How can gen speeds be slowed that is fair for both sides?

So I just had a game as Deathslinger on Coal Tower. I've got Barbecue, Ruin, Thanatophobia, and Tinkerer so nothing to help me find that first Survivor out doing nothing.

I get lucky and find one pretty soon, get into chase and get my first hit. As I'm going for the down Tinkerer procs on a gen not too far away. So I drop chase, I don't need a hook this early and could get some Thana value by hitting the two on that gen, because it's GOT to be at least two on the gen for it to be this fast.

Gen pops before I can get to it but I do get a hit in, pretend to chase and loop back around for another hit so three stacks of Thana value.

Game goes along, I have decent pressure and keep constant Thana deff on people, I'm getting my hooks but it's pretty obvious I'm outclassed by at least two of the Survivors, they are coastally giving me struggle in chases. And when I'm not chasseing one of them Tinkerer keeps going off so I drop and go bother the gen and let it run down but gens keep going when I'm only around one person so I think to myself "At least on of them has to have Prove Thyself, these gens are going too fast."

Well, get to the score screen and not a single Prove Thyself, gens were just going by that quickly. One yellow toolbox for the lot of them, no other gen perks like Stake Out or Fast Track, just pure brute force on getting them done.

I know there are a lot of Killer Mains, which I am, that complain about gen speed but so far I've never actually seen someone ask "What can we do to slow things down a bit that is fair to both sides?"

Which is what I'm asking.

Buffing base regression on kicking a gen might help somewhat, but that's not the main issue.

As a Sometimes Survivor I also don't want the time it takes for gens to be completed to be raised. They already take so long to finish and "M1 Simulator " isn't fun.

I think toolboxes are fine as they are, they have limited charges and if you devote your whole build to it can be super powerful but not broken. At least solo. If the whole team does it then... well SWF is another problem and not the topic of discussion here.

I do sort of like the idea of having to find something in the environment to be able to make progress on the gens. Someone brought up the idea of "wrenches" needing to be found to able to make repairs and while I don't like the whole of their idea it has merit. I don't think you should require anything, be it a toolbox, Perk, or special item found in the trial, to start working on a gen. I think that you should be able to not have to go looking for something to get started. But maybe once you hit 50% you do need something to keep going, be it a "wrench" or "gas can" or what have you, just something more than a toolbox or a Perk, nothing pre-trial, something that has to be found. Maybe the gen could be locked at 50% until that item is brought, no up or down on it, can't be kicked or worked on at that point. And when the item is brought to the gen progress unlocks in both directions. To prevent people from just locking all gens at 50% before unlocking them, because you know Survivors will do that, maybe have a limit to the number of gens that can be locked.

I really don't know how something can be changed to make it at least fair to both sides, if not fun for both sides. Right now generators "take too long" when you play Survivor but "go by so fast" when you play Killer. I know this is something of a matter of skill but you shouldn't have to have Perks to stand a chance of winning, no matter what side you play.

So while I may not know what can or should be done to make things more fair and fun I do think something has to change.



  • RenTheCat
    RenTheCat Member Posts: 212

    They need to force teamwork to fix gens. It's extremely stupid that each survivor can pick a gen on each corner of the map and that's it, in 80 seconds they finished the game, they don't even need the last gen because of the hatch.

    Make it like, if 3 survivors are in a gen it takes 60 seconds, if it's 2 it takes 90 and if it's just one like 120 or more. If the killer doesn't feel like tryharding and getting 5 hooks on the very first minute of the match, 3 gens are gonna pop by the time he gets his first hook unless the first survivor you find is trash.

    The whole thing is even worse in big maps with slow killers.

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    Gen speed is fine if you're against solos. Coordinated swf gives info when ans where to do a gen so they are more efficient. Swf members should get gen speed penalty for playing together. Let's say 5% for player. So 2 survivors group will have 10 penalty, 3 survivors 15 and full stack swf will get 20. Solos are not affected by this change so that should be fair

  • Grimmy_Bluues
    Grimmy_Bluues Member Posts: 354

    I like Scott Jund's idea of having parts scattered across the map to progress gens at the speed they are now, and going significantly slower without them. If you find the part first, see the aura of the corresponding gen and if you get on a gen first, see the corresponding part. If you go down with a part, you drop it and your team sees the aura of it.

