Why do killer only user hate stealthy playstyles.

I seem to have notice a lot of killer only user seem to dislike survivors who play stealthily. I don't understand what the big deal is. If this a horror game then some people will play this as a horror game. I seen people say this should be a game were you should just show yourself to the killer and be expected to run in circles around some walls. Come on, not everyone wants to loop. I think hiding from the killer and doing gens is an acceptable playstyle. And I know people who have reached rank 1 by playing stealthy. I have a friend who got to rank 1 by playing stealthy only doing gens, and recusing. And he still can't loop, and he likes to play stealthy according to him. So leave the stealthy players alone.



  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    Some people get bored when they can't find anyone to interact with.

    Stealthy playstyles when it's all four survivors can be rather annoying depending on the map and how my eyes are feeling that day. The maps can be so dark and if there were multiple Blendettes in the lobby, if I can't find anyone after going around the map a few times, I'll just go afk. I rest my eyes from straining them looking in dark corners and the Blendettes get to not see the killer all match, just like they wanted, so it's win-win.

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,267

    For some survivors stealthy is a better option since they may go down in 5 seconds. So it's better for those users to be doing gens. Because if they go down someone else will need to get the rescue taking of times from other survivors. So it's better for the stronger loopers to take the chase while the weaker one get gens done pronto.

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,267

    Thank you, a stealthy survivor also takes time away from killers as you are pointing out. They are indirectly help without getting downed in 5 seconds.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    I don't mind people playing stealthily, even if I'm not playing Doc.

    That usually means they won't trade hooks, making it easier for me to nail down the other members of the team.

    I'll just get them later when they run out of teammates.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Killer-only here, don't mind at all if they stealth around, i don't really consider it more boring than looping.

    It's when i get only loopers or only stealthers that it'll get boring real quick.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,017

    I'm fine with people playing stealthy, it's just really boring and annoying to play against it though.

  • Lx_malice
    Lx_malice Member Posts: 1,417

    Well for me I don't play a whole lot of survivor because I like to be in a chase and the killer will only be chasing one person at a time so most of the time I'll just be sitting on gens which is boring. As killer you're in every chase. There's never a dull moment. Unless of course the survivors are being immersed.

  • Poochkips
    Poochkips Member Posts: 265

    Problematically, some killers hate both. (it can be confusing)


    I've seen some killers come to forum and complain that Looping takes zero skill. Usually taunting and saying "Ohhh you learned how to run in a circle around a pallet, so much skill"

    Then when instead people hide they say "Wow, you're just sneaking around all game."

    It kinda creates that scenario for some people who say "Ok...what do you want us to do" Honestly, it's all a bit confusing what people can really want.

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,267

    I mean it's annoying to get looped in the same building 10 times. I rather deal with stealthy players when I'm killer lol.

  • Jane_Is_Mega_Thicc
    Jane_Is_Mega_Thicc Member Posts: 137

    Blendette is fun as survivor, especially on the saloon. But as killer, trust me it makes me wanna DC.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,017

    I personally prefer chases as a killer, even if the chase is long.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    makes the game super boring

  • nursewannabe
    nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075

    Question: looping and being stealthy are basically the only two aspects that bring killer/survivor interactions. If you find them boring why do you play killer/this game?

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Yeah pretty much, you get a team of 4 very good stealth players and the first 2 gens are going to pop without you even noticing it because you checked them second and third and after checking the 7º and going back to 1º they finished them both, the trick is they were there hidden waiting for you to come check them and after you left they started working as pairs on them. Now you have 4 healthy Survivors, no hooks, 3 gens left and every single pallet standing still... if they also happen to be decent at looping you are in for a very hard game.

    Good stealth is very hard to counter and very effective if the whole team is good at it, especially on certain maps like Corn, McMillan, Crotus Penn and Yamaoka, thats why I think Discordance and Surveillance are the superior detection perks, they give information on gens, the only thing that needs pressure in this game.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    I swear, some killers would only be happy if they were constantly chasing brightly-colored survivors with flashing neon signs on their backs that read "I AM HERE, PLEASE KILL ME".

    Killers like to hunt and down the survivors. That's their goal. Survivors like to remain unseen and fix generators. That's their goal. That's the whole point of this game for both sides. I despise looping - I ######### hate it, I find it to be a stupid waste of time playing tag in a game that's supposed to be about horror - so as a survivor main I'm going to utilize the tools that were given to me to be stealthy and try not to get caught. Why shouldn't I? Why should I be considered a bad player just because I don't run around waving my arms? In fact isn't THAT behavior hated too?

    Similarly I'm not gonna fault the killers for aggressively monitoring the generators or relentlessly pursuing every survivor they see. That's THEIR way of winning the game. They were given THEIR tools for a reason also.

    I enjoy the hide and seek, cat and mouse, back and forth gameplay. I always will. That's why I got this game. It may be boring to the people who only want to chase, but as someone who finds it boring to loop and be chased all the time, we have to agree to the middle ground that we have. The goal of the survivor is to evade. The goal of the killer is to find. That's the name of the game.

