No Depip Penalty for Teammates DC’ing

I’ve had a lot of matches lately where someone on my survivor team DC’s early on and after that happens, we can’t recover at all and I usually end up depipping because the killer has an unfair advantage. I really think it would be an easy fix that if a survivor on your team DC’s it should make you immune to depipping. I really think it would just make the solo survivor queue experience a lot more fair.


  • tolore
    tolore Member Posts: 101

    it's a bit more complicated than that, since DCing is already problem, we'd probably actually get MORE DCs with this change, because you get the extra reason to do it of "this match is bad, I'm even saving my allies from depipping.". Not to mention SWF strategically abusing this to not lose rank to hard matchups. Not saying they shouldn't do something to try and protect innocents players from losing rank due to a suicide or DC, but it's going to be a lot more complicated than "if someone DC's don't lose rank".

  • Teacyn
    Teacyn Member Posts: 93

    Yeah, sadly it's not that easy because it would be extremely abusable. I would like to potentially see the "Quitter Bonus" increased (you get like 600 BP as both survivor and killer for someone quitting, it's laughable. Keep in mind it's just added to Altruism or... IIRC deviousness for killers, so if you max out bloodpoints anyway it doesn't give you any more, so it's not really abusable), + some kind of additional rank bonus for someone quitting, possibly a few points in each medal category except Unbroken. Making it so you can't depip if someone DCs would be the ideal solution but it's too abusable.

  • BenihimeWrath
    BenihimeWrath Member Posts: 968

    Perhaps instead of just a flat "you won't de-pip" the game instead accounts for the person being gone which makes it easier for the remaining 3 to pip, thereby rewarding people that don't give up instead of them being rewarded for someone giving up. Also survivors that D/C should give the appropriate points, if a killer D/Cs all 4 survivors get 5k BP for escaping but killers weirdly get deviousness instead of sacrifice points, and only 650 at that when that survivor (assuming no hooks on them) is worth, at a minimum, 1900 sacrifice points.