    Would reward exploration while not entirely forcing it, and it'd be an improvement from only holding m1 (could still do it, but be less efficient).

    Regression perks and certain powers would definitely need tweaking, but that isn't a huge task. They could make gens only stop regressing after being worked on for 3-5 seconds to fix the gen tapping issue too.

  • JoByDaylight
    JoByDaylight Member Posts: 707
    edited April 2021

    I honestly think that the generator should regress 5% for each kick, it's weird that a big and strong killer kicking the gen isn't doing any damage. 5% is 4 seconds of work time for a survivor, and kicking a gen takes 2 seconds. It just seems unfair that a survivor can tap the gen to stop the regression after the killer kicks it.

    It will still be worth picking up PGTW for the 25% regression as well.

  • papabear2009
    papabear2009 Member Posts: 115

    I think might be worth to try having a longer gen time but as you complete more gens the faster they go. This would be good for the killers that rely on having a little setup like demo, hag, and trapper. While I think survivors would like to have an advantage against a 3 gen.

    I would like something like this cause I think seeing 3 gens pop in the first 2 min is just a horrible feeling as a killer. Even if I'm setting up a 3 gen. It just doesn't feel good.

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    im in favor of this but you have to tread carefully regarding what points of interest the killer should/has to patrol

  • Doomsaki
    Doomsaki Member Posts: 152
    edited April 2021

    There are a few commonly tossed around ideas that have been discussed again and again, so I'll try to come up with something radically different:

    I think generators should be faster, not slower. The less M1 simulator the game has, the better. However, the killer should have greater power to dictate which generators he wants to defend. For example, let's say that each survivor the killer hooks for the first time allows him to completely reset a completed generator (an incentive not to tunnel and spread out damage).

    Right now, survivors have to spend 80 seconds multiplied by 5 for a total of 400 seconds minimum. Let's say generators were 50 seconds instead. 50*5 = 250 seconds of generator time. The killer can potentially reset up to 4 generators for an extra 200 of generator time (1 gen per unique survivor hooked). While faster generators are generally much easier to do for survivors, the killer can potentially choose where he wants to cluster generators in groups of 3 or 4 at a time to apply very strict pressure.

    This is just a vague concept, but the goal is to make the objective of generators have much greater tension by forcing tight groupings to defend on the killer's own terms instead of generators being uninteractive objects where they get completed in total isolation on opposite corners of the map. Right now survivors dictate the terms of the game, but something like this might put it in the hands of both sides to control.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911
    edited April 2021

    Why not promote anti tunnel killer behavior by having a single pre nerf mori become available upon hooking every survivor once. This will allow you to speed up the killing process but add a condition of at least 4 hooks across 4 separate survivors.

    As killer under this idea your encouraged to hook everyone once. Everyone gets to interact with the chase unless the survivors deliberatly want to avoid it. It gives those that were hooked recently a chance for a breather as they will be a less valuable hook target and it allows the killer to complete mori challenges without having to bring a mori.

    Id love to also see some kind of comeback mechanic for survivor something like empowered repair/healing speeds for every dead survivor but all these things would need to be tested properly.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,407

    I think the main problem of gen speeds is mostly the lack of pressure. If for example one survivor would be hooked, one rescuing and one chased only one would do gens.

    But for this i see two main problems. Early game and maps. At the start of the game you have no pressure and can lose many gens. This combined with the map problem (too big to get to generators quickly or strong tiles which make the first down hard) make it difficult to pressure gens early. In the midgame you can lose your pressure also bc of maps. One long chase (some maps are too strong) costs you your entire pressure.

    So if a early game mechanic and map reworks would make it possible to maintain pressure if you do well and mostly only one survivor is doing a gen, gens would take 6min 40sec. (Obviously there are many other factors)

    It would be great if not tunneling would be rewarded, too.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Instead of:

    Gen (80s)

    I wish: Collect a full jar of Gas from Gas station allow you to fix Gen for 30sec.

    Gas (10s) -> Gen (30s) -> Gas (10s) -> Gen (30s)

    Still 80s total, except you have to run around. Killer hits you will deplete Gas you're carrying. Its optimize for Killer to hit multiple survivors than tunnel one.

