A pick a map system would be a good idea for Dbd imo

There are many Killers that are at some specific maps completly screwed and that can already decide most likely your outcome of the match or some ppl dont like some maps specificly, I think with this system these problems are fixed with a very easy solution. You know from Cod for example, you get to choose from 3 maps one and the highest voted map will be picked or at a draw a new random one. Now you would say "But swf will have a advantage where all 4 survivor just communicate and vote all for one map." Well we make it that only 2 votes can be voted at max from the survivors. So imagine the survivors pick for example Haddonfield 2 votes and Rotten fields 2 votes, so the Killer can have the deciding vote of which of these maps he would rather get tortured.
Offerings would be changed to let this map appear as one of the 3 choices to comes up.
Just a random I came up while waiting for a lobby, tell me what you think and lets talk about it maybe :)
How many maps would there be to choose from?
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I do not like this idea at all. The map offerings currently seem like a far better solution.
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Or instead of introducing an overly complicated system; just use map offerings.
As a killer if I think the group of survivors is going to be tough - I may use a map offering, but honestly I generally just go with RNG. Avoiding maps as a killer or survivor will not help you learn and adapt - you will just remain inadequate on those maps.
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And get stuck playing on Haddonfield or Fractured Cowshed every single time I play killer? Nooooo thank you.
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3 I wrote it at the start
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Who says you will always get those maps to pick from
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You will not always have a map offering for every single game, also there are other offerings you would like to use like bps? Also idk what you think but between maps is not a huge difference to learn, they all basicly play the same except some specific maps like Lerys.
Also I personaly dont mind RNG that much either but I had for example today a fun day with 5 times in a row rotten fields as Blight without any offering. Same happened to a friend to me yesterday, 4 times haddonfield as Killer without offerings.
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Yes I love it when SWF send me to Haddonfield and they all have Spine chill and balanced landing.
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I'd like ban system for killers so they can ban 2 maps
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Sorry I don't agree with you, but when I am a killer - map doesn't mean all that much to me; nor does them being a SWF. If I lose it's because I didn't play well enough - blaming a map or SWF isn't my thing. Back when I used to actually use end game chat - whenever I faced salty survivors or killers in chat I would tell them the same thing: Don't get bitter - get better.
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No, this system is way too easily abused even by solo queue
if its a 4 man swf they only need 2 votes anyway because you only get one meaning swf are always better off and get both to decide what map to go to but get to build around it, random rotation sees visions of haddonfield on the menu, gonna bet that swf is real happy to show you a good 4 balanced landing time
solo queue sees the map choices of red forest. fractured cowshed, ormond, haddonfield available, have fun with votes 4 to 1 on maps that are now statistically 3 times as likely
current system is fine
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That's not such a great idea. Diversity is one of the biggest reasons DbD has such good player retention, removing that would hurt it a lot. And yes, such a change would remove diversity, becaus wno matter what killers would always be forces to play on the map the survivors want to, so it's going to almost cut out Dead Dawg, Coal Tower, Torment Creek, Hawkins, and Azarovs whilst massively promoting Haddonfield, The Game, Fractured Cowshed, Lery's and Midwich.
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Good coping then but there are maps that are objectively better for certain perks and either for killer or survivor. Like, blame yourself all you want if you have low self esteem or whatever but you can't say maps like The Game are not survivor bias when every single pallet blocks the entire way and you can't mind game them.
I wanna see you get out of Tier 1 early as Michael in Haddonfield when every survivor has spine chill and balanced landing.
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Im on the nah side. I've experienced this before on other competitive games and it just really limits the map pool in an uninteresting way.
DBD is it's most successful as a non-competitive/competitive game. The asymmetry, the keys, random hatch spawn, random everything is what makes this game fun. Like a board game. We got simple mechanics that everyone can easily understand. Do gens, loop, and escape.
Even the ranking system is casual. Just do enough for your team and you can rank up.
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And? There are maps which are killer sided. I'm completely fine being sent to either - I will do my best no matter which map/perk is brought.
I just don't blame others for what I do. I don't have to win to enjoy the game - and I don't have to get a 4k to win.
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If each side can ban one map, I think it's cool. One question though, what happens if for example two survivors vote for a map, the killer votes for another but the third and forth survivor, purposefully or not, keep from voting? Wouldn't that still force the killer to play on said map since it has the most votes?
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Good for you? I still don't follow why are you telling me your life story and replied to my comment with a "get better" if you're just gonna admit map bias is a thing.
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My life story? Hyperbolic much? I simply stated: I don't care what map or perks are used - I will do as best I can and learn from any mistakes I make. If I really want to play a map - I have hundreds of map offerings at my disposal. This proposed idea will not doing anything for "map bias." I prefer RNG makes things more exciting/challenging.
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I kinda agree and disagree. Yes there are some moments and situations that require certain skill or knowledge but at some points its just the games design. You can be the best Clown player in the world, literally jesus christ playing him but still lose that game because Clown just doesnt has the power to reflect your skill to the lethality. Same goes for map to some killers. You can be the best blight ever, you will lose eventuelly IF the survivors play how they are supposed to play at a well enough skill level.
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The main issue with this idea is that it relies on the survivors not knowing what are the meta maps along with them not having the perks to abuse any of the maps on any of their characters(Survivors can switch characters to get meta builds but Killer's can't).
So while it may work in low ranks it will fall apart the moment meduim/high rank survivor choose the most survivor side map or the least killer side map meaning the killer will always be at a disadvantage with this system.
This would also make maps like Hawkins' Lab/Sheltered Woods become unplayedable as no survivors will EVER vote for them.
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As I said, there is a max vote of 2 by survivors on 1 map.
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I think I didnt made it clear enough. Only a max of 2 votes on 1 map by survivors, so they will never be able to "force" a map.
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I would say if survivors dont vote, the votes will be randomly applied. Not sure though if that is the best way to handle it.
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Then the precise opposite would be true, or there would be no point voting at all. Not that the Devs would ever impliment a system like that that didn't favour the survivors - after all, it is a 4v1. Better to please 4 than 1.
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Your suggestion is solid but it would still give the survivors power. Sure 2 will vote one map, and 2 will another so that only leaves killer with 2 options which of course would be the 2 most survivor sided maps. The killer would never get their ideal map.
I don't think this game can ever have a map select because of its asymmetrical nature. Plus games with map select always have the same top maps being played which gets boring fast.
We have offerings and tho they aren't a traditional map select they do work for dbd.
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2 survivors vote for x map, no other survivors vote for any map, system gamed set match
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I think getting rid of map offerings, and letting the game choose the map is the most healthiest situation for the game. So neither side has an advantage of picking a realm of their choice.
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>create an offering called "wholesome killer experience"
>immediately removes cowshed, Ormond, Haddonfield and all badham variations from the map pool
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Ye you have a point, well in the end its just a far away idea ^^ I still wish bhvr would do something about inconsistent map picks, sometimes when you are unlucky you can land 3-4 times in a row at the same map which can be abit boring and annoying.
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Then use the offering that negates sending to a map. I always use it when i have it cause it annoys me when ppl try to influence where they wanna go xD
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I don't even like map offerings.
I think maps should stay purely RNG -- and if they are not already, each "location" should be the RNG choice (Farm, Temple, etc.) and THEN, RNG which of the variants of that location are used, instead of all variants being possible RNG at the same time (if that is how it currently is, I do not know for sure).
There are too many times the game sends you to the same 'location' and just a different variant for it to be a 'good' RNG system, imo.