Dead by Daylight Merch in the UK?

So as far as I know the Official Dead by Daylight Store still doesn't offer shipping to the UK.
Therefore, my question is; would it be legally ok to reuse small graphical elements of the game (like perk icons) to put into items to sell on my RedBubble store?
I see that many artists have done this already on sites like TeeSpring and Etsy (not naming any specific shops), but I want to go the proper way about this by asking can this actually be allowed anyway?
After all, with no shipping to the UK, there's a gap in the market here and I personally have wanted to fill that for a while now.
So what are the rules around this?
It goes without saying that I'm not going to be using the game logo, slogan or name in my products and I will state that I'm in no way an official vendor for the actual merch, the official merch itself, in no way affiliated or related to the game or the company etc etc...
So basically, I just really want a Dark Devotion Pattern Print top for myself and some other stuff to fill in the gaps.
Thanks in advance.
Update: Ok, so RedBubble do a partner program thing but Dead by Daylight isn't on there...
This doesn't actually change much really but I wanted to let folks know that I'm still actively looking into this.
It's a real annoyance that they don't ship over here, but at least the problem gets my creative side active. 😅