    1 idea, solve 2 problems.

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    make survivors have to spend a few seconds to remove the Killer's kick regression instead of just letting them tap it for less then half a second and remove Prove-Thyself stacking with other Prove-Thyselfs, gen speeds are fine otherwise

  • nursewannabe
    nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075

    Gen speeds are already "fair" for both sides, they don't need slowing.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    Multiple Prove Thyself gen speed boosts don’t stack, do they?

    there is ‚only‘ a bonus for each survivor nearby, 15% per survivor (and there is also the base penalty per survivor on one gen)

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    My memory on it is hazy but I'm pretty sure they stack, whenever i go against people with multiple prove-thyselfs the gen speeds noticeably increase

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236
    edited April 2021

    Speeds themselves aren't bad, it's how quickly survivors can jump on a gen right at the start of the game. So some kind of additional objective that can slow down that first 60 seconds of a match and just those first 60 seconds would be ideal.

    As the match progresses and gens get done, it swings more towards the killer (providing survivors are also being eliminated) so that's when gen speeds need to be as fast as they are, otherwise a 2k becomes a guaranteed 4k.

    Kicking and halting regression is another issue as well, and I'd say that either kicks need a default amount of regression or it should take at least 2 seconds of repair to halt regression.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    Maybe because they stack up 2 survs per gen and the prove thyselfs are on different gens?

    i am pretty sure it is at least not intended that multiple prove thyselfs don’t stack.. (though the perk could get a little nerf either way)

  • vladspellbinder
    vladspellbinder Member Posts: 320

    It was just an idea, one I wasn't even feeling that strongly about, no reason to be rude about it. But sometimes you do need to call the stupid thing stupid so... .

    People kept brining up Scott's idea but you're the first person to actually say what it was and I could never find the right video. I'm not sure how I feel about each gen having a specific item for them and not just a general item that works on any gen. There being specific items for specific gens solves the issue of a generic item spawning right next to a gen but it also causes an issue that a Survivor can pick up what's needed for a gen and prevent everyone else from effectively working on that gen, making them forced to be really slow.

    Still, the idea has merit and with some tweaking of things could work.

    While I agree that kicking and base-kit regression is a problem my example game Ruin, which casues double base-kit regression, was up for four gens and I was able to apply decent pressure for most of the match and even so four gens got finished before I had anyone on death hook.

    I was "playing fair" when I could, and not going after the people already hooked unless I came across them but even if I had tunneled someone out I'd not have been able to apply the pressure I did so they'd still gone by so fast.

    My point is that it wasn't kicking but just gen speed in general. getting a buff to kicking in some fashion would be nice and really help but doesn't address the issue of how fast gens can fly. You can't kick a 100% gen after all.

    I actually like this idea, as both a Killer and a Survivor. It'd make the game more interactive and give the Survivors something to do instead of holding M1 the whole match.

    Thinking on it you could set it up that each gen needs two items, from a choice of a spark plug, a gear, some wire, and some fuel, with each gen needing a semi-random set of two from those four. When a Survivor comes across a gen they interact with it and see the aura of all versions of one of the items that gen needs. This aura reading is not permanent but it lasts a long while and is affected by anything that deals with aura reading. Once you've got one of the items the aura of the gen you interacted with is shown to you so you can find your way back to it. Interacting with another gen will show you one of the items needed for that gen and over-rides the previous one you touched.

    Gens without the items can be repaired, but can't be finished until it gets both items it needs. This will make it so all of the various perks that care about gen pro/re-gression don't become useless data. Maybe combine it with Scott's idea above and for each item missing from a gen the total time needed is prohibitively high but still feasible.

    I just want to point out that is all four Survivors are still alive the Hatch won't spawn until all five gens are done. So, no, four Survivors can't escape via Hatch by not finishing all the gens.

    I do sort of like the idea of forcing teamwork, the problem there is it would make Discordance super powerful and pretty much an "always run" Perk much like Ruin and or Pop is right now. Maybe if this change was made make it so Discordance only goes off if there is only one Survivor on the gen or it is three or more. That way two people can do their job on a gen without having to worry about giving their location away and any solos have to worry about being found because they are alone. This would of course give a [bad word] ton of information if it goes off on four gens at once but then that's on the Survivors for not working together.

