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The Decisive Strike nerf needs to be Rethought

Sup3rCatTree Member Posts: 588
edited May 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

There are some unnecessary things that deactivate Decisive Strike. Like healing yourself or others. If you don't want to get tunneled you have to wait 60 seconds to heal yourself. You have to be useless for 60 seconds and that's just rediculous

I understand what the devs were going for and I like the idea, but I don't like the way they executed it. It needs to be better, but preventing survivors from abusing it

idea. off-topic to the post

Here is my idea:

When you do these actions the timer goes down by...

  • Cleanse a totem (5 seconds for a dull totem, 15 seconds for a hex totem)
  • Repair a generator (10 seconds) (Goes down by 5 EXTRA seconds for every 5 seconds on the gen)
  • Unhook a teammate (15 seconds)

(Healing yourself doesn't affect the timer but healing others reduces it by 5 seconds)

Post edited by Mandy on


  • Sup3rCatTree
    Sup3rCatTree Member Posts: 588

    The killer can literally come back to the hook after you have been unhooked and tunnel you. So if you start working on a gen and the killer comes over to you just after you get unhooked that's to bad because its deactivated now

  • Sup3rCatTree
    Sup3rCatTree Member Posts: 588

    Yeah but killers don't have to wait 69 years for the DS timer to go down

  • Sup3rCatTree
    Sup3rCatTree Member Posts: 588

    I never said it needs to be removed I said it needs to be rethought

  • Kalec84
    Kalec84 Member Posts: 495

    I think they can let you heal yourself and not disable DS, but only that...

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226
    edited May 2021

    The only one of those things that should maybe not deactivate DS is unhooking (because it comes up a lot where you're in a panic situation and everyone's in one spot, either hooked or on the ground, and you have no choice but to try and rescue the player.) If you're going up to a gen or totem, you should not be able to DS the killer - you are doing objectives that the killer needs to protect and this is what made old DS so profoundly unfair. Players could pop gens and cleanse hexes in your face and you couldn't do anything about it.

    It's not wise to go for a hex or a mostly finished gen immediately after you get unhooked unless you know the killer's in a chase. The killer will expect this (especially if it's a hex, that's the first place I look when somebody who saw the hex gets unhooked) and come to stop you, and that's not tunneling, that's you making a high-risk play and losing your gamble. Be patient and do it later.

    I do agree that healing yourself shouldn't deactivate it, though. Self-healing is trying to recuperate from the hook, much like running away and hiding. If you move away from the hook, start healing, and the killer ran back to the hook, followed your blood trail, and goes after you, that's still tunneling.

  • fr0sty1223
    fr0sty1223 Member Posts: 313

    The fact that you said it needed to be gutted tell me you are probably a killer main that has 0 respect for survivors at all. Did it need a nerf? Yes. Was this the right nerf? Absolutely not or at the very least it needed more of a rework. Does it need to be gutted? Hell no nothing should ever get gutted.

  • Polishnope
    Polishnope Member Posts: 130

    So when survivors are bodyblocking it isn't douche but when killer does something similiar ohohoho "######### tunneler camper noob" so maybe we will add mad grit as a default for killers what do you think about that it it your teammates problem that they unhooked you in the not safe position i am not saying that bodyblocking is douche but by your logic it is so we should as mad grit as defult

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,718

    No. I'll just straight-up say it. No.

    The reason you don't see DS is that it's not a great anti-tunnel perk. A killer who wants to tunnel does not care for a 5-sec stun if they're even one of the killers that even cares about it (ex: Nurse, Blight, and Spirit couldn't care less).

    Why is it so rare now? Old DS had the assurance that the killer couldn't do a thing to you. DS can start another length chase, destroy the killer's pressure, and easily cause the killer to lose games if he didn't respect DS on each and every survivor after an unhook, meaning they could repair in a killer's face and they couldn't punish it.

    This assurance is gone. The immunity to punishment after an unhook or popping a gen in a killer's face is also gone. All that's there is the anti-tunnel aspect.

    As it turns out? Killers don't often tunnel. The rule is to go after the unhooker; it's more prudent and more enjoyable for both sides. The only time you go after the person unhooked is 1) they body block with BT, 2) they do a gen or something in your face 3) you can't find the unhooker because they didn't take the aggro for them.

