BBQ changed to distance from Killer rather than Hook

I'd like to see BBQ changed to be based on distance from Killer rather than Hook as it's currently possible to get far too close to survivors while still seeing their aura in those 4 seconds.

My guess is the intended purpose is to see survivors far away but this currently gives too much info on those within the 40m radius who just got caught on the edge of the 40m mark while trying to go for an unhook.

The above change or adding some sort of cut-off where you stop seeing their auras at around 20m would be quite reasonable without being a heavy nerf.


  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    That would kind of ruin it though, at least as a tracking perk. Its already not an amazing tracking perk on killers without mobility I'd rather run thrilling tremors or discordance on someone who can capitalize on the info BBQ gives.

    I'd still run it though just because of the BP stacking though I would just be salty about it. Also the intended purpose of the perk is to give killers a good incentive to not camp and or tunnel, with the incentives being a stacking BP% increase for each individual hook as well as a info on survivors far away from the hook to give you a good reason to leave the hook.

    BBQ has been in the game for a long time now and has only received a couple small changes and its been awhile since even that so I assume that even with its massive pick rate compared to other perks the devs realize that its not solely because of its function and more because of its BP gains.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    It doesn't need a nerf to begin with, though. The perk is limited by the fact that you only get four seconds of aura reading per hook and the fact that Survivors can play around it to a degree.

  • rlondon1
    rlondon1 Member Posts: 16

    Agree in general and don't want to keep nerfing killer perks, it's more that circumstance which just seems a bit much sometimes.

    Wish there were be more perks with extra bloodpoints too.