    The problem with punishing any SWF is that unless it is a full team of four you'll always wind up punishing the solo players that are in the same trial as them. The main thing with SWF is indeed the information shared, and the only answer there is to ban outside chat applications. If DBD had some in-game form of proximity chat they could probably get away with "banning" outside chat. Not that it could really be enforced.

    There is no good answer to SWF, because "Just remove it" isn't an option because people want to play with their friends.

    I also like this idea. The problem is that some Killers can just out-right prevent the first gen from ever being finished so it'd be very hit-or-miss on if this would be fun or not.

    Hum. While my knee-jerk reaction is, of course, "FASTER?!" this idea does have some merit to it. Maybe not 50 seconds, maybe 65? Split the difference between 50 and 80. And to reset a gen you have to go and physically kick it like normal, and instead of straight resetting it goes to 50%, or 25% if you have an active Pop, and then starts normal regression (which will also hopefully be buffed) or Ruin if you have it up.

    Because the main problem I have with a straight up back to zero is even if the gens are faster it'd still feel really bad to the Survivors to have to restart from scratch four times over, basically having to finish nine gens when sometimes five can be a chore. Maybe also make it so a gen can only be "unfinished" once per game, so if they finish it again the Killer is out-of-luck on that one.

    And we're never going to fins a solution to tunneling, unless it is straight up made impossible. Even with this change it's still a better idea to get get one person out of the game fast because now you can just reset a single gen that got finished in the time you hunted them down. Maybe make it so the Killer loses a reset when a Survivor dies. That would give them some incentive to not go for early kills unless they don't need the resets.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Slowing gens more is not the answer. There needs to be more objective than hold M1 for 80s.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    -Add 10 more seconds to gens

    - decrease rate of toolboxes repair but lengthen their lifespan (so all together you get slightly more progress than they are now but not a ton). I just hate that the go away almost immediately.

    -basic kicks should like 10% off with regression same speed as base single survivor repair. Way too minimal now

    Yes this is primarily in killers favor but I think gens are too fast and it sucks that you must take a gen regression perk to do anything to gens. Right now kicking is basically pointless without pop.

    Sure gens aren't the most exciting thing to do but the game would likely need to change a lot in order to have other objectives with a number of perks changing to accommodate a new objective. If you had to find parts in chests let's say, then maybe it could be interesting but I assume this would lead to killers camping parts

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,814

    I don't see why this is an issue. When survivors tap a gen, it does not passively gain progress until 100% while they go off to do other things. When killers kick a gen, it passively regresses to 0% while they go off to do other things. It makes sense that the latter action requires some modest time investment. If done at appropriate times, kicking gens should save the killer much more time than they invest with the kick.

    There is no need to give 5% base regression for kicking a generator unless survivors are overperforming and this is intended as a lever to alter game balance. The mechanic itself is fine. Killers just need to be selective about which gens they kick. If a survivor is tapping a gen you just kicked and you're not running Pop, you're doing it wrong.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,814
    edited April 2021

    Let's wait until we see how killers are performing with a mature MMR system before doing anything to make gen progress more difficult. Red-rank matches are statistically killer sided with rank-based matchmaking. Killers do not need help with gen progress unless if this trend changes with skill-based matchmaking, but we don't have enough data to comment on that at the moment.

    Also, getting a first hook is huge, and not getting one early is probably a big factor in why you lost that game. Thanatophobia helps slow gen progress a little bit. Incapacitating one survivor by slugging or hooking them, forcing a second survivor off of gens to go for the save, and starting a chase with a third survivor helps slow gen progress a lot. The first hook of the game is especially important because at the start all four survivors are doing gens. Forcing them off gens as early as possible is key or you'll be fighting a losing battle.

    The other key factor is that, by your own admission, you were outclassed by two of the survivors you were playing against. Assuming the other two survivors weren't absolute potatoes, the survivors should win that match most of the time. In a balanced game the better players should win. So, if there's any real complaint to be had, it's that matchmaking had you play against a few players who were better than you, not that gen times are too fast.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Like I have said before, I think that gen speeds are fine, and that map design and different killers of varying strengths are the real problem.

