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The Continued Ignorance of Performance Issues Continues to Hamper Player Fun



  • Member Posts: 767

    Have you seen that new Ubisoft f2p FPS xDefiance or something? Looks like a cross between Rainbow 6 and Overwatch and the factions are based on stuff like Cleaners from Division and Echelon from Splinter Cell.

    Its honestly been super depressing even scrolling socials as everyone else is having a great time with the event or talking about the new cosmetics and the upcoming PTB changes going live, while I can't even take playing DbD atm :(

    Its definitely been nice having some extra cash to play around with though as there's some good tv and movies streaming atm, plus there's a 14 day free login campaign on FF14 and am enjoying getting back into that so might carry on the subscription; you never know if I'll still be be unable to play DbD after the 27th patch if the hotfixes were anything to go by, and the 'potential fixes with more to follow' doesn't exactly inspire my confidence :')

  • Member Posts: 6,827

    indeed i’ve never experienced anything like this other than DBD.

  • Member Posts: 5,944

    Nah,it must be your super old and outdated hardware


  • Member Posts: 57

    Why would anyone "move on" from the fact that their ######### game doesn't work anymore? I didn't buy a game that was broken, I bought a game that worked and then was broken by the developers. These POS people should be abused at every turn for putting out a completely inferior product and taking peoples money. I mean how TF can you so completely screw up console play in the way that they have? People blink around the map like Tracer from Overwatch (a game that actually works). Im not going to be "understanding" to people who screw their player base over and then have some lame ass anniversary event "celebrating" the game that they so completely #########. ######### these people.

  • Member Posts: 18

    Keep in mind that they are still people. While I don't appreciate what has been going on at Behavior, there is no need for such statements. Try to form your criticism in a more constructive manner.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    Is this an optimization issue? Xbox One S skill check visual won’t appear but the audio does so good luck fixing gens and healing.

  • Member Posts: 57

    I don't have any patience left for people who so obviously don't care about their players. They've paid lip service to console optimizing for years and done nothing. They should be abused and insulted, it's a consequence of lying and cheating people out of their money. If I buy a car that breaks down after 50 miles and I can't get my money back Im not going to be understanding towards the people that sold it to me. Im assuming these people are professionals and that consoles failing to play DBD isn't some surprise. We all know they made a cost/benefit decision at some point to continue to update the game at the expense of players using older hardware. Now they're trying to fix the problem after the fact. They should have just released DBD 2 on newer systems and PC only, and left everyone on older console models with the older game.

  • Member Posts: 57

    You all realize they had to have known the updates would break console, right? You all remind me of co-workers Ive had who constantly make excuses for their boss even though they're being taken advantage of. Being positive isn't the same as being a complicit door mat.

  • Member Posts: 1,158

    Why do I now think our next plan is to protest for a cowboy hat for Mr bing bong ?

    Soon as I read that I just thought of a wraith riding a horse bing his bong to go faster

    But true there is no reason why this game should be struggling only thing I can think of is that they hadn't had a team that could code for console and they are doing what they can till they get correct programmers on board ? The fact pc players also state they have issues is yeah really worrying 🐷😬

  • Member Posts: 6,342

    Absolutely please let us lower the graphics and reclaim some frames

  • Member Posts: 6,827

    There is something that concerns me. If let’s say most of the bugs get fixed is it possible they could comeback in future DLCS? What if the game does get to a point to where it can’t run on last gen console or lower end PC??

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    I’m hoping that the issues get resolved. Not going to get too excited for it though.

  • Member Posts: 452

    I don't get any hopes up for the 27th. I will, of course, install the patch, but won't play until the new rift is out. I will see how performance is on here.

    I'm having more fun playing red dead redemption 2 now, since that game is way more playable then this game. I forced myself to play during the event to gather some cakes and the crowns, after that I just left the game until the next rift and bloodhunt.

    If the game isn't working good enough after the mid-chapter, I will take another break and play a game that is working normally. And forget about the rift, too.

