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General Discussions

What do you guys think of the update so far ?



  • Member Posts: 173
    edited May 2021

    I guess my main concern with barrowed time is downing a survivor at the end of the game heat the gate. You hook them and with barrowed time they get to walk out the door. This is not a uncommon occurrence. I dont think folks should have a get out of jail free card.

  • Member Posts: 65

    The new Coldwinds are nice, but I would rather play on old ones(I never liked the new rework maps idea). Perks changes are kinda bad tbh. But killer’s buff and nerfs are what we needed, excluding Twins and Demo which are like ???. And I didn’t encountered any major bug yet so gg. Also all new skins are awesome.

  • Member Posts: 945

    its ok, I was hoping for huntress to get her own menu and chase theme though.

  • Member Posts: 6,827

    it's not a get out of jail card, yeah it sucks when it happens at EGC but Bt is still doing what the perk is designed to do which is to counter camping.

  • Member Posts: 173

    But in the egc you kinda have to camp if you want to secure the kill. Short of running noed, and I know how survivors feel about noed.

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    Shirtless Myers when

  • Member Posts: 727

    Had a couple of crashes so far, today (during a two hour play). But moving away from the performance aspects, I think it all looks good.

    I'm just slightly worried that the crashes will affect my ability to grind the new rift.

    But all in all, it looks good so far.

  • Member Posts: 777

    The new map lighting and changes look pretty.

    Couple questions, how many points do you get for the skill checks on hook? To maintain balance what type of skill check or annoying "one more thing to worry about" was added to distract the killers so there would be balance? Imagine how unfair it would be if you got no points for doing more work as a survivor and it was just another thing to make survivor harder without adding something also for the killers to have to deal with.

  • Member Posts: 1,867

    I feel like Huntress’ new ultra rare would be better if the increase in speed was based on how many hatchets she had less. For example, if she had 4, she’d move at 111%, if she had 3, it would be 112%, etc. Make it a bit more interactive for the player and slightly more useful.

  • Member Posts: 600

    What I didn't understand is if The Trickster changes did not go live. Did they? Cause I don't see them in the patch notes, though they were part of the PTB patch notes.

  • Member Posts: 600

    Oh, did they? I was hoping to see him change in some way, when the update went live. Turns out I already have played with said changes then, and did not notice much of a difference. Bummer. Thanks for the reply though!

  • Applicant Posts: 39

    Heya! Just confirming that this has been bugged on our side. 😊 We'll be sure let you know when this is fixed!

  • Member Posts: 8,601
    edited May 2021

    The Freddy nerf was way over the top. 5 snares on a map like Ormond is a meme. I'll be the first to say his slowdown add ons needed to go, but what is he supposed to be good at? He has a teleport on a hefty cooldown and 5 whole snares. He's an incredibly boring killer made slightly less boring for one side and infinitely more boring for the other. His power still doesn't fit the theme of Freddy from the movies. I never feel like I'm Freddy Krueger when I play him. Just a generic killer with his glove.

    The Demo buffs are good. Played him a lot before and I'll play him even more now.

    Iri head, OoO, obsession, BT changes = very good.

    Not sure why anyone would play the Twins now. They were kind of DOA and will probably be extinct now. Even more rare than Plague or Hag. Like...why would anyone want to use a killer power, eat a DS-equivalent, and then waddle halfway across the map just to hook survivor? Much fun. Very engaging gameplay yes.

  • Member Posts: 868

    LB could be a meta perk, and now is another trash perk. Why can’t survs have anything useful? Why can’t we change our play style year after year?

  • Member Posts: 2,336

    One thing and this is a minor nitpick but the cowtree walls on the farm maps seem a bit too high just ever so slightly - This is in regards to ranged killers like Huntress / Trickster / Deathslinger. I also noticed the collision seems higher than the actual walls. Only thing specifically I'd bring up so far.

  • Member Posts: 46

    This update is pretty good but the last part is a huge no

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    I like it. Good changes, new map looks great, they even shrunk rotten fields!

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    It's overall very decent! I like the changes, and the new maps are beautiful.

  • Member Posts: 2,184
    edited May 2021

    Yeah, pretty much. Every 30 seconds you and the killer will be able to see each other for 3 seconds. It'll also go off when the killer has an aura perk, but those seem to be separate from the ones triggered from the 30 s cooldown.