    The reason a Pig can't pressure survivors more easily is because the map is massive, so she will have to travel (without any special mobility) across the map to then chase a survivor around multiple tiles that are safe (assuming the survivor is good) to get one down after 2-3 gens pop in the distance. This is just because of poor design, the same sort of thing can happen on the survivor side. Look at macmillian for example.

    On the groaning storehouse you could have loads of tiles with pallets and jungle gyms that all have pallets. This will make just one chase with a survivor with a killer like Myers suck because you not only have to stop and stare at them for a few seconds, but you also have to chase them around and around very powerful tiles. Meanwhile, gens pop in the distance. Then you add perks like SB or DH to the mix and it all just becomes horrible.

    So the real fix would be to redesign the maps to be more balanced for all killers and buff killers.

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    i told you debuff is not affecting solos so what's your problem? You can't hurt solos because they already have advantage by playing with swfs. what's you problem? Just accept this is a good solution

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,267

    Maybe make it so first gen takes 120, so that each gen completed takes 10 seconds off. So if all survivors start in 1 gen they will all take 120. So either they wait or they work together.

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,960

    because the tittle tells what you are asking for and your post as too much rambling. The only way to nerf gen speed is nerfing the perk and toolbox that make them go quicker, touching the way the base gen works is just going to be too much.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,814
    edited April 2021

    Prove Thyself already doesn't stack with other Prove Thyselves.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,814
  • Beelzeboop
    Beelzeboop Member Posts: 1,306

    They could slow down the gen speeds, but that requires making the main objective for survivors actually interesting or entertaining to some level.

    With only 300 people and who knows how many outsourced workers, how can they possibly change their own spaghetti code? Plus, that would be admitting that they actually made a mistake, and that would require owning up to it like an actual human being.

  • ChantyBoi
    ChantyBoi Member Posts: 179

    The base regression mechanics in the game are severely outdated and need updates. Firstly I believe that kicking a gen should instantly regress ~4%. This does a number of things. As it stands unless you have dragons grip, surveillance, overcharge, or pop, there is very little reason to kick a gen. The precious amount of time you use up kicking it can instantly be undone by a survivor tapping it mid chase in under a second. Not only would this instant regression provide incentive to kick gens, it would also discourage gen tapping, as repeatedly tapping a gen and allowing a killer to kick it over and over could lose you a TON of progress. Another thing is just increasing the rate gens regress. I would say increase base regression to the Tier II Ruin speed of 150% of CURRENT base regression then rescale ruin accordingly. Another even more crazy idea I've heard is making T3 Ruin base speed and just removing the faster regression from ruin and making it so the perk just automatically regresses generators. I actually quite like idea but it's not likely to happen. All in all I actually think the issue is less how fast you can finish the gens and more how little the killer can slow them down.

  • Hektic3000
    Hektic3000 Member Posts: 674

    I think the base gen time of 80 seconds is fine and doesn't need to be increased. What does need to be changed is the efficiency of multiple survivors on the same gen. A single survivor on a gen takes 80s, 2 survivors gets cut to ~47s, 3 is ~38s, and 4 survivors is ~36 seconds and i think that's too big of a jump in time between a solo survivor and multiple people.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    The problem with something like this is it makes the Risky Repairs (pop 2 gens in the killer's terror radius) challenge literally impossible. And seeing as it has appeared in every tome since its inception, I doubt it will get replaced.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    Gen speeds seem too slow when I play survivor.

    Gen speeds seem too fast when I play killer.

    Perks on both sides can dramatically alter both.

    If that isn't balanced I don't know what is.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600
    edited April 2021

    The thing is, it's REALLY HARD to stop those first two generators from popping. If the team I'm up against is compitent, I expect to lose the first 2 generators at first hook and don't even sweat it (only exception to this seems to be if I run corrupt intervention)

    However, I have noted that due to the shrinking territory, with every generator popped it gets easier and easier to defend your territory and keep up that pressure and start slowing things down dramatically as long as you are mindful of splitting your attention and not let yourself get drawn into too many long chases outside of what you have left. I feel like too many people forget this or are afraid of some silly unwritten rule about "Camping gens".

    I think we're probably sitting at the best we're gonna get for gen speeds. We have gen defense perks of the player feels they need them (and let's face it, the competitive players will run these perks regardless of what the gen speed is sitting at, so let's be real here).