    The 1st one has the survivor asking for it (and DS would still be up). The 2nd is the survivor doing the objective, meaning you feel that you're in a comfortable enough position that if the killer shows up to stop you, you'll have an escape plan. The 3rd sucks, but that's on your teammate.

    Now, I WOULD be open the following changes

    1 - DS now only creates an obsession after being used instead of at the start (similar to Nemesis).

    2 - Make it usable after a 2nd unhook.

    I would never consider reversing the nerfs done to it, however. It was nerfed for a reason.

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,594

    I play both sides my guy..

    I never EVER liked running it as survivor,

    It's a bad perk designed to help survivor for Their mistakes.

    For not looping the killer long enough,

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,438

    Unhooking needs to deactivate ds. The killer needs to go after the rescuer, if he dont want to tunnel. He shouldnt be punished for that.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,438

    I think its stupid to say killer/survivor main, your opinion is worth less. I played with ds since the first rework and im fine that it got reworked again. I still use it and have no problems.

  • Polishnope
    Polishnope Member Posts: 130

    You know that tunneling is integral part of the game and without it many games would be lost if tunneling would be toxic the devs would remove it from the game and you are saying that 5seconds stun almost does nothing if survivor does not know how to use this time in that time you can easily go for 1 loop and go to the shack and loop killer for more than a minute i atleast agrees with that the obssesion should be after the ds strike but it should still make you have higher chance on being the obsession when killer has obsession and if DS would be 2 times use some of his aspect should have been nerfed like smaller skillcheck similiar to borrowed time

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    That's a good point. That'd create a situation that's basically old BT again.

  • NVerde
    NVerde Member Posts: 264

    Personally, I think healing should be allowed with it - if you are genuinely being tunnelled you should be able to heal back to full health to give you a fighting chance (and that does somewhat 'punish' the tunnelled, as they would waste more time going after you again as healthy Vs easy meat).

    I now don't use it at all and consider it a waste of a slot, so good for you killers, I guess. We'll just keep having unfun games until we get bored and go and play something else

  • BSVben
    BSVben Member Posts: 256

    So let me get this straight. According to your post in another thread, you don't have a problem with multiple survivors running the currently bugged breakdown with anti-slug builds.

    Yet the well deserved nerfs to the most abused perk on the game are too much?

    Can't you see how ridiculous and biased your position is?

  • Carth
    Carth Member Posts: 1,182

    What is your definition of tunneling it seems kind of broad.

    If you get unhooked, the killer hits two survivors and finds you and down you in ~20 seconds of being unhooked, is that tunneling?

    The killer down and hooks another survivor and then chases and downs you. Did you get tunneled?

    It's a binary yes or no not a sliding scale of 'ehhh I feel like I was tunneled because I was unhooked x seconds ago'.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    I think using the perk self-care shouldn't disable it, but anything else should. Seems fair to me. Self-care is already healing slowly.

  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,466

    If someone decides to self heal as soon as they get off hook and the killer goes back after them it’s tunneling. Everything I agree.

  • Drixpy_Jayyy
    Drixpy_Jayyy Member Posts: 181

    @Sup3rCatTree Your idea is just pointless and just deal with the decisive nerf man It hasn't been a problem for me or other survivors I know you mad about the nerf and you want to be invisible on a gen for 60 seconds or cant be slugged (unbreakable/ds) just admit it. They nerfed decisive because it was for the greater good for all players who play killer. If you play killer more instead of survivor maybe you would realize and be glad that they nerfed ds. You know the devs prolly not gonna fool with that mess anymore anyways unless they want to do something else. If you feel like your being useless for 60 seconds maybe you should start trying to go for flashlight saves because thats what I do instead of walking around the map worrying about ds running out. I promise you will be useful for your team if you do that instead of worrying about your ds going to be gone. Stealing hooks from the killer is very big for your team if you really think about it wink wink.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434


    Why do you refuse to read?

    They clearly said it depletes the more you work on the gen. They never mentioned 99ing the gen at all.

  • VSchmitt
    VSchmitt Member Posts: 571

    I've never used DS as a survivor but since it's change I've started a "cientific experiment". I've run DS ever since and even when I just ran in the map for 60s I've never got to use it.

    3 times, 3 times in more than a 100 games I've used DS and the killer WAS tunneling me right out of the hook.

    Yeah DS is a GREAT anti-tunnel perk and should stay as it is.

    You're being tunneled? Great, go slap the DS in the killer's face, it's his fault for going after you right after you've been unhooked.

