5th Perk Slot

MariahCarey Member Posts: 5
edited April 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Survivors and Killers should get a 5th perk slot ONLY for a SINGLE Exhaustion/Generator perk respectively. (Cannot equip more than one generator/exhaustion perk)

- It would be much easier to balance each perk independantly, as more perks enter the game.

- It would offer a specific choice of strategy for each side. 

- It would make room for creative builds, as generator perks & exhaustion perks are too powerful not to have equipped as it is.

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • myersmain69420Xx
    myersmain69420Xx Member Posts: 31
    edited April 2021

    having a 5th perk wouldnt change anything, people will just slap whatever exhaustion perk they want in the 4 perk slots then a meta perk in the 5th.

    example: spine chill, object of obsession, dead hard, adrenaline and hope

    yes i know hope isnt meta but i dont care its an example you cant control what perks people will use

  • myersmain69420Xx
    myersmain69420Xx Member Posts: 31

    also because i hate editing the same post...

    also what strategy? if anything that will make even MORE toxic builds, (example is make your choice, agitation, iron grasp, territorial impervative and monstrous shrine on demo, or bbq, insidious, iron grasp, agitation and bbq on bubs)

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    how would they use MYC/Agi/IG/TI/MS when none of those perks relate to generators? or use bbq on bubba twice?

  • MariahCarey
    MariahCarey Member Posts: 5

    I wrote that the fifth perk slot can only be used for a generator regression perk, or an exhaustion perk if you're a survivor. And that you would no longer be able to equip more than one generator regression perk, or exhaustion perk. (Adrenaline counts)

    For strategy, the game would change heavily depending on which generator regression perk the killer would choose. Using Hex: Ruin over Corrupt Intervention would offer an entirely different game experience. And each generator regression perk would be balanced independantly, making it much easier to add different generator perks in the future.

    Same goes for whatever exhaustion perk the survivor chooses to equip. Would affect how chases play out strategically.