    Now, if a survivor is just straight-up hiding the entire match? Trust me, we hate that too.

  • xEzekanarioX
    xEzekanarioX Member Posts: 378

    Playing stealthy only shows how bad and scared you are from the killer. Do you feel is fair escaping without having any contact with the killer?

    If you want to play hide and seek go out with your imaginary friends.

    I also camp that type of person if i find him.

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,267

    If they put the work in yeah they should escape, even if they don't encounter the killer. The survivor that does gens, and hides that's cool. Now I get it, survivors who just hides in a locker and do nothing. Now those survivors are not contributing, those survivors are just annoying.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    I play both, and I hate it too.

    There are times it can be used to great effect, but that's not really stealthy playstyle, but well thought out use.

    There are killer only players who complain about survivors having the audacity to try and loop, though, while also saying that hiding is boring, because they feel entitled to a free win just as some survivors who only play in coordinated SWFs do.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    If I fixed 2/3 gens, got several unhooks, heals and distracted the Killer by making him search tiles I do think is fair I escape.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    "If you play stealthy you're a coward and a child. It bothers me that you don't make yourself available for me to kill. I'm the one who deserves to win this game because there's nothing cheap about playing as a killer, such as camping for example. If you play stealthy you have no friends and are a loser. If you dare to play in a way that makes you less vulnerable and is more entertaining to you I will pay you back, hard, for this grievous personal insult. You should be out playing hide and seek, I want to play tag. This isn't fair."

    These are some really cogent arguments, you've given me a lot to think about.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    I feel just fine escaping after having done gens and rescued teammates without getting caught because it means that I did a good job. That's the whole point of the ######### game. What, am I supposed to feel guilty that the killer didn't have a chance to get me and run out in front of him for a sympathy attack? The logic of some people astounds me.

    You bet I feel good escaping without having encountered the killer. Just like the killers feel good about quickly killing all the survivors. As they should. BECAUSE ESCAPES AND KILLS ARE THE ENTIRE PURPOSE OF THIS GAME.

  • unluckycombo
    unluckycombo Member Posts: 582

    From my experience in both roles, Killer players just tend to find stealth more boring compared to looping, as there's a lot less user input on their end (Save for using your eyes.). When looping, or chasing a Survivor, there's a lot more input from them, and they can use their skills (Powers, mindgames, etc) to try to gain an advantage, and they get to actually test themselves versus another player.

    However, both looping and stealth and valid strategies, and really, a good player knows when to do one or the other. A good Survivor knows when they should pull aggro for the team, just like they know when they should start playing a bit more stealthy to keep themselves alive. (Afterall, if you're dead on hook, you are better off to just try to evade the killer through stealth, and then continue working on motors or other objectives then starting a chase with a killer, which can lead to him downing you, you getting taken out of the game, and your team having a much harder game because of it turning into a 1v3.) Plus, some killers you're just better off hiding against. (Spirit, Nurse, and Deathslinger being great examples of this.)

    I should note as well that because there's such a big worry on gen progression, and so many people run major slowdown builds because of it, there also seems to be (at least in my experience) a lack of decent detection perks that killers will run, generally opting for some form of slowdown or chase instead. (The most common of the detection perks are Thrilling Tremors, BBQ, and Undying, but all are very easy to avoid. Surge is kinda popular, and Infectious as well, depending on the Killer- but BBQ is ran more for BP, Undying is more for keeping up some bones... Idk, I just don't really see other detection perks as often as things like Pop, Corrupt, Thana, Sloppy, Ruin, Bamboozle, Brutal, STBFL, etc. Which makes finding stealthy survivors just that much harder.)

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,168

    There's nothing that instills fear in a killer's heart than spending the first few minutes not being able to find anyone and then hearing gens being done

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    In my opinion the bottom line is that players on both sides should play the game in a way that they find most enjoyable, as long as neither are holding the game hostage or otherwise breaking the rules. I detest looping, so I try to avoid it. I have every right to play that way. I also greatly enjoy the stealth aspect of the game. I put a thousand hours into Monstrum for the same reason. It's what I find most enjoyable. I have every right to play that way too. Killers may not like it, but it's not my job to make them enjoy their game more by playing how they might want me to.

    If I get caught, the killer has every right to tunnel me. The killer has every right to drive me into a loop. The killer has every right to camp a genny, or camp me, or leave me bleeding on the ground while he runs off to get the person who just unhooked me. The killer has the same right to play the way he or she enjoys just as I do. I may not like it, but it's not their job to make me enjoy the game more by playing how I might want them to.

  • Bard
    Bard Member Posts: 657

    If you're hiding in a corner, you're not playing the game and you're preventing everyone else from playing the game.

