A Fix For Toxic Slugging

By which I mean 'Leaving all 4 to bleed out'. I'm well aware there are times and places for slugging, but it's almost never slugging EVERYONE and never picking people up.
I am also a Killer main; I have not played Survivor in 2 years because I dislike the struggle mechanic. Hooray for the upcoming change! :)
Anyways, my idea:
The more people that are slugged, the faster the 'get up' bar charges.
This would make it easier for the remaining Survivors to pick SOMEONE up and stop the momentum of a slug-match. This effect is paused if the Killer is carrying someone, or someone is hooked.
If the bar is at 95% for more than 45 seconds, while every living Survivor is slugged, that Survivor can get back up. This effect cannot happen if you are the last living Survivor on the map.
Again; this counters deliberate slugging. Only one Survivor will be able to get back up, since it turns off once one living Survivor is no longer slugged. It also turns off for the final Survivor, because it might just be that the Killer has no hooks nearby to hook them.
All in all, I feel this idea is regulated enough to avoid punishing Killers when they slug normally (leaving one dude down because another was nearby waiting to save, or not seeing where a downed Survivor is & walking away to keep pressuring gens (don't laugh; it happens to me allot!)), but can punish toxic sluggers who are doing it to try ruining people's matches. It robs them of their momentum, which a slug build relies on.
I think this is a solid, equitable idea.
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Thank you :)
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You know, I don't hate this.
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Sure, why not I guess
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I'd give survivors the option to bleed out faster instead. I don't like "punish" mechanics, I'd rather give incentives to not slug 4 people, or at least let those 4 people die faster.
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Maybe but we need LESS ways for survivors to throw just because they're the first ones downed or hooked. I'm tired of watching a match devolve because someone was unhappy I found them first, tried to unhook 3 times, the refused to press space.
It's just rage-quitting with extra steps. And we don't need yet another way for them to throw & screw over their team.
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Sure I dont really mind this but not until the breakdown bug is fixed cause right now going against a full team running breakdown will very easily create a hook deadzone that cant be carried out of, meaning the killer only has 1 option and its to slug everyone out.
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So something like:
2 players in the dying state = Everyone recovers 10% faster.
3 players in the dying state = Everyone recovers 20% faster.
All 4 survivors on the ground = All recover 40% faster.
All survivors on the ground for 45s = survivor who has been down the longest gets a free 'Unbreakable'.
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Yes and no; you have it right until the final part.
The final part is 'Whichever Survivor held 'Recover' for 45s with a full bar while everyone was down'.
It would usually be the one who was slugged the longest, but only if they held Recover the whole time, and the 45s part only kicks in once everyone alive is in the Dying State.
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I’m for this. Had 3 matches against sluggers today and I’m getting bored of it.
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Sure, i guess
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The idea I had for a general anti-slugging rule was that survivors can -always- pick themselves up, but only by fully recovering, then reaching a gen, and performing a very long 'back on your feet' animation. Say, fifteen seconds long.
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I have an answer. Do not get slugged or run Unbreakable now you are not slugged. Ta-da. I do agree with your plan though and like the idea but not often enough are killers slugging that much and in my over 2000 hours of game time I have not once ran into an entire team being downed with no way to recover. If that is the case then I guess like people say to all problems. Get gud!
I will point out though your idea is essentially to just give everyone a invisible unbreakable perk if the slug you mentioned above happens. I like the idea that if 4 people are all slugged at the same time then the person that was down and at the full recover stage for 45 seconds can get up. The other lesson could be to not get slugged?
I will also point out just like you pointing out how my issue was my fault well getting slugged seems like a you issue as well. Get GUD! lol
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"The more people that are slugged, the faster the 'get up' bar charges."
Nah dude, if they wanna leave all 4 to bleed out i'm gonna watch some random YT video meanwhile.
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I like how you come here to complain about "Toxic slugging" and how to fix it yet in another post you make to quote you exactly
"But here's the thing; the opposing team does not get to decide how you play. So camp and tunnel and slug to your hearts content. And be happy knowing that at least 50% of the people you do it too are probably screaming about how 'unfair' and 'unfun' it was that you beat them."
This was a suggestion you made on how to play and now you complain about slugging? I am confused are you now the person crying about something you told others to do? You made a whole post about what camping, tunneling and slugging are and pretty much go on to say do it anyway and play as you want. You justify tunneling by say why would I or anyone want to chase a healthy person for a minute or chase the half dead one for 30 seconds and get the kill. Well here is the answer to your conflicting idea- Get gud!
You can't have your cake and eat it too. You can't tell people to go ahead and slug and ignore the babies then be a baby and cry about slugging and how to fix it. rofl
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Here is the link where he supports slugging and tunnel and camping. What is next his post on how fix Tunneling even though he suggest that as well?
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This doesn't fix the "toxic slugging".
I did slug like that many, many times, been slugged like that too.
The only thing that should be added is to speed up bleeding out for survivors.
A charge up ability that takes around 10% of your total bleed out timer and makes you scream (inaudible/hidden for those survivors suffering from blindness).
About those who complain about survivors rage quitting by suiciding on hooks, well.
You are slugged, you are now forced to lay on the ground for 4 minutes straight, be picked up by some Meghead, who now traded herself for you, which means you either run for a while and trade yourself for another slug or just get downed, wasting a lot more of your time.
A lot of survivors DO already dc when they experience that, because it is actually faster to wait out 5 min time out than be in such a match.
Thus, implementing a way to speed up bleed out is a much better solution, even though I like to force a 4 min bleed outs on some cocky SWF survivors who wanted to have a baby killer to bully, instead got me.
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No. 4 man slugging is a tactic that some characters (Nurse, Oni, etc) do very well with. You should not be punished for playing well as Killer.
There absolutely should not be any increase to recovery speed because you are just building in anti-slugging as a baseline so that slugging as a tactic is less viable. Absolutely not.
Punishing the killer for doing their job is absolutely backwards. You want to stop "4 people are left to bleed out" which I absolutely agree is toxic and should be addressed (despite how incredibly rare it is). The solution is to reverse your idea if anything. When all 4 survivors on slugged, if 70 seconds has passed with all 4 being slugged, their bleed out timer is reduced to 30 seconds. This only kicks in if all 4 people are slugged, and only if they remain slugged for 70 seconds. I use 70 because if the last person you down happens to be someone who just got unhooked by the second to last person you downed and runs to the other end of the map, you may need to wait out DS before hooking them and then using the BBQ proc to know where the other slug's have crawled off to so you can begin to chain them onto hooks using BBQ to find the next one in the set.
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I do not agree with this idea.
I recently had a match where I saw a survivor get a key, which means killing survivors would cause me to lose the game. I needed to slug everyone. Obviously, they got annoyed, but that's the fault of bad game design, not mine.
Unbreakable exists for a reason, and survivors can have coms to coordinate pick ups, and even competent solos can do it.
Slugging, at most, will last 4 minutes, which is annoying but not the worst. Just make it so that if all 4 survivors are slugged, and there's no survivor left up to pick people up, after a few seconds they get an option to bleed out faster. The longer they hold that option, the faster it goes until they die.
That way killers don't get to slug everyone just to grief, survivors don't get to just kill themselves because they feel like it, and you don't give survivors a way to just get up for free because they're getting outplayed.
Slugging is absolutely necessary in some matches, and sometimes you do have to slug 3 people at once to defend a position.
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True, 4 minutes is not even that bad. It is boring, and annoying yes but we don't need a new mechanic to fix something because it is unfun.