Why do killer only user hate stealthy playstyles.



  • GenJockeyNance
    GenJockeyNance Member Posts: 687

    Lack of adrenaline in the chase for me I suppose. There's nothing wrong when someone wants to play stealthy. I don't hate it but I do live for the chases and the rewarding feeling of ending the chase and making a good play which resulted in a down. It gets boring for me when only 2 survivors are left, it turns into a game of hide and go seek and basically whoever I catch first as they simultaneously look for hatch and essentially sell the other out for hatch escape. But in game if I come back to a gen I just kicked and there's even a tiny bit more progress, I know someone's stealthily lurking around and usually with a quick and thorough inspection of the area, there is one and the chase begins. ^.^

    Tldr; I like the action and thrill of the chase and hunt rather than hide and go seek.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    It depends to me personally theres a difference between stealth and just hiding on his unproductive the other is risky that megan that is in a locker on the hatch when their is one gen left and you ran the killer for like 2 min that's hiding

    And if the entire team is good at sneaking away from me when I'm close kicking a gen it can be annoying 1 or 2 people doing that is ok but if you spend an entire game without seeing anyone that can also be an issue that's why doc exists because when nurse came out the metta was stealth from her because 3 blinks base was insane and impossible to run from.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,554

    I hate looping survivors, its so boring. - Killer replying to different thread

    I hate stealthy survivors, its so boring. - Same killer replying to this thread

  • KillerKirby
    KillerKirby Member Posts: 79

    I only find it annoying when its clear the game is ending if its 2 survivors and their not doing gens and just hiding in the corner its a waste of time for both people. just do gens and be careful dont just hide in the corner staring into space for 10 minutes.

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    I just told you why survivors should not play all stealth

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Don't blame me because you're bad at finding survivors. I'm just playing to my strengths (and your weaknesses, apparently).

  • LiunUK
    LiunUK Member Posts: 944

    i don't mind it at the beginning of the match because there are 4 survivors and I'm going to bump into one eventually but when there are just two survivors left waiting for the other to be killed to get the hatch then i have issues.

  • xEzekanarioX
    xEzekanarioX Member Posts: 378

    Would be weird to lose you mid chase (unless you have the new lucky break + iron will), but as long as you give me chase i have no problem.

    I also understand hiding when you re death hook, but man, i cant emphatize with the survivors that sit on gens, hide and escape with 13k points...

    I understand fun like humor, is very subjective, but this is just braindead gameplay.

  • xEzekanarioX
    xEzekanarioX Member Posts: 378

    So now im bad, lool ( i dont know you, but just in case... you re bad) pretty much a common response in the internet those days xD

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    I often get the most bp, including the killer, not only survivor. And yes, i run iron will, and i will test the new lucky break.

    I like that playstyle, but the use of stretched resolution and color/brightness filters make this approch less and less viable. But for me, in the end i will just stop playing the game, because i dont like the looping approach.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited April 2021

    That's what it sounded like to me, yes. People who complain about stealth players (not talking about the ones who sit in a corner and never do anything, I mean real stealth players who help with the objectives without being spotted by the killer) usually have trouble finding survivors in the first place, which is why they prefer the ones who run out into the open.

    Your comments support my hypothesis.

    Disregard the made-up points, note the "escape" part. They wouldn't escape if you'd found them, since you supposedly camp them.

  • xEzekanarioX
    xEzekanarioX Member Posts: 378

    I complain because the survivor offers very poor gameplay agaisnt the killer. Like i said to other guy, if you wanna play competitive hide and seek go out with your friends.

    I hate when i end the match with 3 bbq tokens and the other braindead survivor escapes through hatch absurd mechanic.

    But hey, guess its my fault when the other guy had distortion, urban evasion, fixated and spine chill.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I complain because the survivor offers very poor gameplay agaisnt the killer.

    And the killer offers very poor gameplay against the survivor. Survivors and killers are opponents, we're not supposed to play in ways that the other side finds advantageous.

    Like i said to other guy, if you wanna play competitive hide and seek go out with your friends.