    Like I recently went against a PH with bitter murmur, we could see each other when I finished a gen and every 30 seconds. It's okay. It has more pronounced downsides compared to the original that had like zero if you just tilted your camera away.

    Still really fun if you don't want to sit on gens all game.

  • Member Posts: 2

    Disappointed as usual. The game continues to take more from survivors and give to killers. What else is new?!?!

    However, can we talk about the fact these survivors aren’t playing a game of teamwork at all anymore. Very selfish players lately.

  • Member Posts: 200

    I'm complaining about the twins nerf lol. They play TERRIBLY now and only further promote the camping slugging playstyle that they're known for.

  • Member Posts: 672

    It's a good update, a lot more good things about it than bad. I really wish they didn't change Lucky Break, though. I really preferred the old Lucky Break than the new one.

  • Member Posts: 264

    My counter to that would be that it's called 'Dead BY Daylight' not 'Dead BEFORE Daylight' and I assume it's meant to represent either dawn or dusk.

    Not to mention 'by Daylight' has more than one meaning since it also could be taken in the same way as 'by Moonlight' or 'by Candlelight' as in, they are the lighting conditions during which the death can occur.

    So I think either explanation could still fit the theme.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    Glenvale is a map at dusk - you can see stars and the sun is on the horizon. Coldwind is closer to high noon. It's very bright and the sun is high overhead.

    Yes, one meaning of the term still fits, but I just preferred the permanent night of the Realm as a horror backdrop than this and I'm not looking forward to more daylight maps. Both lore-wise and for how hard it is to see auras and scratch marks in them.

  • Member Posts: 1,554

    if Breakdown is actually fixed (has anyone conmfirmed?) I'm ok with the update.

  • Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2021

    do infantry belt and iridescent head not work anymore?

    edit: nevermind im dumb and found out

  • Member Posts: 4
    edited May 2021

    Why am I, a rank 10 killer never matched with anyone below rank 8? I can’t have fun anymore because I don’t stand a chance against these higher ranks. Why even have ranks if you are going to match me against 1 2 3 etc. Is it because you don’t have enough killers? Maybe you don’t have enough killers because you’ve made it impossible for moderately skilled killers to enjoy your game. Seriously, your going to end up killing your game if you keep nerfing killers and leaving survivors how they are. Also experienced a bug where survivor auras were appearing for a sec when gens were complete with no intel perks

    Post edited by spenwpana on
  • Member Posts: 1,032
  • Member Posts: 93

    Playing the Twins feels awful, they feel sluggish when using there power. I understand the whole slugging thing with victor wasn't fun to play against but there were better ways to adjust/fix them than this.

    To add this, the addon changes some were good changes while others were just really bad.

    Freddy's - Just bad all around, I know slow down builds are boring for survivors but the changes they made are terrible replacements especially Black Box. I don't know why this is a addon let alone an Iri.

    Huntress - Good changes besides Soldier's Puttee, this should not be a Iri.

    Demo - Addon changes are better than they previously were, good job.

    Twins - I'm shocked they buff there Iri tbh, but good change here.

  • Member Posts: 351

    The changes are great overall. Black Box probably needs further buffs or to be reworked. What's here is mostly great, my only complaint is that perk changes are coming way too slowly. You can safely give buffs to terrible perks like Wake Up!.

  • Member Posts: 93
  • Member Posts: 2,976

    I personally see no issue with that tho. To me:

    Iri addons either need to be very strong with a strong negative, or a niche use. You're not going to be able to run pink addons every single games, so why do you want the best addons to be pink(the best addons are not always the strongest addons, Myers' hairbow is arguably his best addon to use, but Tombstone Piece is by far his strongest addon, for example).

    So I would WANT my pink addons to only be a niche use.

    The grey and yellow addons are the addons that I would WANT to use most. They are the most common addons in the web, they are by far the most addons I will have in my arsenal, why should I not want the best addons to be yellow and brown?

    Then we have the greens, which should be in the range of addons that either are an upgrade on the yellow and brown addons, or start to be addons that work well with the pink niche ones(I rather have Myers' Boyfriends Memo to be a green or purple addon, right now I have 250 Boyfriends Memo's and only 35 scratched mirrors, I rather have 250 Dead Rabbits or 250 Memorial Flowers).

    Then the purple ones, which, imo, should either hold an upgraded green addon or be addons with niche uses in the first place. The Brown and Yellow addons SHOULD be the addons you want to get the most use out of. They are by far the addons you will own the most off.