    Map sizes are already getting addressed as they go through them. We saw Rotten Fields already get one size reduction already, and it looks like it might of been made even more tolerable in the upcoming rework (I may actually stop calling it an abomination now). So map size is a thing they are aware of, just be patient.

  • drpynz
    drpynz Member Posts: 247

    Good idea IMO. Prove thyself doesn’t stack within a certain radius. Two people on the same Gen with prove thyself only one of them takes effect.

    Having the kick regression stop with a simple tap is the main problem. Having progression start after 6 seconds just like if the survivor blew the Gen up themselves would fall in line canonically.

  • vladspellbinder
    vladspellbinder Member Posts: 320

    I admit that I didn't place as much portly over the first as I maybe should have. I've just seen a lot of times when someone gets hooked, I don't camp them and the other three Survivors all stay on gens and don't go for the save. Even when I then get in to chase with a second Survivor the first is still on hook and goes second stage while two gens get finished. "Gens before friends" happens uncomfortable often in my games, on both sides. And when I run Thana I tend to focus more on spreading out the injurers than I do on focusing downs and hooks.

    I will need to reevaluate my playstyle somewhat.

    On the other matter I'm at a point now where I, mostly, know when to drop chase so as not to waste time on lost causes. I would chase on of the really good Survivors for a bit, catch them out of position when I could but often only just chased them from the gen and into another zone I wanted to search for someone easier. My main problem with my example game was Thana was often at three and four stacks of debuff yet gens still went by fast without a Prove Thyself in play.

    Maybe it wasn't any faster than normal and it only seemed like such because I was struggling on catching half the team. There are a lot of factors I probably didn't take into account which is why it's such a tough issue to come up with a solution for; lots of interlinking parts to fiddle with and if you change something too much it all breaks apart.

    I'm going to link back to your original post here again so people don't have to go looking for it:

    In this is there are only two cases where your idea does not hurt a solo player: a four man SWF or two separate sets of two SWF getting paired together. With a three man SWF or a two man SWF the solo player(s) is (are) being punished by the SWF people not finishing gens as fast as if it were other solos and this makes it harder for them to get out of the Trial alive. If you do anything to hinder a SWF other than a four man you also hinder the solo player(s) that get teamed up with them because they don't contribute to the team overall as much as the equivalent amount of solo players would.

    I'm not real hard on the "If you kill SWF you kill the game" as some people are but I understand that SWF is important for the game and should not be removed. I'm really hard on the "Buff Solo" side of things. Once Solo Survivor is more on par with SWF then Killers can be buffed to that level but until Solo is easier any buffs to Killers to counter SWF or nerfs to SWF that don't only apply to SWF will hurt Solo.

    And Solo is already painful enough as it is.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,814

    Good on you for being willing to look at your own playstyle for ways to improve! You could try recording your games and watching through them after to see if you can figure out moments where you could have made a better decision, or even posting them on the forum to get feedback.

  • JasmineDragon
    JasmineDragon Member Posts: 372

    This has been said for a very long time, but give gens either 4 or 6 check points. When a surv leaves a gen it begins regressing to the most recent check point. When a killer kicks a gen it begins regressing normally. This prevents gen tapping and rewards pressure

  • MB666
    MB666 Member Posts: 968
    edited April 2021

    mmm well...probably maybe adding a ...EARLY GAME MECHANIC

    -every survivor at the start of the match get a debuff (maybe -50% or -30% if u want a fair number) of only REPAIR SPEED ACTION.

    -to get ride away of that debuff u need to do :

    1) start a chase no matter whats the situacion 

    2) change of health state (healthy injure , deep wound , infected , etc) 

    and OPTIONAL 

    3) just cleanse a single totem..

    well thats my idea to prevent cases where people doesnt show atlest once to the killer and dont do anything more than sitting on gens hidding ...any suggestion ..or idea can be well recieve 

  • Jane_Is_Mega_Thicc
    Jane_Is_Mega_Thicc Member Posts: 137
    edited April 2021

    Gen speed is fine, there’s many gen stopping perks. Ever heard of Gen pressure? Patrolling gens is a great way to do it, it’s your fault that there getting the gens done because your either not applying pressure or just chasing one survivor all game.