  • ouroboros_world
    ouroboros_world Member Posts: 215

    Had a game on midwhich as bubba, 2 people left and 4 gens left, they decided to hide for 30 mins, I used insidious to hear them run by me, I heard crows and found a Meg in the bathroom, proceeded to find the ace bbq don’t really work on small maps so I had to find ace, proceeded to use insidious again to bait him to the hook and killed both of them. Let just say I earned over 100k bp because of them dragging the game forever. I was basically was held hostage by stealthy players to scared to do gens

  • alex9er
    alex9er Member Posts: 96
    edited April 2021

    Well because 95% of people who play with a stealthy playstyle 1 rarely do gens 2 urban evasion all over the map 3 as soon as they hear the killer's terror radius they've already gone to the other corner of the map

  • MochelMyersWetcave
    MochelMyersWetcave Member Posts: 27

    As Killer i enjoy good chases and i prefer good Loopers/ cocky Survivors over stealthy ones who get downed in 5 seconds.

    When Survivors are too stealthy, i usually go Afk, watch some YouTube Videos and let them do Gens.

    That's atleast more Fun than this snooze Fest.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    You were not held hostage by stealth players, you were held hostage by trolls, dont mistake stealth with trolling or inmersion.

    Stealth players do objectives, unhook and heal, they are just harder to detect than loopers.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    It's when i get only loopers or only stealthers that it'll get boring real quick.

    The keyword here is "only", a balance of stealth and looping is what i encounter the most, hence i'm not bored with the game.

    Also the Survivor side isn't the sole dictator of my enjoyment of the game, i'm a Killer-only player cause i enjoy Killer way more.

  • DudeRanchNurse
    DudeRanchNurse Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2021

    For me the main problem is that if you're just hiding and doing gens the entire game you aren't relieving any pressure for your teammates. Yes doing gens is important, but if someone is dead on hook and getting chased it's much better for you to take a hit and try to get the killer to chase you instead of just sitting on the 2nd gen of the game in the corner of the map. Maybe that's just me though

  • xEzekanarioX
    xEzekanarioX Member Posts: 378

    Keep thinking, and go back to me when you play some killer. And now dont say you re a killer main, because i will not believe you.

    Unless you have a casual mentality, theres nothing more to say.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Thats why we hide, so you dont find us.

    Also, to be fair, a lot of killers camp anyway. You do it for a person playing stealthy, the next one for the survivor being a david, the third one for bringing a key/toolbox, and the next one because he got looped.

    In they end, if they camp for any of those "priciples", then they camp anyway if they are losing.

    Also, playing stealthy doesnt mean we have no contact. We can be in a chase, but that doesnt have to end with a hook, because as we turn a corner, i am just gone, and sneak away while you are looking for my hiding place.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    A lot of killers claim they hate that situation, but as someone who was often in the last 2 survivor situation: you do a gen (as you should) and you are the one getting killed, because no matter how much killer say they hate it, they enforce it by killing the guy they found on a gen.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    I'm not a killer main. I don't have to be to recognize that ascribing negative attributes to someone just because they play within the boundaries of rules in a way that you yourself don't happen to approve of is, itself, childish. It's selfish to play this game expecting everyone to accommodate your own personal preferences. This game wasn't made for you. It was made for all of us. Feel free to go back through my comments, I have never shamed or insulted someone who thought that camping was fair play, even though from the sounds of it people like you are the ones who abuse the concept and legitimately make the game toxic for other players. "I don't like how they play so I'm going to call them names, mock them, and do something that they hate just to get back at them". Very mature attitude.

    You're free to play the game how you like, how it entertains you, as long as you're not breaking the game's rules. Killers do plenty of things that annoy survivors. Survivors do plenty of things that annoy killers. The goal isn't to satiate one side, satisfy one specific playstyle. If you want to talk cowardice in terms of people who just hide all match or accuse people of having imaginary friends because they're juvenile enough to teabag and send stupid messages after the match, we can talk. If you're going to act as if someone playing stealthy is "wrong" and shame the people who do it, which inherently means that you're upset that survivors don't behave more recklessly and make your game more enjoyable by giving you more kills, then you're correct - there's nothing more to say.

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    at some point you have to take some damage. If your teamates got hooked twice you clearly want killer to chase you to waste some of his time, Allow them to heal and do gens. If you don't know how to run killer and just hide your mates will die fast and you'll end up in 1st hook death/hatch escape situation

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    It's because people play 1 of 2 ways. They hide the whole game and turn a 10 minute match into a 16 minute match, or they stealth while rushing gens, which is pretty skilless compared to looping and rushing gens. It's annoying for both sides.

  • DemoFrog
    DemoFrog Member Posts: 193

    Because going 5 minutes without finding anyone and hearing gens pop every 45 seconds isn't exactly a fun experience, especially when you depip because of it.

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,267

    I don't play stealthy when I'm survivor. I usually play a mix of different style whatever is convenient at the time. I'm the type whatever happens, happens, if I have to get into a chase so be it or if I have switch hooks then I view as whatever lol. I just view it as unfair that some people think it's an issue if a survivor plays stealthy.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Stealth is fine.

    Having two Claudette's hide on Yamoaka for 20 minutes is not fine.