    There's a pandemic going on, didn't you hear? And local laws prohibit people from putting each other on meat hooks to sacrifice them to an evil entity.

    I hate when i end the match with 3 bbq tokens and the other braindead survivor escapes through hatch absurd mechanic.

    So one survivor wins (escapes) and the others die, but you think the ones who died had the better playstyle. Is it me, or is that a little backwards?

    But hey, guess its my fault when the other guy had distortion, urban evasion, fixated and spine chill.

    Nobody* uses Distortion. I'd have believed you if you'd swapped that out with Iron Will.


  • xEzekanarioX
    xEzekanarioX Member Posts: 378

    How does the killer offer poor gameplay to the survivor? Im guessing you re talking about camping. Guess whats the counter to it? You wouldnt believe me.

    About the third point, i do think the survivors that died yes, they gave better gameplay than the noob claudette hiding all match. Those were nice survivors because they wanted to play DBD. But hey, if you like hiding and giving poor gameplay, try CoD Ghosts?

    And last point, "nobody uses distortion"... coming to someone who farmed 18k posts... yeah, 100% trustable why not. You would be impressed with the builds my TEAMMATES always have (premonition with spine chill, for example). Also fun thing you mentioned iron will, whats the point of bringing it if you re hiding like a rat, and havent been hit in the whole match? Now thats a perk slot wasted, should have used small game! x.x

    And about the second point, my bad, forgot to put a pic with leonard saying sarcasm ;(

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    Because it's boring, I'd rather deal with a bully squad over a stealthy squad.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited April 2021

    How does the killer offer poor gameplay to the survivor? Im guessing you re talking about camping. Guess whats the counter to it? You wouldnt believe me.

    If you complain about survivors playing in a way you don't find fun, it's only fair that you should also not play in a way survivors don't find fun. Or is "fun" strictly a one-way argument?

    About the third point, i do think the survivors that died yes, they gave better gameplay than the noob claudette hiding all match. Those were nice survivors because they wanted to play DBD. But hey, if you like hiding and giving poor gameplay, try CoD Ghosts?

    Results speak for themselves. One player escaped, the other three did not. If your goal is to be competitive, then winning takes precedence over entertaining your opponent(s).

    And last point, "nobody uses distortion"... coming to someone who farmed 18k posts... yeah, 100% trustable why not.

    I didn't realize trustworthiness was inversely proportional to post count, my bad. How many comments would be acceptable? Because I can always close this account and open a new one. Or someone else with a lower post count could agree with me. Would the information be trustworthy then?

    Also fun thing you mentioned iron will, whats the point of bringing it if you re hiding like a rat, and havent been hit in the whole match?

    Because some killers are better at finding survivors than survivors are at hiding. Nobody's perfect.

  • xEzekanarioX
    xEzekanarioX Member Posts: 378

    I dont know how to reply to sentences, so excuse me about that.

    First point, i dont know what way the survivors dont find fun going agaisnt me. Is that im a bubba main, and they dont know how to counter? My bad, i will start playing trapper so they can laugh at me because i only did 2 hooks the entire match.

    Second point, i value more how good is the survivor rather than he escaped or not. If the survivor was good, i might give him hatch. Not for mercy, just as a "well played, you looped me a bit huh".

    It really annoys me when someone escapes and then says to me gg. I sometimes dont even know who he is, because i didnt see the lobby at the beginning. Sometimes they do 3 gens and then i say: WOW, THERE WAS A LAURIE IN THE MATCH!! when i already did some chases with the rest.

    Being good in this game is not escaping, is how long can you entertain the killer, so your teammates can work on gens. But when its your turn, its your turn. Everyone should play with the killer.

    About the third point, you just got me with the "no one uses distortion". I mean... SOURCEEEEEEEEEES? You said it too confident lol.

    Its like saying no one uses premonition because its a direct downgrade from spine chill, and its a noob perk. Should see my games lol.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    First point, i dont know what way the survivors dont find fun going agaisnt me. Is that im a bubba main, and they dont know how to counter? My bad, i will start playing trapper so they can laugh at me because i only did 2 hooks the entire match.

