole buff solos and killers approach actually has a chance of happening in the next 6 trillion years, stuff like direct SWF nerfs or even seperate queues I really can't see ever happening.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    But solos just doesn't need any buffs to perform any better, it just needs SBM because if you have a decent team then you're much more likely to be able to have a decent match. The biggest issue with solo is your teammates so once you get decent ones the solo experience will be a lot better.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309

    That's fair, and I do believe that if SBM works out well it will help. Just feel like quite a few people both killer and survivor want something more, a shift in what "level of efficiency" the game is balanced around, and that's something I don't see any other way to do than doing some sort of buffing.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    I like solo as is. It actually feels like a horror game and for the most part a lot of my rando teammates are very good at the game. I don’t get a lot of Garbo teammates. Solo is just survivor on slightly harder mode while SWF is easy mode. I see no reason to make the game even easier for survivors. That sounds utterly boring

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    I think it's certainly something that they could look into, I just think it would be best to get SBM into the game and then we can see how solos really perform when they aren't in a team with potatoes, because just one weak link in a team and the match gets a lot harder.

  • JimboMason
    JimboMason Member Posts: 759

    a ping system would be nice for solo q

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    The fact that this game has no form of communication besides come here, finger point, and crouch spam is a huge issue in a game where you are on a TEAM.

  • ILikeBonez
    ILikeBonez Member Posts: 82

    To the game's merit - you're on Team, but the game is "supposed" to be balanced to where two of your teams will die on average. Not, full team escape on average. Lack of communication is needed to maintain that push for balance.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    I'd like a source that backs up.... literally any of that.

  • ILikeBonez
    ILikeBonez Member Posts: 82

    Literally anything the Devs have ever said about balance?? Their goal for balance is 2-2, its why they rework killers that overperform and get 3+ kills too consistently; the same is supposed to be true for Survivors (though they lack the drive towards that end most times because Survivors tend to be very vocal if the balance starts swinging closer to that 2-2 across the board) - they're not expected to 4 escape every match; only 2 (kind of goes hand in hand, you can't balance a killer to only kill two people while balancing his opponents to have no deaths).

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    1.) I have never seen an OFFICIAL declaration from a dev declaring game outcome should be 2:2

    2.) I've never even seen an OFFICIAL declaration from a dev declaring what constitutes a "win" or a "loss"

    3.) Killer statistics are not going to vary based on in game communication, it is going to vary based on... (wait for it)... the Killer's kit.

    4.) The kill rates of almost all Killers is over 60% right now and that is from charts behavior themselves has released.

    But most importantly...

    Adding communication to solo queue will not ruin any gap when SWF is already creating this function. All adding more communication in game will due is reduce the gap between SWF and solo queue and make game balance EASIER.

  • ILikeBonez
    ILikeBonez Member Posts: 82


    "For some time, The Nightmare has stood out from the crowd with a particularly high kill rate, averaging roughly 3 kills per match. " - Taken directly from the Developer Update this month. Now if 3 is considered 'particularly high' that means, they are not looking for avg kills of 3 or 4 per match; but 2 or lower.

    The devs have never declared what is a 'win' or a 'loss' because those are player-defined. Some players considered it a win if they kill 1 Survivor; others consider it a loss if they don't get a 4 kill. The developers have just, repeatedly, balanced killers and nerfed them down when they surpass 2 average kills per match. - and if a killer is balance for 2 kills, that means the Survivors would be balanced for 2 escapes. The problem with the game atm, is that this ratio does not exist evenly, across the board, for each and every killer - which is why you have outliers, like Nightmare was.

    Killer statistics do vary based on in-game comms, because communication can be the difference between getting the jump on a survivor or one of their teammates alerting them in comms 'hey the killer is walking your direction' and them having time to hide or get out of the area effectively. While you are correct that it would close the gap between SWF and solo-q; it also affects killers because it would remove the solo-q players from being statistically easier targets becasue they have less information to work with.

    And as for killers being 60% -- that is about right. It will never be a clean 50%; but if that percentage starts shifting to closer to 70-75% - aka. 3 kills avg per match - that's when they tone them back down as close to the 'average 2' as they can manage with their current game state.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    Your ENTIRE argument is based on a subjective interpretation of the phrase "particularly high" as it regards to one Killer?


    That's so flimsy it looks like am Amber Heard testimony.

    If the solo queue players are "statistically easier" to take out, then that is an argument FOR these solo queue improvement of communication because it would bring the data closer in line to the rest of the Survivor data sets, and therefore making it easier to balance killers around a single set of Survivor trends instead of TWO.

  • ILikeBonez
    ILikeBonez Member Posts: 82

    You are clearly too dense to understand this if you can't infer that "if 3 is too high" -- ON ANY KILLER, not just Nightmare, he is not the only magical killer they have changed/toned down because of his kill rate -- then there is little point in wasting my time explaining it to you any further.

    Continue believing in your magical, fantasy version of the game and what it is 'supposed' to be - meanwhile, in reality, we will continue to understand that while the gap between solo and SWF does need to be addressed - SWF needs to be brought down and not Solo brought up, because SWF causes far more headaches for killers than anything.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    Name one way you can bring SWF down with ANY method whatsoever other than literally disabling the ability to invite people to a group.