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Ascensions Blights j-flick video

RbLen Member Posts: 144
edited April 2021 in General Discussions

Ascension has released a video arguing for keeping the j-flick on Blight as a feature as it is healthy for the game. I agree it should be left as it is in game and not deleted. Discuss your opinions on his arguments wether you agree or disagree. BHVR please keep the J flick in the game.

Edit: If you are not even going to listen to the arguments, do not post please. Golden rule, do to others as you want others to do to you.

Post edited by RbLen on


  • RbLen
    RbLen Member Posts: 144

    Regarding the Billy argument, its not comparable since his power is an instant down, Blights power ends at the swing while Billy could keep charging, only removes a healthstate and Billy is no way near A tier anymore. We could argue about that in another topic but this is about Blight.

    If you watched the video you would know Blight is not reliant on it, it is always better to out position with bump logic. Removing the j-flick removes counterplay since no one will go for flicks anymore. You argue j flick removes alot of counter play to an already strong killer. Could you further explain and give an example of this?

  • RbLen
    RbLen Member Posts: 144

    Um not really sure what you mean, he didn't claim to fame by jflicking. He has played without using it and getting good results.

    "It doesn't work with line of sight if the Blight has eyes." You could say this for any killer to be honest.

    If you aren't even going to listen to the arguments I see no point further engaging in discussion with you.

  • RbLen
    RbLen Member Posts: 144

    Fair points. If the developers doesn't want it in the game then I hope this would have changed their minds but it is up to them what happens in the future. I'm just saying, unintentional gameplay has and can be turned into features.

  • RbLen
    RbLen Member Posts: 144

    Thank you, atleast someone watched the video. What are your thoughts about it after listening to it?

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    Everything he said is pretty much true.

    I have dominated and been dominated by fellow jflick players. In chases you need to keep a mind on your position and Blight position, and as you see in this video the best way to avoid these flicks are being unpredictable and make wide turns, jflick also won't work that much on survivors who adapt (oh scary thing btw this community for some reason hates to do this) won't have an issue with it.

    360 was never intended but they kept it, and it became part of the game identity

    Windowtech was never intended but they kept it, and it became part of the game identity


    KEK tech

    CJ tech

    and so on.

    Just because it's not intended doesn't mean we can't embrace it.

    There are so many games out there similar to DBD when it comes down to this and both the devs and the players accepted it and embraced it so why can't we do the same with Jflick?

    If one would say 360 and pallet looping is an exploit then the whole community would laugh at you.

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    Blight its not strong at all lol he may be C tier, this flick is the only thing that make him decent and i think it should be officially supported since it also takes skill to do it.

  • NekoTorvic
    NekoTorvic Member Posts: 772

    I am a defender of Blight's normal flicks. I used to not like J flicks, but after seeing Otz's stream where he put a group of strong as ######### survivors against several killers and seeing the examples of j-flicks in this video I think this is the sort of happy accident that should be turned into a feature.

    Good survivors can counter it, predictable survivors get nuked by it, it is a risky maneuver from the Blight player for the reward of saving time and rush tokens.

    I play with high sensitivity and I honestly don't know what I'd do without my 90 degree flicks. I think i've only ever flicked more than 90 degrees most 10 times and I've played Blight non stop since he was released. It's literally just an extra tool in his kit, useful in very particular situations.

    Unfortunately though, the counterplay to a competent J flicking Blight, requires survivors to mind their positioning and to make a read based on their opponent's abilities and playstyle. It seems a great number of survivors absolutely despise anything that requires that from them. They want every killer in the game to have their actions telegraphed 50 seconds before they happen so their brain wakes up from holding M1 so much and can process what is happening. Which means survivors that are actually skilled and can make these kinds of reads and plays just stomp on killers who get gutted to appease survivors that can't.

    Unfortunately this tool on Blight's kit is probably going to go.

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    Well in my experience i can count the times i died againts a blight with one hand.. maybe i didn't have the pleasure to face a good blight but here in my region they all get gen rushed before they can do something. Not many people pick blight either, only after this j flick becoming popular i have seen a few more.

    I faced some using the flick in rank 1 and i still could predict them very well most of the times. The less skilled survivors had problems though 😅. In general they do slightly better but i don't find it broken like some people paint it. Thats why im not againts it.