  • Member Posts: 1,684

    I wonder how the game will run on my PS4 Pro after the mid chapter, since I already put dbd on a SSD..

  • Member Posts: 6,827

    I think the rift comes with this patch if i’m not mistaken.

  • Member Posts: 688

    Yes, a 2.5 inch SATA SSD drive will fit any PS4 model.

  • Member Posts: 767

    Looks like it will still be some time before even anyone who has the money is able to upgrade to the newer consoles :(

    Here's hoping the game gets the TLC it needs and deserves rather than burying their heads in the sand and hoping the problem 'goes away'.

  • Member Posts: 1,684
  • Member Posts: 50

    Just gave up on my killers, and barely can play as survivor due to lag, freezing and frame drops whenever an action occurs ( like killer hooking, downing, using power, survivor using dead hard and so on ), I am a ps4 slim player and can't afford an Ssd to solve this, where I live a ssd worth 1 minimum wage, and a ps5 costs 5 ... so its better save it and change console, but then again, I can't find a ps5 to buy kkkkk

    Praying that this update solve at least 50% of the problems on ps4 =/

    Otherwise it'll be time for take a break until I upgrade my ps4 or behavior fix this ^^

  • Member Posts: 767

    Yea I feel for the Switch players, no update tomorrow which means they not only have to wait for the update to et the Rift\Tome, but also they cannot crossplay with other formats and will only be able to play other Switch users until the update releases.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,503

    They didn't say it'd brick Switch consoles.

    The more likely reason is that it just didn't fix the crashes. BHVR wants to re-enable the DC penalties, but if any platform is experiencing crashing they can't. Switch won't have cross-play enabled once the update goes live, so it can be kept separate. The other platforms will have the DC penalties re-enabled while the Switch will not.

    That's my theory, anyway. There's no proof, but the fact that they temporarily re-enabled dc penalties the other day suggests they are in a hurry to get them back up.

  • Member Posts: 452

    They should focus on the reason why the DC penalties were disabled in the first place. Who knows if the update tomorrow even fixes anything, I for sure won't keep my hopes up, looking at the past with their game.

    But maybe we'll be surprised tomorrow and we get a working game again.

  • Member Posts: 93

    I wish they would post numbers.

    For instance: "we tested 100 custom matches with this update on PS4, Switch and Xbox One and encountered that X% had this performance, or X% instances of this known bug"

    It's like Scott said a week ago: "if you wanted to know if there were any issues with old gen consoles you only had to play one single game. Just one"

    So they knew about the issues, but probably management didn't care and just wanted it out.

  • Member Posts: 452

    This is just an thought I had the other day, but I think they either:

    A) just booted up the game, saw it worked (started to main menu) and put it off without ANY match testing

    B) they booted up the game, tested a few matches, and just released the patch anyway in the hope they would get away with it, like they got away with the things before the RE patch (like getting a frame drop when getting hit with sloppy butcher for example).

  • Member Posts: 945

    rip switch players

    Head's up: We've postponed Update 5.1.0 on Nintendo Switch to further resolve some issues related to performance. This delay will not affect tomorrow's planned release on other platforms. Thank you for your understanding!

    For more details and some FAQ:

  • Member Posts: 1,624

    BHVR cannot optimize, they don't have competent enough programmers to do it.

  • Member Posts: 1,624

    DBD runs at 120fps on a $400 PC. I should know, that's how much I built my PC for and that's how fast the game runs on my PC.

  • Member Posts: 767

    Patch notes aren't filling me with hope unless I missed something; I see mentions of Nemesis, Lerys and a few perks but no HDD issue or any other killer\map that were suffering from the freezing and FPS issues.

    I'll wait to see before judging but prepared for disappointment and about 50gb extra HDD space for a few months :')

  • Member Posts: 452

    It's way down at the "Other" section:

    • Fixed a lot of Hitches when loading some Hud icons during Gameplay
    • Various crash fixes

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