    If you don't want to play Trapper because you'll lose, why do you want survivors to stop playing stealthily, even though they win?

    About the third point, you just got me with the "no one uses distortion". I mean... SOURCEEEEEEEEEES? You said it too confident lol.

    I also put an asterisk saying I was speaking in hyperbole (meaning I was exaggerating) because I already expected you to take it as "Literally nobody who plays DbD has ever used nor will never use Distortion", even though it's very common to use "nobody" as hyperbole.

  • El_Gingero
    El_Gingero Member Posts: 1,147

    Only issue I have with it is that I play on Xbox X so most maps are near pitch black even with brightness turned all the way up.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Playing immersed is boring for the killer and normally screws your team over in the end.

    Killers hate it because they miss out on chasing you.

    Survivors hate it because then it's a 3v1 match. This is especially a problem in solo when the unhooker hides, leading to the killer having no other option other than to tunnel the person who was just rescued. Remember this, survivor mains: you can't call a killer out for tunneling if you hide after saving rather than taking agro.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405
    edited April 2021

    I play both sides

    So as a survivor:

    If I wanted to play something like Assassins creed or Splintercell where I'm sneaky the entire time I'd play those games, not this.

    Playing stealthy isn't that useful besides waiting out for hatch or waiting for your team to carry you by doing gens/keeping killer preoccupied.

    You also don't score that much simply surviving.

    As killer:

    The stealth gameplay is the least fun part of the game honestly. You just feel like you are wandering around wasting time. A killer isn't obligated to find and kill everyone right away but it sucks having the first 5 minutes of a game be nothing accomplished (such as gens not being worked on).

    It also sucks as a killer to have a survivor to scared to do anything get the hatch when the survivor didn't do anything to help their team and this penalizes the killers for a do nothing escaping

    Either side:

    It's just not really a fun way to play since it takes minimal effort and your survivor teammates also don't want you to be dead weight. Having a super stealthy teammate is honestly more of a hindrance than a dead survivor because a dead survivor at least makes hatch spawn faster

  • xEzekanarioX
    xEzekanarioX Member Posts: 378

    Because is not fair. Look, heres an example of what i mean.

    Imagine a bubba camping that always does at least 2k. He will black pip or even pip sometimes. Do you think is fair?

    Imagine a survivor that only repair and escapes (8k repairs 5k escape). He will most likely pip. Do you think is fair?

    Rank means nothing, but here i explained it with pips.

    And once again, escaping as survivor isnt always a win. Looping and distracting the killer should be more considered, not pressing a button in a gen.

    Everytime a dlc releases, do you think is fair when someone wants to do the survivor expert, he calls his friends, and then they all dc so he can get hatch via shack offering? Its a weird and extreme example, but this happens. And they let you to do it. And for killer you have to sell your soul.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Because is not fair.

    To summarize, it's not fair if survivors play stealthily because:

    • They escape
    • It's boring for the killer

    And therefore survivors should play in a way that gets them killed.

    But it is fair for the killer to play for kills even though:

    • They win more easily
    • It's boring for the survivors

    And therefore killers should continue playing for kills.

    There's a very clear double standard here that I've been trying to point out for several comments now. If you still don't get it, you'll have to wait for someone else to explain it, because I've no idea how else to do it.

  • PlunderingPanda
    PlunderingPanda Member Posts: 112

    This is true. It's also true that not all of us have the mechanical skills to survive even short chases, and are a much bigger asset when they work gens, knockout totems, and do stealthy unhooks.

  • xEzekanarioX
    xEzekanarioX Member Posts: 378
    edited April 2021

    Its not a way that gets them killed, its playing DBD. And no, i dont need to kill you, but at least give me 1 chase to have my bbq stack.

    Some people play like they were going to die irl, like jesus.

    Theres a good comment up there, from @IWasLeft2Die Theres literally nothing to say about it. Everything seems good, and the most important part: he seems like he plays the game.

    Watching 500 hours of otzdarva and playing 20h doesnt make me any good.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Its not a way that gets them killed, its playing DBD.