    Piggy, in that sense, is one of the few killers that actually has an accurate depiction of what addons should be like. Her most used addons are her most common ones, but she can still use addons that have much more niche use than her browns or yellows.

  • Member Posts: 575

    After playing it for a few hours, it's a really good update. No bugs I've run into yet. Pallet stuns are fixed so I can actually run Enduring Spirit Fury and try out Smash Hit.

    They need to go back to the drawing board on the Twins change (especially since the animation doesn't match, making It feel really weird) but otherwise there's a lot of great changes and I have no complaints about the farm map changes so far.


  • Member Posts: 200

    I mean I wouldn't either, no way... Buuuuut this Twins change feels awfully similar to when the devs added double stun to Nurse in terms of clunkiness and sluggish gameplay. I agree that the patch is good on the whole, but nerfing a killer that is already rarely picked feels like a big mistake.

  • Member Posts: 45

    Love it, finally fixed pallet glitches and nerfed one of the most braindead killers to play in the game. Love new lucky break, 45s makes the perk very fair and fun. New object is great too enjoying looping with it. Love the iri hatchet nerf and all the quality of life changes, great update overall 👍🏼

  • Member Posts: 1,174

    Very displeased with the Twins changes, they took an already weaker killer and made them even weaker without addressing the thing that was an issue to begin with.

  • Member Posts: 288

    Love the hooks no more people killing there salfs without getting banned.

    Now there can be more opportunities with Mattel of man with them geving up in your face half the time🥳

  • Member Posts: 445

    I think new coldwind looks fantastic, but gameplay wise its way too survivor sided. Alot of the new loops you cant see over with safe pallets, and as killer gens fly even with ruin. I havent lost as survivor on coldwind yet even against really good killers. The jungle jims have been elongated at certain parts and i have no clue why, it makes them even closer to being killer shack. I do like the new harvester though and how there is only one way onto the hay instead of jumping onto it. I like all of the killer changes accept for twins. Twins did not need that much of a change and they went to hard on them. The breakable walls were thrown around for the most part, adding several infinite loops back (especially on cowshed). But since ive only played a few games on new coldwind i might just not be used to it. Your thoughts?

  • Member Posts: 4,759
  • Member Posts: 445

    Who said it was a god loop? The survivors can only ise it once before they will probably take a hit. Plus people are still trying to jump onto it from the front and dying. Its much better now

  • Member Posts: 71

    Coldwind: Maps are beautiful, I wish the ambient light was a liiittttle dimmer. It can sometimes make it really hard to see when aiming abilities, and is a bit bright for my tastes overall. Lighting similar to Dead Dawg might be good.

    Perk changes: Love them. I feel like Lucky Break could be fine at 60, but as is it's probably useful.

    Doctor: New visuals are great, not that I'm going to see them because they released an incredible crossover skin at the same time. (The Crypt TV skins as a whole are killer, please consider doing Sunny Family Cult legion).

    Demo buffs are great, Twins nerfs miss the mark on what the real problem is. (Kicking victor is pointless, he can be left to camp for free, etc)

  • Member Posts: 1,081

    As a Huntress main this is an extremely disappointing patch. I was expecting the devs to have at least some creativity and turn iri head into something fun, like for every hatchet hit you get a hatchet refund, or passively reloading hatchets, but is the same super unfun add on, now with a limitation. Great job...

    I was sort of expecting it, though. After they left clown's one-shot add on in, I had a feeling they would do the same with iri heads.

    The people who use those add-ons will simply play exactly the first hook till death. Just super unfun.

    Also, removing the aura-reading potion for Huntress (her purple add on)...why? I don't think the devs realize what makes their game fun.

    Positive: fast flying hatchets are decent, nerfing exhaustion addon

  • Member Posts: 10,290

    I like the motion blur in the lobbies, and the bad framerate even for Oni's charging up is gone. If we could fix the in-match framerate and put motion blur in-match, this would look like a AAA game.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    I'm happy with the update so far; it has been a blast.

  • Member Posts: 154
    edited May 2021

    I'd say this update is a nail in the coffin for my motivation against this game.

    BT works regardless the terror radius? Obsession is applied without any Obsession perks needed? Freaking 32m kindred with open handed?

    It's just making this game more boring and less required to think than ever.

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