Console Survivors Camping Hooks

Please make a giant penalty for survivors who do nothing but follow their team mates around just to get easy unhook points. There should be a bigger penalty for not doing anything for long periods of times or survivors who save their team mates too fast from the hook.
I would say BEFORE EGC IS ACTIVATED, if you save within ten seconds of being hooked it should count as unsafe regardless of what happens and the survivor doing it should only receive 250 points as opposed to 500.
It is mostly console survivors who keep doing this to myself and my team mates and it is making most of my matches unplayable.
Gonna have to say no - primarily because unhooking in the killer's face or before they get too far away counters Devour Hope stacks.
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First of all salty killer main, you realise there is a timer on becoming dead on hook? that's literally the only reason why we do that. Play the game and stfu that twas the second most ######### thing I heard today.
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Yes... 60 seconds before each phase.... You have plenty of time to do literally anything else besides camping a hook. You are hurting your team mates by not doing the objective. I'm not a killer main idiot, I play both sides equally. I'm assuming you have 200 hours in the game huh.
Literally nobody runs Devour Hope. Its either 4 gen slowdown perks or nothing.