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    So you'll just ignore the fact solo survivors have advantage now because their swf teammates are more efficient. This is not punishing. This just removes advantage

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    I mean, Ruin only works if you keep chasing people off gens. You could have Ruin up for the entire game without having any impact because people dont have any reason to go off gens. If there is 2 people working on the same gen and you decide to chase one of them, the other one will return within seconds. That's not exactly what we would call gen pressure. That's just you making the gen repairs slower by removing 1 survivor and letting the generator regress for maybe 5 seconds at best.

    You could go for an injure on 1 survivor, then go back to the gen to go in chase with the other, forcing the injured one to create distance as they dont know if you would keep chasing while you push the other one off the gen again, forcing the gen to actually regress for a significant time. If there is a survivor nearby to prevent Ruin from regressing, Ruin wont have any significant effect.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Let me tell you why you are wrong:

    1. a survivor can do this mid-chase. Having 0 time investment and preventing the generator from regressing progress that survivors have put in. So lets say it's a gen with 70 seconds worth of solo progress. A survivor can use 0.1 second of their time mid-chase to save all that progress.
    2. A killer kicking a gen for 2 seconds means a survivor can make 8 meters of distance, which requires 13 seconds to close, so a killer actively extends his chase by 13 seconds for 2 seconds invested in preventing a gen from being finished, which can be fully negated by the same survivor in chase within less than 0.1 second.

    Gen regression is already about 25% of solo survivor progression(1 survivor adds 1 charge per second, base regression is 0.268 charges per second, meaning it takes about 5 full minutes for a generator at 79 charges(aka 99%) to regress). So if we use actual logic, if a killer needs 2 seconds to cause a generator to regress, it SHOULD take the survivor 10 seconds to stop it from regressing just for the math to work out. THIS is why kicking a generator should have 5% base regression added to it, because 5% of 80 is only 4 seconds of solo survivor progress and 2 seconds of 2 survivors working on it. 5% really isnt that much, it would just punish people tapping the same gen multiple times when the killer is nearby. You shouldnt be touching a generator if a killer is nearby, just as much as you shouldnt be dropping shack pallet if you're at full health.

    "Killers just need to be selective about which gens they kick."

    So, if a gen is at 80%, you should just not kick it because you're in chase? You should just leave it and let survivors finish it? You should just give survivors the gen for free? I mean, that's like a survivor being on a hook, and the killer being able to hit you twice without needing 5 stacks of STBFL because you shouldnt be able to unhook your teammate in front of a killer, even if that teammate is 2 seconds away from being removed from the game. You should just be selective about which survivors you unhook, even if you have BT. So if a killer is next to a hook, bodyblocking and trying to bait a hit for an unhook should be deleted from the game and just guarantee the killer a kill?

  • Patrick1088
    Patrick1088 Member Posts: 628

    I think your issue was that you didn't commit to chases tbh. Thano caps off at 20% if all 4 are injured. That's only 16s extra if all 4 survivors are down. If you had slugged the first and hooked the second, it would've forced the ither 2 survivors off of the gens then you get some good ruin value.

    Gen speeds are fine tbh. If you were constantly up against SWF with good perks, purple toolboxes with BNP, then sure let's talk gen speeds.

    But as it was that wasn't the case. Corrupt Intervention slows game a bit so you can build up steam (not sure who you're playing as, whether they need set up like Trapper or Hag).

    If you aren't good at finding people (not sure if this was a 1 time issue or otherwise) you can drop BBQ for bitter murmur. You'll get tinkerer value and then post pop value so you get almost 30s of knowing where people are (20 s tinkerer and bitter murmur).

    Gen rush happens but not to the frequency that most people think. Most of the time it comes down to killers not applying pressure

    What else is a survivor to do but sit on a gen? Its not their fault killer can't find them

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    -For the first 60 seconds of the game, Survivors receive a 50% generator repair penalty and are oblivious.

    -Whenever a survivor is unhooked, they suffer a 25% gen repair penalty for 60 seconds, but get a 7% haste status effect for that same amount of time.

    -Whenever a survivor dies, the repair speed of remaining survivors is increased by 6%

    -Kicking a Generator instantly applies 2.5% regression.

    -BNP's now light the generator up Yellow for killer (as a downside)