    If you have time do to ANYTHING else you ARE NOT being tunneled and DS should not be avaible.

    PS.: I've escaped in 75-80sih % of the matches, and most of the sacrifices were due to SoloQ being SoloQ.

  • piggygooik
    piggygooik Member Posts: 576

    well id be fine with that if corrupt was base kit since

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    They said that repairing a generator docks the timer by 10 seconds. I took that to mean that finishing the repair docks 10 seconds plus 5 additional seconds for every five seconds you spent repairing that gen. It doesn't make sense to me that just tapping a gen immediately docks 10 seconds if the goal is to make DS last longer than it currently does.

  • Sup3rCatTree
    Sup3rCatTree Member Posts: 588

    You don't know if they are going to come back. What???

  • Sup3rCatTree
    Sup3rCatTree Member Posts: 588

    I'm saying it needs to be rethought. Like I said in this post I understand what the devs were going for but they need to execute it better than they did.

    Second I never said it was okay to run the break down builds. Quote me if you think I'm lying.

  • Sup3rCatTree
    Sup3rCatTree Member Posts: 588
    edited May 2021

    I was just saying an idea, it's not supposed to be perfect or even matters, that want even the point of the post. I'm trying to say how the DS nerf needs to be better executed than it was. I'm saying that the DS nerf was needed but needs to be better. Why are you so ignorant about this? Next I don't use DS unbreakable. I'm well aware of struggles the killers have and try to not be a annoying survivors. You're just assuming that I want to abuse it when I just want it to be fair for survivors and killer.

  • Gladonos
    Gladonos Member Posts: 392

    So you used it in 100 games and it worked in 3 games... Success rate of 3%... You are literally proving that it is a bad perk.

    Would you run a killer perk that only worked 3% of the time? Be honest.

  • SavouryRain
    SavouryRain Member Posts: 340

    DS really shouldn't deactivate if you aren't picking someone up off the ground. If you're healing, that's still time not being spent on gens, thereby not progressing the game.

    But, picking someone up off the ground should deactivate it.

  • VSchmitt
    VSchmitt Member Posts: 571

    No, what I've said is that I USED IT in 3%. 97% of the time it RAN OFF without being used. You know what this means? That 97% of the time the killer will leave me be just because I MAY have DS for 60s. Stop trying to skew my words.

    I've said clearly that I've ran in the map for the whole 60s. I did it so it wouldn't wear off, not touching a gen, doing bones, healing or unhooking. The killer had 60s to try to tunnel me and didn't. That's a perk really doing it's work.

    Hell, I don't see survivors doing bones because the killer MAY have NOED but I see killers effectively avoiding tunnel for the slighest chance that a survivor is running DS.

    You people are too blind to the truth.

  • VSchmitt
    VSchmitt Member Posts: 571

    Also, I should add this: Besides rank reset, most of the games were played into the red ranks range (5 from the reset to 1). Hard tunnel is waaaay more common at lower ranks where killers will do it regardless of DS.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    DS should work on both hooks states to be honest, with how many conditions been hammered into it to successfully trigger, as well as the counterplay, the killer must be hard-core tunneling you if they get hit by it twice and they would deserve it.

  • Unifall
    Unifall Member Posts: 747

    Shouldn't be working at a gen in the first place. And if the killer comes back you still have DS up. Its fine now as is.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    DS doesn't yet have enough deactivation conditions imo. It stays up when you get fully healed by someone else or if you get a pallet/flashlight save, actions that cannot be performed if you are getting tunneled.

    It should also be buffed with double activation and a longer timer so that it combats tunneling a bit better.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    no it should be a choice of the player do they use it off the first or second hook. keep that choice there without it the perk is over powered, especially with a swf.

    if you HEAL someone else you are forwarding the game because you are returning someone back to play or PROGRESSING their healing capability for others to finish the heal. that is the definition of forwarding the game state. so no this is not a good idea.

    I don't know about your other posts but no this does not need to be rethought well actually if it does they need to make sure to add hopping in a locker to deactivate it. if you stick by the hook the killer knows you're there and can come to you 1 minute later or 1 second later. if you FORWARD game state the killer should not be punished for doing his objective. if that was the case survivors should be punished for healing for 1 minute after unhooking... (obviously not the best analogy but best i can think of). it's good the way it is now tbh. better than it's been in the past 2 years.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Ok, I rethought it. Naw... I like it how it is now.