Is there a good way to fix Hitboxes? (mostly for huntress)

TheLegendDyl4n1 Member Posts: 1,493
edited October 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions

one thing that we all agree on is that sometimes when a survivor is hit you can tell they shouldn't of got hit and sometimes you can tell they should of got hit. the problem is they have gotten us use to the hitbox being this long pill like structure that works 80% of the time but some places are literally the air. if they fixed hitboxes and made it the survivors then the problem begins to be well why am i playing David i should go to Claudette since her body hitbox is smaller. i dont know how it can be fixed but we all see there is that 20% that we all know inside that its a complete bs hit. one thing i think should be fixed is the healing hitboxes which they confirmed dont change your hitbox so when your getting healed in that ball and a huntress hits you from over a tire its complete so they could start off with reducing the height of the hitbox when being healed and a little for the people healing and when selfcareing it is reduced not as much as being healed but not like standing up. so say a huntress sees you selfcareing over a stack of tires and the new hitbox isn't higher than the tires than it wont hit but if your selfcareing over a smaller debre than you can be hit. i think they also should fix most of the wall hitboxes since some of them are a little screwy maybe make these walls a little higher but make the hitboxes of them realistic since i see a huntress throw a hatchet and it hit air. so back to before maybe if they made the hatchet changes they did for huntress back to what they did but make add more hitbox on where their arms are it would kind of like the pill like it is now but smaller pills going down with their arms. either of these changed would help the huntress hits get more realistic. now.... back to weird hits some from over the pallet when your all ready half over but you get hit from a swing or you get hit after all ready through the vault of a window its really bad. for the pallet they should add a time to the fast vault so that at the middle of that time you cant be hit but before that you can or something same for window. idk how they can fix it if anyone likes my ideas, can tweek them a little or add their own feel free to do so. i will just ignore people who say there isn't a problem with any of it or start problems.