Animations freezing mid action

sharkster13 Member Posts: 236
edited April 2021 in Bug Reporting

Platform: Steam

Issue: I've noticed that for some unknown reason the animations keep freezing mid action and there is nothing I could do to undo them. The animations for which this has happened in my case was entering a locker and unhooking. I would start the animation and I'd get stuck. With the locker I'd grab the handle and then get stuck. I wouldn't be in the locker, I wouldn't be out of the locker, I'd be just stuck holding the door. The only way I got out of that animation was if the killer hit me or grabbed me. Same happened with unhooking. I dunno if this makes any difference but I was injured during those times. Did anyone else experience this?

Perks: Dead Hard, We're Gonna Live Forever, Kindered, Iron Will

Maps: Mount Ormond Resort, MacMillan Estate

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  • LexyTheKiller
    LexyTheKiller Member Posts: 54

    Yeah I’ve noticed this as well, mainly with pallet stunning a killer picking up a survivor. I know the timing for this better than anything but even though I have the prompt to use the pallet and I do, instead of using the pallet I go into the animation and get stuck for a split second and then I get pushed out of the animation without using the pallet which is extremely annoying. Same thing with unhooking but I always took this as a latency issue.

  • sharkster13
    sharkster13 Member Posts: 236
  • CeboLord
    CeboLord Member Posts: 8

    It never happened to me, but that is a horrible disadvantage for the survivors.

  • sharkster13
    sharkster13 Member Posts: 236

    It's still an ongoing thing. I mostly notice this when trying to unhook survivors. You get stuck in the animation. You cannot unhook, you cannot avoid a hit, you're just stuck there and you eventaully get downed.

  • sharkster13
    sharkster13 Member Posts: 236

    I had the freezing animation bug again, but this time on the killer, specifically - the Plague. After a survivor sucesfully wiggled out of my arm, I was stuck in the breaking out animation for 10 seconds and then I somehow recovered. It looked as though I was crying.