  • zombitehdeath
    zombitehdeath Member Posts: 587

    my opinion is that it shouldn't be in the game and while his video having good quality, i don't agree with some of the points

    1. saying that it can be predicted is wrong and can cause blight to be unpredictable. has a survivor won't have any indication on if he going to do a j-flick or not, making him unfun and uncountable and in some situation it can be countable but that some and not most. also survivors that hasn't seen a j-flick won't know what to do even if they have good experience and good skill.
    2. being unpredictable to a blight as to a nurse isn't a good comparison as blight doesn't need to rely on is power as much as nurse (as he a 115% killer while nurse movement speed is lower then a survivor) and doesn't get punish as nurse for making mistake. i also agree that there should be mouse and keyboard on console to even the playing field but that isn't a valid argument for the j-flick.
    3. 360 and the window tech has skill behind them (360 has some but it also has to do with the killers as well). 360 require you to avoid a hit by the killer by moving around him. it also hard to do as killers know about this and can easily counter it. for the window tech, you need to know when the killer doesn't have a hit box to go through him but it require precision to be able to pull it off (i've done it twice)
    4. the street fighter exploit doesn't validate his argument as that exploit was on both sides and require skill and it revolutionized the whole genre for years to come. i don't think the j-flick is on par since it doesn't change the game for the better and it isn't skillful to use.

    there is my thought on the video and j-flick.

    if j-flick were be able to stay then the dev should tweak to give it a clear indication for a split second for the survivors to react so it doesn't become unpredictable

  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,196
    edited April 2021

    Like this like everything you said here is true.

    Hey if were removing exploits, lets also remove 360s and the CJ tech. Not because they're bad for the game, but for them being called an "exploit". EDIT: They aren't an exploit, just showing that there's a big gray area for the term exploit.

    Why remove an "exploit" if it does nothing but benefit the game as even he stated.

    Post edited by Leachy_Jr on
  • NekoTorvic
    NekoTorvic Member Posts: 772

    I did not say "adapt". I specifically said survivors seem to hate things that: "requires survivors to mind their positioning and to make a read based on their opponent's abilities and playstyle".

    "Adapt" is too broad a term. The specific actions I mentioned are a subset of the umbrella of "adapting", but they're specific for a reason. You could argue that looking at a red stain and turning around is "adapting" but it is not even close to being the thing I was referring to.

    Look at any complaint about Deathslinger having "no counterplay" and you'll see exactly this: Survivors complaining about his stealth can't mind their positioning and be aware of their surroundings if their lives depended on it. Survivors complaining about his quickscopes cannot mind their positioning and make reads on their opponent based on how the killer is played and how the specific player in the match is playing.

    J-Flicks are similar in that survivors need to make a read to inform their decisions based on what Blight as a killer is capable of doing, their current positioning and what the specific Blight player has done during the match.

    What do you see? Survivors claiming "no counterplay"

    The "exploit" argument is valid. The thing is, I am not arguing that it's not an exploit. I'm arguing that, even though it is an exploit, the specifics of the exploit are reasonable enough that it can (and in my opinion should), be embraced as just another tool in Blight's kit.

    The devs have already stated that it is unintentional. Now we're just arguing over whether or not we agree with them removing it and why.

  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,196
    edited April 2021

    Well that's why I put them in heavy quotations. I'm perfectly fine with 360s and CJ techs. I'm not fine with people wanting something removed FOR THE SOLE REASON for being called an "exploit" as the definition of an exploit is a huge grey area.

    More importantly, who tf cares if it's an exploit when it does nothing but add more fun to playing against blight.

  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,196
    edited April 2021

    Real point is who really cares it has the name "exploit" on it.

    I think a much better example is tractor tech, even the devs said that it wasn't intended but they kept it in anyway because it was cool. Due to it being a quote "exploit", they kept it in because it was a cool mechanic.

    Same should be done to j flick, it does literally nothing but make blight more fun.

    EDIT: Dont get me wrong there's some exploits that do badly effect the game, like m1 after holding blink bug and stretched res, but j flick isn't one of them.

  • FondaDix
    FondaDix Member Posts: 173

    What did this add to the conversation besides pointless and baseless bragging?

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Tractor tech is completely different, every killer could use and it didn't make an already strong killer even stronger, it was a fun way to play a tile and they made it more accessible like... lol

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,735
  • LiunUK
    LiunUK Member Posts: 944

    if they removed the oni's 180 flicks then blight's should go too

  • Freddy96
    Freddy96 Member Posts: 767

    That's because both sides can use the harvester tech even on the ptb, if survivors would be allowed to jflick aswell sure, blight can keep his exploit.

  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,196

    Well now you're getting to my point.

    By definition, tractor tech was an exploit, it was an unintended mechanic.

    You just don't think of it as bad because it's good for the game and adds a new dynamic to the tractor tile.

    Think of the J flick in the same way, it has counterplay and makes playing as and against blight more fun.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I guess I just don't like playing against Spirit. And nor do most people. Which is why we dislike the exploit that turns Blight into her more aggressive knock-off.

  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,196

    Well yea, same with the J flick, it has clear counterplay. It does suck that it is PC only, but I wouldn't put that as a reason to remove it.

    Also I can't really remember that match but thank you for passing the message. :D

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,735

    If the only way to have fun is through an exploit then maybe you should be playing something else

  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,196

    Sorry but I really cannot see how blight is anywhere near a spirit in terms of counterplay.

    Do you mean the J flick counterplay? That just comes down to a 50/50, similar to a TL wall or something like that. If you keep track of how many rushes he has it makes it even easier to predict based on the environment around you.

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