    "Playing DbD" is not just playing how you want. Stealth is a valid playstyle, whether you like it or not.

    And no, i dont need to kill you, but at least give me 1 chase to have my bbq stack.

    Why in Entity's name would I do that? That's like if you're playing football and ask the other team to let you score a goal.

    I am not your friend, I am not your ally, I am not your teammate. I am your opponent. We are on opposite sides in the game.

    Some people play like they were going to die irl, like jesus.

    No, they play like they want to escape. You don't like that they do? That's fine. I don't like it when killers camp either. When they do camp, however, what I do is stay on gens. I adapt my playstyle to suit the situation. You should do the same, if you're having trouble with stealthy survivors.

  • PlunderingPanda
    PlunderingPanda Member Posts: 112

    This is kinda funny. I hear killer's all the time saying "SuRvIvOrS sHoUlD bE aFrAiD oF KiLLeR!". This may be the only time I've heard a killer say "Survivors shouldn't be afraid of the killer."

  • xEzekanarioX
    xEzekanarioX Member Posts: 378

    Indeed stealth is a valid playstile, sadly... However, when i finally found you and catch you, for the love of god, dont dare to ask yourself: why is he camping me??!? :/

    And your football example is really far from my examples. Those two are different things.

    What would make sense with your example was, for example, giving chase in f13. You have one life, and if you lose the chase, you die. Now thats a goal.

    But in dbd, if i catch you, you only lose 1 of 3 lifes (4 if you use ds) so im asking you to give me a... 33% of a goal? If that makes sense. You dont lose anything.

    Of course i like winning in CoD!, but are we winning hiding behind a box and head-glitching, or are we playing CoD?

    Of course both ways are valid, but one has a lot more of merit than the other one, dont you think?

  • xEzekanarioX
    xEzekanarioX Member Posts: 378

    Of course they shouldnt. Right now hows the game going, a man running at you with a chainsaw its pretty much a meme.

    My flashlight is way better lmao.

    Its good to learn the quickest as possible about the game, but i do understand the people that are afraid at the start. i wasnt.

    Believe me or not, i like being focused and camped by bubbas.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Of course i like winning in CoD!, but are we winning hiding behind a box and head-glitching, or are we playing CoD?

    Of course both ways are valid, but one has a lot more of merit than the other one, dont you think?

    I think the fact that you compare a valid playstyle with a literal glitch tells me everything I need to know. I won't waste my time any more.

  • wildtrapjake
    wildtrapjake Member Posts: 68

    I feel like this is a bad stereotype.

    I play killer, but prefer the stealthy survivors to those who optimally run circles around pallets.

  • xEzekanarioX
    xEzekanarioX Member Posts: 378

    Head-glitching in CoD isnt a glitch. Its just how the people named this tech. Would like to hear some more arguments, but it is what it is. Good day.

  • lassfroobynoo
    lassfroobynoo Member Posts: 56

    As killer I hate “immersed” survivors because they take forever to find and the survivor generally has a huge advantage over the killer in terms of hiding because of the third person view. And killers don’t really have time to search around the edges of the map just for someone to be urbaning around the z wall or whatever. It’s just not very interactive, the game isn’t really designed around the “hide and seek” strategy as much as the looping side of things.

    as a survivor I would much rather take the aggro for my team especially if I’m solo because I’m decent at looping. I feel like a decent mix of stealth and looping can work for most survivors, you don’t have to wear the pink Claudette jacket or purple nea wig and click your flashlight, but typically stealthy survivors can’t hold their own in chase cuz they rank up by hiding and getting their escape points that way. IMO if you’re a red rank survivor, you need to take your turn with the killer regardless of if you’re good at looping or not. If you see everyone else dead on hook and you haven’t been hooked yet, it’s your turn. That’s if you’re playing it as a team game, which most solo survivors don’t. Overall it’s just irritating on both sides because in reality you’re not actually doing anything by hiding. Like in terms of gameplay you’re just hiding, Idk how that’s fun for people unless they’re brand new. At higher ranks I expect more of my teammates and if they play immersed I basically just assume they’re doing nothing the whole time